
Exorcist necromancer

An exorcist, someone who rids the words of ghosts, someone who lays the dead to rest, the antithesis of that is obvious someone who raises the dead and brings them back into the world, a necromancer. What if you awakened as one of the lucky few after a school tragedy? And what if in a world of unique exorcism techniques, you just happened to awaken to the powers of necromancy?

WritingFailure · แอคชั่น
7 Chs

Thou shalt rise

I finally have a good look at my surroundings, yellowing peeling walls, caged up shopping outlets, and tile floor, rotting and molding.

"Ok, so how do i do this?"

[graveyard call keyword: rise up]

"ok" i look at my hands, miasma flowing around them in the color of black, i focus on the ground in front of me

"Rise Up!"

a black pool of miasma congregates, slowly, a think boney arm grabs the ground and slowly rises , a spitting image of what killed me

"fuck, i already dont like you, but youll have to do"

the creature gnashes its teeth

"look, you disgusting fuck, I can't understand you"

it gnashes louder, until It hears some footsteps and turns, i can read its body language strangely well, not perfectly but i get the gist, -i dont like you, but I'm going to protect- around those line

"if this is gonna benefit both of us, tell me what to do, in a way i can understand"

it lets out a ragged breath as it points to a closed off hunting store

"got it" i run to the building getting a glance at whats coming "aim for the neck" i yell

[the ghoul considers the action]

"huh, so i can't completely control it"

[the ghouls mental capacity has increased *will not receive these messages again]

i lift the buildings cage cover with a quiet grunt until it opens in a swish. As i walk in i look for something, anything that may do good damage to a spirit

[the ghoul is in combat]

"fuck" i look around faster, i see items but nothing that isn't a phantom item. Eventually i feel a presence behind me, i turn for a punch but stop myself barely, seeing my ghoul holding what appears to be a core

[the ghoul has gained miasma]

i take the core, with caution. "Thank you, i think" it starts to patrol the surrounding area

[core may be infused or combined]

"no brainer" i take up the core and swallow it, i feel the energy coagulate in me

[you have gained proficiency]

"i dont know what that means"

[you may choose the following aspects: [lowly necromancer eyes]/[lowly necromancer heart]]

"oh, its a skill, maybe a feature, eyes sound useful"

as i say that the screen disappears, my eyes begin to burn as the darkness of the shoppe fill with slight light, i see a green aura flow around my ghoul, and a red light glow around a knife on a rack

"wait a tick" i walk up to the knife and go to grab it, contact is made and a screen lights up

[skill gained: soul sight *(low)]

"soul sight"

instead of a skill description, i get some different info

[pocket knife: imbued soul

soul level: low

growth potential: low

aspect: fire]

"how do i use an aspect?"

[keyword for activation: heat]


the blade begins to glow red, it heating to a hot metal

[knife has a skill: hot metal]

"oh, a skill? Well at least it'll be decent against ghoul types"

[necronomicon updated: weakness updated: fire *species specific weakness **weaknesses filled]

I held the metal knife in my hand, the shaft not heating with the blade, probably why the potential is low and not very, along with the skill.

i walk out of the shoppe, unable to find anything more. my vision reaches far, anything I can't see filled with a white outline, almost like echolocation.

"maybe i can get a miasma reading skill? But for now ill have to guesstimate, I'd say around low tier, with the knife it's definitely not a large miasma field, and it was only given at most a day to fill, itself with energy"

as i walk around the field i dont come across anymore ghouls, all i come across is more shoppes and stands, but as i walk a ticking sound slowly gets louder. Eventually my new skill detects a large dome in front, and inside it is that, thing, its stomach is circular, holding a ticking clock, its eyes voting with the ticks, its black fur, large toothed grin, it reminded me of something you'd see in a old cartoon

[soul sight is compatible with named soul]

"soul sight" i whisper


soul level: medium

growth potential: high

aspect: time]

i shiver, a medium level spirit, i look around for anything that may help in defeating this beast, then i spot something and run to it, i hoodie, red, but its outline blue

"soul sight"

[red hoodie: imbued soul

soul level: medium low

growth potential:none

aspect: water]

i wince at the growth potential, but put it on, the feeling of air flowing past me becoming noticeable

[red hoodie has a skill: river flow (low tier)]

must be a passive, if it works by just putting it on, i head the person who invented RPG's was an exorcist, but man, he took some things straight from reality, no wonder the exorcists didnt like him.

i walk out of the store, and put my ghoul in the graveyard "your gonna die in a second if i leave you alone" i mumble, it may sound strange but i grew attached to my killer, it may look disgusting, but its pretty nimble, maybe after this ill give it the hoodie to increase its speed.


as i walk into the dome, I'm met with a horrible sight, the corpses of my classmates strewn about, the demonic auto tune sound of the cats voice ringing in my ears

Felix:"well well well well, we may have a problem here"

he glances at me and at some people in tactical gear

unknown 1: "a survivor? Did he awaken?"

unknown 2: "probably, we never read any exorcists at this location"

unknown 3:"yea, he's awakened, interesting aura to, but defo human, despite his eyes"

they look at me in apprehension, i look at the apparent leader of the group "soul sight"


soul level: high

potential: medium

aspect: sacred flame]

unknown 3: "hey kid, it seems you have an observation skill!" He yells "any combat? We're almost outta mana!"

"i have one or two"

unknown 3: booooossssss, you know what to do

???: as captain of this patrol Yada yada, you may use your pow-" he gets interrupted as all three are slammed into the wall by the cat, it appeared out of nowhere

"key word for arise skill."
