
Understanding my new reality

I must have fallen back to sleep after my talent was awakened, I groggily wake up. I feel cold, and wet still. I look to where my brother had been but alls I can see there is a spot that had a small trail of blood that runs to the river. A flash of pain runs through my body, and I feel my chest throbbing. I glance down, and see that my clothing is different. There's a small speck of blood on my chest where the pain is located. I open my shirt, and see that I have a mark on my chest, a small pin prick. Apart from that, I feel another in my leg. I look down to see the freshly healed wound from an hour I felt earlier. "Was I... hit twice?" I ask myself, and then my eyes widen as I realize I have memories from both Rayjin and myself! "No! Why Rayjin?!" I slam my hands into the dirt, but I don't feel enough pain to dull the ache within my own heart. I cannot help but feel like a dagger is being twisted into my heart, or that there is an iron lump in my throat! A memory surfaces within my mind, Rayjin's memory. It was something he thought, and how he felt as I struggles to keep us both alive in the river. "Dwelyn, I already know that I won't survive. I ask that you forgive me. Once we are safely to shore, I'm going to merge myself with you. Any injuries I have will be merged under you, so you might get a little bit of pain. Any injuries you had, so long as I don't have the same ones, should be healed. My system, the merger system talent allows me to merge to similar things together. Being as we are twins, I don't know anything more similar than us. I pray that you live well for the both of us! You are never alone." Accompanying these memories was the feeling of loss, the feeling of love, and the feeling of regret. I couldn't understand it all, but somehow my brothers talent, merger, was used to merge himself with me. He knew he would die, so had chosen to ensure I would live.

"Damn it..." I say, gritting my teeth. I managed to awaken my own talent too it seems. Extraction system? Like alchemy and whatnot? My thoughts unsure what it means to extract exactly. "System message: The host has two talents. The host has the ability to extract anything the host is aware of, or can utilize. System message: The host can merge anything that has like or similar propertes in order to strengthen another 'primary' target." Upon reading this, I am left more confused. 'Is there a limit to how much I can use these talents?' I wonder, but then, "System message: the host can use the talent as often as desired. Please note that the host will be use thier own energy to do so. In the case the hosts energy is is insufficient, the host will be left in a catatonic state in order to recover, and the progress will be slowed." Reading this,it is implied that even if I over use my talents, I won't suffer dire consequences.

"Rayjin, you were the best brother I could ever hope for. I won't let your sacrifice be in vain. I will use these abilities to become strong enough to become the king of my own nation...and if I can't do that, then I will become the demon lord himself!" I declare solemnly. I try to lift myself from the ground, but still feel incredibly weak. Thinking back I begin to wonder if I am feeling this way because Rayjin used himself to merge with me. I feel weak, almost catatonic, as though the system didn't have sufficient energy, and since Rayjin and I were merged, my energy was also drained?

I ponder this for a little while, until the skies grow dark. I wonder how much energy it takes to use the talents. Slowly my eyes close, and I allow myself to drift off to sleep.

I awaken when the sun hits my face. I open my eyes, feeling fully refreshed. I stand up, and stretch, brush the dirt from my body. My clothes are still slightly damp from where I had been laying on the ground. I walk to the edge of the river I look at my reflection, noting that nothing appears to be different. I taken my waterskin from my waist, noting that it looks like the system merged my brothers belongings with my own. My waterskin had been reddish brown, whereas Rayjins had been grayish brown. The one in my hand was reddish grey, with brown strapping. I checked and found it was empty. I knelt down to fill the skin from the river, however, before taking a drink I should boil the water to ensure that it is safe to drink. Alas the bandit merchant had carried our supplies in their cart, meaning I didn't gave anything but my knife set at the moment. An idea comes to mind at this moment.

"System, extract impurities and harmful stuff from within my waterskin." I say out loud. "System message: two types of extraction available. Please designate which method to use. Option 1: extract properties designated and store in system memory. Option 2: copy extract properties designated to be stored in system memory." I read these messages and think for a moment. "Extraction only method." I decide, realizing that this will remove the impurities and harmful things from the water. If those are stored inside the systems memory, then I can easily dispose of them later.

"System message: Harmful bacteria and properties removed, separated and sorted, stored in system memory. Do you wish to see a list of extracted materials?" "No." I respond flatly, not wanting to know what was in the water. "I'd rather not know what is in there at this time." I say to myself.

After taking a drink, and savoring the vest tasting water I have ever had, I quickly finish the water skin and repeat the process to refill and extract the impurities. Once done. I stand up and look around. I recognize this location as as ideal watering hole for animals, so it was rather strange that I had been allowed to stay here while I recovered. This meant that there were too few animals here, or something far worse roamed the area.

I decide not to linger in the area, and spin to follow the river down stream.The sun warms my back as I walk, helping to make me feel better, and raise my spirits.

I need to be on a computer. typing this on my phone is a pain in the...

Fleichwolfcreators' thoughts