
Chapter 10: Ashen-faced

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Zhao Yang didn't expect Li Xingmao to actually strike, but he reacted quickly. As Li Xingmao lifted his hoe, Zhao Yang stepped forward and delivered a direct kick to his chest, knocking Li Xingmao into the crowd!

Zhao Yang snorted coldly and said, "Uncle Maor, that's not honorable of you, to try to bully the younger with your strength and even attempt to chop me down. Open your eyes and see, am I still the same kid who used to be bullied?!"

"Dammit, attack!" Li Xingmao roared at his surroundings, saying, "Hold him down for me!"

The cronies, hesitating after hearing Li Xingmao's command, sprang into action when Li Xingmao's cousin Li Xingwen grabbed the axe from Li Xingmao's hand and charged at Zhao Yang first!

With a kinsman leading the charge, the hired hands, who lived off Li Xingmao's payroll, couldn't merely stand by and joined Li Xingwen in the rush.

Zhao Yang chuckled coldly, retreated back through the door, and threw down anyone who entered. In just a few short minutes, all dozen or so of them were dealt with by Zhao Yang, laying on the ground crying for their parents!

Li Xingmao stood at the doorway, looking at the group of people overturned on the ground, truly shocked.

How had this lad become so fearsome after three years of absence!

Li Xingmao wondered in astonishment, as sweat broke out on his forehead.

This time, he had taken a solid fall at Zhao Yang's hands, and it seemed that the grave-moving project would have to be abandoned, cutting off another source of income for his family, leaving him disgraced and covered in dust.

"You... you little rascal, very well, I may not be able to handle you today, but I have other ways!" Li Xingmao threatened loudly.

"Uncle Maor, your dad has died, and you come looking for trouble with our family. Is that reasonable? Use whatever methods you've got, I, Zhao Yang, would be fearful if I ever have to follow your surname!" Zhao Yang said with a cold laugh.

"The Great Immortal predicted for our family that within dozens of miles, only your mother's grave has good feng shui. It's said to be the eye of the water dragon. As long as our family's buried there, it will ward off disasters and cure illnesses, ensuring at least a hundred years of blessings. If I can't have that piece of land today, Li Xingmao, I'll spread the news everywhere. Zhao Yang, do you think your family can hold on to that land?" Li Xingmao said with an ominous smile and a dark face.

"Li Xingmao, you're really inhuman. Fine, the moment I learn that this news has been leaked, regardless of whether it was you who spread it, I guarantee there will be no peace for your family from now on. Don't think your few million in assets will save you. If you want to ruin it, that's easy enough!" Zhao Yang said angrily.

"Zhao Yang, I really underestimated you before. You really have a knack for making threats!"

"It's just self-defense. If the dog treats me well, of course, I'll treat the dog well. But if the dog tries to bite me, then I'll kill it and eat its flesh! Enough talk. Hurry up and find a place to bury your dad before his unrestful spirit drags you away too!" Zhao Yang said.

"If anyone's being taken, it's you! Zhao Yang, mark my words, this isn't over!" Li Xingmao snorted coldly and gestured for everyone to leave.

The yard emptied in an instant, and Zhao Yang thought to himself that this incompetent man really did have efficient ways of doing things. Less than twenty-four hours had passed, and the documents were already issued.

It seems not everything in administrative units is slow going. When they're in a hurry, things get done quite quickly.

Incompetent brother, well done, I'll be sending the wine over shortly!

Just as Zhao Yang was about to go back inside, he suddenly heard the voice of Zhang Xiuer from behind him.

"Zhao Yang, are you alright?"

Hearing that voice, Zhao Yang first twitched in his heart, then felt a warmth.

"Ah, nothing's wrong, Sister Xiuer," Zhao Yang turned around to see Zhang Xiuer's somewhat anxious expression and her eyes full of concern and immediately smiled.

"It's good that you're alright." Zhang Xiuer approached Zhao Yang, her eyes brimming with concern as she examined him up and down, feeling slightly astonished.

Just now, she had heard the sounds of a fight, yet Zhao Yang emerged without a scratch, as if he hadn't been involved in the scuffle at all.

Most of the time, fights resulted in injuries on both sides, and since the other party had strength in numbers, Zhang Xiuer had been so worried when she heard the noise that she almost called the police.

"Sister Xiu'er, Zhao Yang is in fine shape. Those few people Li Xingmao brought were hardly worth mentioning," Zhao Yang said with a laugh.

Zhang Xiuer's anxiety dissipated, but then she caught a glimpse of blood on the cuff of Zhao Yang's sleeve.

"What happened here, let me see!" Without waiting for permission, Zhang Xiuer hurriedly took Zhao Yang's arm, rolled up his sleeve, and found no injury underneath.

"Sister Xiu'er, it's nothing, that's someone else's blood." Zhao Yang chuckled, feeling extremely comfortable as Xiu'er's soft, jade-like delicate hands squeezed his wrist.

The atmosphere turned somewhat ambiguous. Sensing Zhao Yang's intense gaze, Zhang Xiuer realized her behavior might have been too affectionate and quickly withdrew her hand, her cheeks blushing as she said, "Li Xingmao brought so many people, were they looking for your father?"

"That old dog, biting anyone he sees," Zhao Yang said with a cold laugh.

"Speaking of which, you really are impressive, all those people and you managed to chase them away," Zhang Xiuer said with a smile.

"Of course!" Zhao Yang replied with a smile. "Sister Xiu'er, I'm going to bring Dad and Yingtao home today!"

"So soon?" Zhang Xiuer's eyes sparkled with surprise, but even she didn't understand why a faint displeasure arose within her.

"Of course. Staying one day in the hospital is a day's hospital fee, and we can't just throw away money, even if we have it. Besides, I've dealt with Li Xingmao this time, and from now on, he won't dare to think about my mother's grave again!"

"Really?" Zhang Xiuer replied, overjoyed at Zhao Yang's words.

"Of course it's true. Sister Xiu'er, nobody is going to bully the Zhao family now that I'm back, including yourself. In fact, without anyone telling me, I know there are a few bastards in the village with their eyes on you. Don't worry, with me here, if anyone dares to harass you, I'll show them what's what!"

Zhao Yang's fervent words would warm the heart of any woman listening.

Zhang Xiuer's heart was touched, her eyes shone brightly as she quickly said, "Zhao Yang, you can't fight anymore, I can handle a little grievance."

"Sister Xiu'er, when Zhao Yang makes a promise, he keeps it. Okay, I need to go to the county now," Zhao Yang said, and was about to go back into the house to load the wine he had brewed into the cart when Zhang Xiuer grabbed his arm.

"Zhao Yang, have some food before you go. I made you meat and three-delicacies dumplings."

"Meat and three-delicacies dumplings?" Hearing this, Zhao Yang started to drool a little...

"Hmm, Sister added some sea cucumber, they're really tasty!" Zhang Xiuer said with a beaming smile.

"I'd better not go over," Zhao Yang resisted the hunger, saying with some difficulty: "Sister Xiu'er, I just ate, I'm not hungry."

"Ah... you've eaten already," Zhang Xiuer suddenly felt a bit guilty: "I should have checked with you first..."


Just at that moment, his stomach inappropriately growled. Zhao Yang's face turned awkward, and Zhang Xiuer blinked, then burst into laughter with a "Puff".