

After a tragic event, the survivors do everything possible to reach a safe place, fleeing from death. Chapters everyday.

CaramelNovel · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Escape (Part 2)

Part 2: An Abandonment

Edith is by my side. Despite knowing that every second counts if we want to save our children's lives, it was impossible for us to accelerate our pace.

The few people fleeing the city showed severe burns, some had even lost limbs... It was unthinkable that they could survive for long. As we walked, we ignored multiple calls for help coming from among the houses, people who were buried under heavy rubble...

After walking a few minutes, there was no longer any trace of people, at least not alive... Even the cries for help could no longer be heard on the streets we walked through.

Our goal is the center of the market, the area where our children should be... But everything seemed to indicate that it was there where the explosion originated. I... I can't believe it, I can't understand it. What did my children do to deserve such a horrible fate...?

"Brishen? Brishen is that you, right?"

Someone had taken me by the shoulder, I turn around and observe the worried face of a friend; Bridgely... His eyes were a mixture of fear and relief, possibly for having found us by chance. He was carrying his son in his arms, he seems to be fine, unlike him who looks burned on his face and arms. He had probably protected his son with his body...

As I thought this, I looked at him almost jealously... If I had come with my children, instead of letting them go alone... If I had just realized they weren't here and gone to get them... Could I have kept them away from danger, even if it meant giving my life and body in exchange?

I feel Bridgely's grip intensify, causing me some pain and bringing me back to reality a bit.

"Brishen! Listen to me! It was an explosivus... We must leave here, this was only the beginning..."

An explosivus? I had heard rumors... I know it's some kind of very powerful weapon, just mentioning that name can cause terror in anyone... But this is too much. Even for a weapon, to cause such destruction... Is it even possible?

"BRISHEN!!! WE MUST LEAVE! We must flee before they finish the job!"

"But... My children... At the market"

Upon saying these words he opened his eyes wide, then averted his gaze to the ground.

"If they were there... There's nothing we can do for them anymore..."

What do you mean we can't do anything? How can you say something like that...? WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?

I start to get angry, almost willing to hit him...

"I already know... I know they're gone... But I have to see it for myself, Bridgely..."

Edith spoke. I look at her in disbelief... How did you already know? I mean to say what I'm thinking, but before I could even open my mouth she continued speaking.

"They deserve a proper burial, it's the least I can do for not being able to protect them..."

"I can understand it, Edith... But the longer we take to flee, the more we risk our lives. This was a declaration of war... Soon troops from the Ius army will arrive to finish off those the explosion didn't kill, we must flee in the opposite direction of their borders..."

Now that he said this, I noticed he had a backpack on... He was ready to make a long journey... When did he have time to prepare all that?

No, I don't care. They're talking as if my children were dead.

I turn to grab Bridgely by the neck, avoiding hurting his son. I raise my other hand, ready to punch him in the face.

"Bri- Ugh! What are you doing?"

"How can you talk about my children as if they were dead? They're alive!! THEY HAVE TO BE"

I'm about to punch him, when I feel a burning sensation on my face from a slap... I turn around confused, to see Edith with her hand hurt from the slap she had given me and tears in her eyes. Bridgely spoke.

"Enough... We must go, if we die now it will be for nothing..."

I let him go and start following them, still with the burning on my cheek. We're heading in the opposite direction from the market... We're leaving our children behind... I can't accept they're dead, I can't. But... Could anyone really survive that...?

All I see around us are corpses on the ground, the few people showing movement are due to convulsions. Drowning in their own blood... A little further from the explosion, endless calls for help can be heard from those... Fortunate? who survived the initial explosion and were buried under the rubble...

Even though I don't, maybe someone else can help them... It's unlikely. I didn't want to accept it, but the truth is there is no hope.

"We'll go to their house. There we'll gather supplies, then set course for the next town. We must avoid the main road as the army will surely eliminate those trying to go there by horse... The forest is dangerous, but at least it won't be a certain death. Also..."

Bridgely kept explaining what we would do, as he advanced carrying his son. However, I was distant. I was following them only by inertia.

My mind was full of thoughts of regret and pain... I should never have let them go alone... This was my fault... God, forgive me, if only I had listened to Edith when I had the chance...