
Exodia: Last Encore

(This is the re-uploaded version. I'll do daily uploads here.) (Disclaimer: There are swear words.) A century ago, the world was blessed with special abilities which came from sources in seven spots all across the world, in different continents. Not only this, a new species of monsters came along with the special abilities. The species which hate humanity and want to wipe them off the face of the Earth; Imperi. This entire event was called the Grand Impact. Those blessed with special abilities and superhuman physique were called Streia and those who were Streia and swore to protect people for a profession were called Magi. 8 years ago, East Asia was affected by yet another impact. This one mainly destroyed Tokyo and a few other places in East Asia. This was caused by an entity given the codename of Alpha. Thanks to one Magia, Alpha was stopped and vanished, never to be seen after that day. On that day, Kazuya Shiba's mother was killed. He swore to take revenge on Alpha and attended Interblade Academy as, now, a second-year. At Interblade Academy, his friends stand out more than he does as they are Silver ranked. Meanwhile, Kazuya is... Porcelain ranked?! Even being Porcelain ranked, that does not stop him from killing Imperi and defeating enemies. Will Kazuya be able to achieve his revenge or die trying? (I do not own the cover.)

VoidEX · สมัยใหม่
85 Chs

Encore 35 — New Beginnings (VIII)

"I have to get over there!"

"Don't forget about us!"

Nama swung at me, barely missing by an inch. The other men followed suit. I grabbed the arrow, shot at me, and snapped it before confronting the spear wielder first.

⟨The Singularity, 'Sacred Lightning,' is selected.⟩

⟨Due to physical conditions, the effects of the Singularity have weakened.⟩

⟨The spike in emotions has temporarily increased the effects of 'Sacred Lightning' from 50% to 75%.⟩

⟨Effect duration is 53 minutes.⟩

I clashed with the spear wielder. He backed away the instant I activated Sacred Lightning. He attempted to use his range to his advantage.

I dodged his jabs and grabbed his spear, pulling him toward me, I pounded his face, fiercely.

The archer shot at me—I fired a True Flame at him, breaking his ribs and sending him backwards.

Only the axe wielder and Nama were left.

"Behind you!"

Nama taunted.

I touched the ground and dispersed the sparks of Sacred Lightning, creating a field of electricity. The axe wielder was knocked unconscious but Nama continued swinging like a machine.

"Tch. Tough guy."

I mumbled.

If indirectly shocking him wouldn't work, then...

Dodging Nama's slices, I finally found an opening. I kicked his arm away and grabbed his face. I shocked him with the Sacred Lightning. Eventually, he was knocked unconscious.

If I wasn't careful, then he would've died. I don't want to kill him since he didn't act of his own accord. Someone else incited him and the other guys.

They even gained magical abilities. I don't want to admit it but the aura they had... it reminded me of an Imperi's.

There was another explosion, bringing me back into reality.

I have to get over there now!

I dashed as fast as I could toward the village. This whole thing just had to happen while I went hunting. No... It happened because I visited the village.


I just noticed how fast I'm going. It's faster than before.

⟨The spike in emotions has temporarily increased the effects of 'Sacred Lightning' from 50% to 75%.⟩

Oh. My strong emotions of anger and guilt made Sacred Lightning stronger.

Yuichi did always seem stronger when he was angry. Sacred Lightning is a Singularity which is stronger when used with rampant emotions.

I reached the village before long. Villagers were scattering and dying. Black feathers chased them as they ran, before piercing their hearts.

In the sky, above the calamity, was a flying fallen angel. I couldn't see who it was exactly but it appeared to be a woman with black hair and black wings.

She's the one who's doing all of this.

I swear, I'll—!

Before I could cry out, someone grabbed me and took me away, bringing me to an alleyway.

They weren't hurt by my lightning cloak.

"Who're you?"

"It's me, Arthur."


The voice was Arthur but the person wasn't. His hair colour and eyes were different.

"It's the work of my Singularity. Seems like she's killing everyone on sight without hesitation."

"Yeah. Wait, how did you survive?"

"I destroyed the feather that was targeting me with magic."

"Wouldn't she notice?"

"Not yet. Anyway, let's get you out of here."

Arthur was going at his own pace.

"Hold on! I'm not going and let these innocent villagers die! It's because of me that they're dying!"

For some reason, Arthur blankly stared at me.

"I'm sure you're smarter than that, Kazuya. Not letting your emotions cloud your judgement."

"But still..."

Right. He was right. I'm not usually like this, so why? Why am I so attached all of a sudden?

Arthur sighed.

"Kazuya. Our people are not innocent."


"We know about the truth of Imperi. Or, at least my father and I do. We're not being wiped out because you're here. We're being wiped out so that the truth also disappears. You being here is a coincidence."

It was a lot to take in at once. Nevertheless, I didn't ask him the most important question since it seems like he didn't want to talk about it.

"How did you know the gods were after me?"

Arthur gave a warm smile.

"Why else would you run here so scared?"

Despite the situation, I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Oh, it seems like the minions I made were inefficient. That's fine. I wanted to fight you, anyway."

We both turned.

The woman entered the alleyway. She had jet-black hair and wings. There was some sort of leafy crown around her head. Her eyes glowed red. Black wings sprouted from her back. The woman was covered in blood but still smiled.

She was a goddess. Someone other than Aphrodite. The aura she gave was the complete opposite. She was frightening, hostile, hungry and violent.

"Why did you kill the entire village? You could've just killed me in my sleep. This way, the gods' actions can be seen by the public!"

Arthur shouted at the woman.

What he said made sense but it was clear that this woman did not like secretive things. Perhaps it was the hound-like stare she gave us.

"Gods' action? Nah, I don't care about what they're thinking. I didn't know who you were. My orders were to dispose of those who know the truth. So, what? What if you told everyone in the village? I just made sure."

The woman was rather carefree. I wanted to strike. I couldn't find a single opening.

"You, in the back."

I created a sword of electricity and pointed it at her.

Even just her speaking to me puts me on edge.

She grinned.

"I like you. Let's fight."

"I won't let you!"

Arthur poured all of his mana into a single gust of wind. He fired it at the goddess—she blasted through rows of buildings.

Arthur shouted at me.

"Now! Kazuya, ru—"

"That was good, but I'm not interested in you."

She stabbed Arthur with her arm. She grabbed his heart and crushed it before moving away from him. Arthur's lifeless body dropped onto the ground like a ragdoll.

He was dead.

A second was all it took.

I felt conflicted emotion but I looked up at the woman, readied for battle.

She whistled.

"You got over that in a quick second. No wonder they want you dead. You'll become a threat if you last any longer."

I have to think of a way to escape. There's no way to beat her.

"How about we make a deal?"

"What deal?"

I asked her.

I don't know why she wanted to make a deal with me, especially since she needed to kill. I'm the one who should be making a deal.

"I don't give two fucks about what those other gods want. I live for my satisfaction. I can only be satisfied through battle."

"You sure you can't be sexually satisfied?"

I asked as a joke.

I just needed to buy time to find the best escape route.

"You've met Aphrodite, hm? I'm not like that slut. And, also..."

She released multiple feathers, surrounding the alleyway and any possible exits.

"Listen to someone properly when they're talking. Especially, if they're a god."

Shit. That's my escape gone.

"As I was saying... You're bound to become powerful later on. Your potential is limitless. You could ascend past the power of the gods within time."

"You're going to kill me, so why does that matter?"

"I said that I live through the thrill of battle. I want you to live, so that one day, you'll fight me and, possibly, kill me."

This sounds somewhat haunting, yet promising.

"If you can make me enjoy a fight with you, then I'll let you go alive. Of course, I'll be holding back."

⟨The spike in emotions has temporarily increased the effects of 'Sacred Lightning' from 75% to 100%.⟩

⟨Physical condition may worsen due to the strengthened effects of 'Sacred Lightning.'⟩

⟨Remaining effect duration is 25 minutes.⟩

"Of course, if you fail, you will—"

I rushed at her, slashing at her neck. The woman blocked it with her fingers.

She smiled, looking up at me.

"I am Eris. What is your name?"

For some reason, a certain title came to mind.

"Me? You can call me Death."