
Chapter 13 Living Test Subjects

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Zhao Yang asked a few simple questions and, at last, the answers made him feel that this matter was not too extraordinary.

Director Song's ancestors for three generations had all been short-lived, and among his siblings and relatives, there were quite a few who passed away in their forties or fifties.

It could be confirmed that Director Song had an inheritable brain disease.

Having clarified what he wanted to know, Zhao Yang walked to the bedside, took Director Song's pulse, then looked up and said, "Director Yang, could you help me get a set of silver needles? Acupuncture should be able to save Director Song."

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Hearing that there was hope, regardless of whether it was real or not, Mrs. Song and Yang Wei showed signs of joy on their faces. Yang Wei agreed and hurried out.

Driver Xiao Wu stayed put, sneering inwardly, "What a pompous act. Many veteran doctors don't dare say they have completely mastered acupuncture, and here this young man in his twenties, without any hesitation, dares to give treatment!"

Yang Wei hadn't returned yet when the brain specialist invited from the city arrived.

The expert, named Xu Weimin, had come to bid farewell to Mrs. Song.

The city had many patients and even more seeking expert care. Xu Weimin had been hard-pressed to make time, and it was only because of the personal invitation from the county mayor that he had managed to make the trip with great difficulty.

However, the result had not been successful. As a brain specialist, he too was powerless.

The human brain is the most complex thing. When Director Song suffered a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, blood seeped into the deeper layers of the brain. Even after surgery, Xu Weimin couldn't completely clear the blood clot.

Now the blood clot was blocking the meridians in Director Song's brain, and it seemed there was no hope.

Still, he had done his best and had a clear conscience. His visit this time was to bid farewell to Mrs. Song before returning to the city.

"Professor Xu," the middle-aged woman stood up when she saw him, her face filled with utmost respect.

Although the man had not been able to pull her husband back from the brink of death, there was nothing that could be done. There was an inheritable brain disease in Director Song's family; one might say his name was already on the death list in the underworld.

"Sister, I am really sorry that I couldn't help much." Though he was apologizing, Xu Weimin's face clearly showed the self-confidence unique to an expert.

He believed that if he couldn't save a person, even a provincial-level expert might not be able to do so.

The woman shook her head, glanced at her husband who had been her companion for thirty years and was now about to pass away, and said, "Director Xu, I know you have done your utmost. I don't blame you. The blame lies only in our family's poor fortune. Director Song was just a few months away from being promoted to deputy county head..." As she spoke, she couldn't stop her tears and started crying.

"Sister, don't be too sad. Life is full of unexpected events. Please restrain your grief." In Xu Weimin's heart, Director Song was beyond saving. Since he was beyond saving, further sorrow was futile, but he knew that no matter what he said, it would be in vain.

"Auntie, don't cry. Director Song isn't dead yet; he can still be saved." Seeing Mrs. Song so distressed, Zhao Yang couldn't bear to watch any longer.

Can still be saved?

This young man must have drunk too much and is talking nonsense.

Since Xu Weimin entered, he hadn't paid any attention to Zhao Yang. Now, for the first time, he scrutinized the unassuming young man in the room.

Seeing Xu Weimin looking towards him, Zhao Yang remained calm, neither humble nor arrogant.

"Young man, you say Director Song can be saved. What do you mean by that?" Xu Weimin asked.

"Ah, yes, he can be saved," Zhao Yang said.

Mrs. Song looked at the two men, at a loss for words, unsure of what to say or whose side to take.

To be fair, she believed in Xu Weimin.

One is a brain specialist from the city, the other a young whippersnapper in his early twenties, a fool would know whom to trust.

Even if you, Zhao Yang, are medically trained, how many years have you studied medicine?

However, if she now sided with Xu Weimin, it would mean acknowledging her husband was as good as dead, something Mrs. Song was unwilling to admit at any cost.

As long as Director Song hadn't taken his last breath, she believed her husband could be brought back to life.

So, at this moment, emotions overcame reason, and Mrs. Song said, "Director Xu, this Director Yang from our bureau has specially invited him to come see our Director Song. He's said to be a very skilled Xiaoxuan doctor."

"Xiaoxuan doctor?" Xu Weimin laughed at this.

He had only heard of old Xuan doctors, never a Xiaoxuan doctor.

Looking at Zhao Yang's age, being an intern at their hospital would be considered too young.

Xu Weimin shook his head. They say desperation leads to reckless choices in medicine; has Sister Song gone mad?

Zhao Yang noticed the disdain in Xu Weimin's eyes but didn't get angry. He smiled faintly and said, "Director Xu, you're busy, and surely there are many patients in the city waiting for you. Why don't you head back early?"

The implication of Zhao Yang's words was simple, it would be quite awkward if I managed to revive the patient while you are here in the room.

Zhao Yang really was considering Xu Weimin's best interest.

However, Xu Weimin clearly did not appreciate the gesture.

He placed his bag on the table, sat down on a chair to the side, and said, "I'm not busy. I simply cannot watch my patient being toyed with by someone else. Even a dying person should not easily become a student's live experimental subject."

Live experimental subject?

Zhao Yang scratched his head, thinking to himself that this old fellow, given some respect, really took that mile after being given an inch.

To see the same patient, in your case, it's saving a life, and in mine, it's a live experiment?

Damn it, it seems today I must save this Director Song. Otherwise, this Xu beast really will act like he's above it all!

So what if he's a specialist from the city? What's he got to be so arrogant about?

Before long, Yang Wei came in with a box of silver needles he had bought from the drugstore.

The moment he walked in, Yang Wei felt that the atmosphere in the room was a bit off, somewhat like a standoff.

He glanced at Xu Weimin and then at Zhao Yang, instantly understanding what was happening.

The old doctor looked down upon the young one, and the young one was not having it.

As the office director, Yang Wei was a master at playing peacemaker. With a smile plastered across his face, he hurriedly said, "Oh, Professor Xu, I've been so busy these past few days, I forgot about you. Xiao Wu, please take Professor Xu back to the city. Professor Xu, I really have been distracted recently, forgetting to arrange for someone to send you back. My, what a memory I have."

Meddling in and then self-deprecating to divert the blame is another way to smooth things over.

After hearing Yang Wei's words, Xu Weimin's expression visibly softened a bit, and he snorted lightly, "Director Yang, no rush, I want to see how this young doctor you've brought will manage to resurrect Director Song."

"Ah, Professor Xu, your virtue and reputation are outstanding, and your experience profound. You're an authority in the medical field's neurology sector. Why bother...," said Yang Wei, abruptly stopping himself.

If he continued that thought, Xu Weimin's face might be saved, but Zhao Yang's would sour.

Because what he was about to say was, why bother arguing with a youngster...