
Chapter 126 I Want to Marry You

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"Let's go," Li Jiahuan turned and said.

"Go? Where to?" Zhao Yang asked.

"Just finished dinner, walk with me and let's roam around," Li Jiahuan replied.

"It's dark and there's nothing to see, I haven't eaten yet, I'm going back to eat."

Zhao Yang was about to head inside his own door when Li Jiahuan grabbed him by the arm.

"What are you running for!" Li Jiahuan scolded.

"My ancestors, don't you have a man now? Why do you always have to bother me?" Zhao Yang was frustrated.

Dammit, Zhang Xiuer is still waiting for me at home, why the hell am I wasting time with you!

"There was one before, but not now!"

Li Jiahuan said, "My goal is Brother Yu, I dumped that Yellow Hair a couple of days ago."

"Then go find your Zou Liyu," Zhao Yang suggested.

"He's locked up in jail, where am I supposed to find him?" Li Jiahuan pouted.

"Then don't bother me either," Zhao Yang was speechless.