
The First Meeting chapter 1

It was the first day in July. A cool breeze slammed into my chest filling my lungs with oxygen. I looked up through tightly knotted tree branch's at the moon. It had a peculiar hazy look as the clouds stool most of its light. This alway seemed to catch my attention. It gave the moon a mystery's look. But my gaze was soon averted by the felling of a weary presence behind me. I'd been to this forest 1,000 times and none was ever hear. Why would anyone be I don't think anyone knows it exists except me. I particularly choose this forest for that reason. It gives me a place to go when I need to leave society for a while. People just talk a lot about things that don't need to be said and dismiss the important things. I was torn out of my thoughts by a light tap on my shoulder. I spun around. And came face to face with a mysterious boy. He was a couple inches taller than me which wasn't to tall. And you couldn't see very much of his face because of his hoodie and spiky black hair. But his eyes caught my attention there was a strips of fire red around his pupils and they where incased is a thin ring of ocean blue. It was like you could see fire in his soul. But there was also that ocean blue like he had waves of hurricanes inside him too. I think they where the perfect definition of beautiful chaos. "Hello" he said in a unsure voice. "Hi, I have never seen you here before." I replied. "Yeah I haven been here before. I just need to get away." Maybe he was like me trying to leave the crazy chaotic world for a while. But the way he said it makes it seem like it was more than just the world he wanted to leave. Maybe it was someone in particular he wanted to leave. "That's understandable the world is a crazy place" I get it if that's what he means but I think there is more to it. "Yeah it is but that is not why why I am here." He said it in such a sad and a bit angry tone like he was about to cry or punch something. I don't think it would be very nice to pry on a soft topic. I was about about to say something when he said,

"What is your name?" " Oh, my name is Luna. And what is your name." "My name is Wolf" he said confidently. "That's a cool name, you don't here it everyday." "Yeah I guess. Um Luna do you mind if I stay here with you for a while." "No. Not at all you can stay as long as you like." You could see the relief wash over his face. " Would you like a tore?" "Sure, that sounds good." He said in he's deep voice. I showed him the small pound and the tall grasses along with the tree I usually set in. It is mostly forest apart from the lake it is especially amazing in the midnight air. As I was thinking of my amazing little hiding spot. I heard his stomach growl loud. " It sounds like you haven eaten in weeks." "Oh I should probably haven eaten before a came. I forgot dinner" "Lucky for you I brought snacks." "I grabbed my bag and pulled out two burritos and chips." " He looked at the food practically drooling when I threw a burrito and bag of chips at him. He opened it quickly and scarfed it down I ate mine a little more slowly enjoying it. "Thanks Luna your a lifesaver." "Wolf you have some cheeses right here." I pointed to a little bit of yellow cheese on his cheek. And quickly wiped it of with my sleeve. We both finished eating are chips and talked a little. He was not a very talkative person, but never was I so it didn't really matter. After we finished eating I was about to leave but he pulled my wrist and asked if I could stay longer. I agreed and since there was not much to do I gave him one of my EarPods and we listened to some music together. This would be are first meeting that would change everything.