
Chapter 59: Launching the Sword

บรรณาธิการ: Dragon Boat Translation

"I hope you'll be faster, Sergeant Boris!" Jim clutched the D200 Assault Rifle tightly in his hand. 

Although he was considered a veteran, he was not actually a professional soldier, much less a professional hunter. Every time he went out of town, it would be more for entertainment and training.

That was also the reason that he and his companions did not pay much attention to the depletion of ammunition.

If they were lucky, they could still kill a Bug larva with the current ammunition that they had. 

As he spoke, the ground suddenly began to tremble, which caused the few of them to lose their balance.

At this moment, the soil beneath his feet began to roll again and David once again sensed the changes beneath them. 

He reached out behind him, and two long swords that glowed with luminous blue light nimbly jumped into his hands.

The two spikes, which were just protruding from the soil, turned into two portions with the flash of the luminous blue light before even getting the chance to touch David's feet.

The larva's piercing wail came from the soil, after which a Bug larva darted out. It had an ugly head. The creature was staring at David, who had harmed it, with a pair of dark eyes.

However, it did not stare at him for long as the Level 2 Longsword in David's hand proceeded to cut its head open—revealing the green tissue inside.

While David was getting himself out of trouble, he heard a piercing shriek. 

David shifted his eyes and looked over to find that De Quincy had placed his D15 Shotgun in front of him with one hand. The D15 Shotgun was pierced by a spike, and while he blocked one of it, the other was stabbed into his thigh.

The blood-red stain on his white trench coat was particularly striking, and the spike was now being withdrawn from his thigh in preparation for a second attack.

David moved his legs and practiced the Longsword Mastery for a period of time. At this moment, it exhibited its effects. His body was light, agile, and quick—like a gust of wind that rushed towards De Quincy's side. The head of the Bug larva was slashed while the other sword severed the spike that had just been drawn out of De Quincy's thigh. 

De Quincy, who had been hurt the second time, snorted again. The spike that penetrated through the D15 Shotgun suddenly appeared right before him. 

The spike stopped less than 10 centimeters in front of his face. De Quincy tried to bear with the pain and saw that David was holding onto two swords. The skull of the Bug larva that attacked him had been cut open.

Before De Quincy could thank him, David's figure flashed and moved again. 

In just a moment, all four of them were attacked at the same time. However, after firing off empty bullets from his D200 Assault Rifle and striking the newly emerged Bug larva strongly, Jim grabbed the D200 Assault Rifle and used it as a cold weapon to help Daley deal with one of the Bug larvae over there. 

The two D200 Assault Rifles that were out of ammo could only be used as rods, thus causing them to be cornered by both the spikes of the Bug larvae in just a few seconds. They would be wounded at any moment. 

David arrived just in time. Once again, he hacked off the creature with his Level 2 Longsword. The larva's head was sliced open, and it fell to the ground while a stream of green blood flowed out of it. 

To be honest, although the short battle looked dangerous, David actually did not detect any danger. To him, the Bug larva was more like a sheep waiting to be slaughtered. 

The Level 2 Longsword in his hand could easily slice through the shell of a Class 1 Bug, and the larva's thin shell left it defenseless.

More importantly, the larva's attacking method was way too simple. It relied entirely on both its spikes to attack, and although that kind of attack was indeed a great threat to ordinary people, the larva would have very little lethality to those who had weapons—as long as their spikes were cut off.

David did not stay behind. He killed the Bug larva that Jim had severely wounded with his last bullet in one swipe as well.

The Shadow Servant did not even need to be controlled by him. It absorbed the souls of the four Bug larvae in a row.

"David, thank you!" Jim thanked him gratefully. He looked at his D200 Assault Rifle, which had been damaged beyond use by the Bug larva's spikes.

Just a moment ago, he had felt the threat of death.

Even if he had more than 800 kilograms of strength, he would not be able to sustain for long when fighting a Bug larva without weapons. 

The two spikes of the Bug larva were moving too quickly, and the D200 Assault Rifle in his hand was the result of being stabbed continuously in a short contact.

"De Quincy is wounded, and he needs to be treated immediately!" David warned while paying attention to his surroundings, instead of putting away the two Level 2 Longswords. 

"De Quincy, hang on, there's a first aid kit in the car!" Daley comforted as he stepped forward to hold De Quincy. 

The few of them were moving around with light equipment. They did not bring any necessary supplies, much less a first aid kit.

"Jim, something is very wrong with the ground in your area. Be careful!" Maron shrieked via the contact channel.

David siphoned out a portion of his attention to connect with the Shadow Servant, which flew into the air. He saw the ground trembling slightly in a 20-meter radius around where they were.

In the distance, Sergeant Boris was rushing over in a heavy-armored hovercar.

After making some judgments, David felt that it was Sergeant Boris who was coming over. However, it was a little too late. The Bug larvae seemed to have gone crazy and had already surrounded them.

"Jim, Daley, you guys help De Quincy over to the boulder. I'll take care of the rest!" David said as he pointed at a large boulder on the side with his Level 2 Longsword. 

Jim and Daly did not hesitate. David's performance just now had convinced them, and since they had no weapons, the best thing they could do was not to burden Davin with more troubles.

They helped De Quincy over to the boulder. During this time, the soil above the ground began rolling, and the entire ground seemed to be on the verge of collapsing. 

The dust that was scattered made the whole ground appear as though it was covered in mist.

"David!" Jim yelled. At this moment, David was covered in dust, making Jim feel extremely nervous.

He had 80% Proficiency Longsword Mastery and two Level 2 Longswords that glowed with luminous blue light. Although David was not an armorer yet, he was definitely not weaker than one. 

The sudden flying dust affected his vision, but he didn't panic at all. Having experienced too many battles in the illusion, it allowed him to remain calm in that situation.

He squinted to keep the dust out of his eyes. He retrieved his left Level 2 Longsword and placed it in front of him while his right Level 2 Longsword probed outward, creating a second layer of protection in front of him.

He did not understand how the Bugs looked at things, but the fact that they could attack from underground showed that the larvae didn't rely entirely on their eyesight.

As expected, he heard up to four cracking sounds that came from the front and left sides of his body. He instinctively pulled out his right Level 2 Longsword and placed it in front of him. He then took three consecutive steps forward and continuously stabbed with the Level 2 Longsword in his left hand. 

At this moment, the dust descended slowly, and the surrounding area was not completely obscured anymore.

The three of them on the boulder saw more than 20 Bug larvae, which ignored them and charged towards David. 

Upon the moment that the dust covered them, the four larvae which attacked David were all severely injured to various extents. However, David, who was targeted, did not get injured at all.

When he saw the twenty-odd Bug larvae that surrounded him, David felt his blood boiling while his mind and soul were incomparably calm.

His body transformed into a gust of wind, and the two luminous blue Level 2 Longswords were the lightning in the wind. The luminous blue light constantly flickered in the wind, bringing out green blood every time it flickered. 

When David attacked with the two swords at first, he did not master them well. As such, the skull and body of the Bug larva were severed into two parts by the sharp Level 2 Longsword.

However, his sober mind had reminded him of what Jim had said earlier. The strengthened meat of the Bug larva could not be contaminated by its organs and blood. 

In the following attack, he changed his method of attacking. The Level 2 Longsword merely broke open the Bug larva's skull while also cutting off its spikes.

Amidst the dust that had yet to be completely removed, David's body appeared, and whenever he attacked, it would be accompanied by the sharp wailing of the Bug larva. There would be Bug larva spikes flying out every now and then. 

"Does David have such powerful Longsword Mastery?" De Quincy muttered in disbelief while holding back the pain. At this moment, he had forgotten all about the pain in his body.

"His Longsword Mastery is at least at the Proficiency level. None of the swordsmanships of the armorers I've seen can compare to David's!" Jim said with a sigh.

In this regard, he had a greater authority to speak. Although there were very few armorers in the Pelan City's City Defense Brigade—none of whom could use a longsword well—the armorers often interacted with each other. He had used his connections to see plenty of competent armorers before. 

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