
C-Rank Dungeon - Aberrant Cavern

Ryuji relished in the sight of Lord Qwass. His face contorted with anger as he watched him depart. The tension between them was palpable, and Ryuji's smirk only grew wider as he tightened his grip on Yumiko's delicate hand.

The knights looked at Ryuji with a delicate gaze now.

This caused him to feel irritated, but Yumiko's smooth hips, bumping into him while she swayed her hips, distracted him.

Though he knew she did it on purpose, her eyes peeking at him from the corner of her eyes. She was like a cute little animal.

He had already been a fool before, but now, with his mind no longer fractured, Ryuji ignored the useless thoughts and wrapped his arm around her curvy waist, pulling her towards him.

"Alan, what is the plan regarding the future?"
