
Exiled to a desolate world

Lyns wakes up in the middle of nowhere. There is a sword in his hand, and he remembers nothing. His mind is filled with questions about his situation, will he discover his identity in this cruel world of magic, you should find out by joining him in this journey of fantasy. Who do I recommend it to? This is a story for those who appreciate detailed world building with a protagonist who has actual feelings or at least great ambitions and not a super neutral uncaring guy, jokes aside the story will be dark with surprising turn of events, there will be beautiful places to explore and dark places to dread, there will be all kind of monsters, cunning smart enemies, human like main character shrouded in mystery. I plan to release one chapter/week.

V_Csongor_Cs · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Crisis of Manhood

In the end the lunch with Valentine was entertaining for Lyns who had little experience. The adventurer made a great impression on him, so when Valentine invited him for a walk to talk about teaming up for a trip to the capital, Lyns was delighted and instantly accepted the offer.

They paid for the services and took off immediately. During their walk Lyns was really captivated by how many similarities he had with his new companion. They entered the core area of the trade district, as this was the first time he had ever been to a crowded trade centre he was amazed by the wide variety of the things that money could buy.

Feeling the surprised and curious Lyns, Karo commented to him:

"Kid, you really are unexperienced to be amazed by such a small marketplace…

Also, I shall ask you: Why are you following an absolute stranger through an unknown city? Where is your cautious side that you always show toward me?"

"Well, Mr Karo you are an entirely different matter, but as you can see Valentine is a friendly and open minded individual, so I don't see any problem going for a walk with him."- answered Lyns annoyed by the bickering of the demon, he even stopped using soul sense, so Karo had no way to communicate with him for now. He finally felt that he had a good person that he could befriend. He didn't want Karo to ruin his expectations with his lectures.

"Oh, our conversation just reminded me I have a small business to conduct with one of my friends.

Do you mind if we enter a small shop? It is situated in the next alley."- asked Valentine politely.

"No problem, I don't mind coming with you, after all we have yet to talk about our journey's departure day."- answered Lyns earnestly.

They reached a narrow alley where it was hard for people to go side by side. It seemed this part of the trade area belonged to shady businesses. All shops' windows were covered and only each of their names were visible. Lyns felt rather uncomfortable by this environment and the only safe point that kept him entering this place was the newly made friend that he followed.

"We are here!"- said Valentine and knocked in a specific rhythm on a small iron door.

The entrance opened and the two of them stepped inside a room where only a counter and another door were. 'This store is strange; I am curious what business they do.'-thought Lyns before he felt a sudden pain coming from the back of his head.

"What the actual fuck?"- he gasped before falling unconscious.

It took only six candles time for Lyns to regain his consciousness, he was hanged upside down with his hands and legs tied tightly. A creepy old man with a huge dirty grey beard and bald head was talking with valentine about the price of today's catch.

Lyns was scared and angry. He was stripped down from all his clothes and possessions. He could perceive everything that was his on a table in the corner. His mouth was gaged so he couldn't mutter any word, he could only wait for his fate to be decided and growl angrily.

Valentine noticed the growling Lyns. He smiled wickedly on him and said:

"Don't be angry. I have already told you I would do anything for money, and you know I have this very nicely paying job for two years now.

You are not the first and not the last.

This is not my first time telling this to my prey, so I will be honest with you.

I mean, I am a good guy and I feel relieved from telling my victims the truth so listen carefully little truth seeker. This is my friend Herold, and he will remove your balls so you will be an obedient subject for sales.

If you are lucky, he will be able to sell you to be someone normal's sex slave and let me tell you, you look great so you have great chances for that, but because you look nice, some psycho also can buy you and your life would be full of torture. In the worst-case scenario you will be some work slave and you work until your death.

Whatever, I really enjoyed your company for the last few hours so good luck."

"Herold, the business is always pleasant with you. Have a good day."- chirped Valentine, not waiting for any answers he left.

"Only we remain little one."- said the dirty looking man and put something that resembled a scissor into a little furnace that was opposite to Lyns.

Lyns growled and tried to get free with all his strength, but it was for naught.

"The reactions are always funny.

Some people cry and beg for mercy; some try to bribe me. There are those who try to fight back like you. I like women more because they fight first and when they see that it's impossible, they beg. Of course, they lose something else here, not better than the things you will lose just in a minute"- laughed Herold and started to hum a song.

Lyns didn't feel like giving up his manhood and during his struggles an idea came to his mind. He was not an ordinary victim. He knew magic, but it required focus which he had hard time to gather because he only had little time left until the scissor was hot enough. He calmed himself as much as he could and when Herold came close with the tool in his hand, Lyns conjured the strongest flames he could achieve inside the man's eyes.

The attack took Herold by surprise and the pain he received by the evaporation of his eyes was extremely intense. He rolled on the ground a few times and passed out from shock.

Lyns was mad and he couldn't see the status of the man clearly so to be sure he once more conjured flames but now inside the man's open mouth. The blood and flames very quickly suffocated the unconscious man.

Now that the imminent danger was exterminated, he finally calmed down enough to use soul sense. He quickly got a clear image of his close surroundings. His legs and hands were tied together with a steel rope, which cut into his skin making him feel like a miserable livestock. Lyns waited no more and started to melt the rope that hanged him. After a quarter of the candles time the thick rope tore, and he fell. The arrival to the ground was rough and almost knocked him out. It took quite an effort to crawl to the desk where his belongings were, but he managed to do it.

Lyns reunited with his sword, and he cut off the binding ropes. He was on the edge. It felt like anyone could enter this room anytime, so he quickly put on his clothes and armour and using soul sense he started a conversation with Karo.

"Congratulations kid, you survived. What a joke, It is a pity you didn't burn both of them to death.

First of all, I told you to be on guard against random people, but yeah I am just your talking demon grandfather ghost Mr. Karo"- ranted the demon instantly.

"Tell me, where am I? How can I leave this hell hole?"- Asked Lyns anxiously. He was on the edge because the near-death experience and the annoying demon didn't really help with its mockery. He wanted nothing more than to leave and to get his revenge on that sneaky bastard Valentine.

"You are in the basement of the shop that we entered a few candles ago.

There are two more scum bags here, one at the counter, the other one is upstairs, so your escape with your abilities shouldn't be a problem.

I also recommend you set this building on fire before you leave. It would lessen your anger for sure and it's always fun to watch the chaotic aftermath, I am talking from experience."- answered Karo with unexpected enthusiasm.

"It's settled. They will all die a dog's death."- said Lyns.

He grabbed all of his stuff; he also looted the pouch of the torture master before leaving the room. There was a narrow corridor ending in stairs, he stealthily went upstairs. The man at the counter was absolutely immersed in some papers so when Lyns conjured flames on the whole body of him, it took him by surprise.

"YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG FUCKING PERSON!!!"- shouted Lyns with boiling blood.

He leaped close to the man who rolled on the ground trying to put out the fire on his ignited body. Lyns ruthlessly severed an arm of the suffering man and asked:

"Was it worth doing such things to people?!"

The more he shouted and spoke the more his anger erupted. He charred the man's legs to crisp then he ignited the whole room around the tortured criminal. When he stepped on the street, he closed the door behind himself and melted the metal frame around it so it was impossible to open it from the inside, so there was no chance left to escape the burning building.

Lyns's anger didn't cease with this act of revenge, but it was too suspicious to stay next to the blazing criminal organization, so he left the scene immediately.

"Nice little show you made, but for my taste they should have suffered more."- commented Karo.

"I'm not in the mood for your sick demonic personality master Karo"- said Lyns and ceased the use of soul sense so the demon could no longer communicate with him. He went back to his room in the inn and had a cold shower with magic. He finally calmed down and after a good meal he fell asleep from exhaustion.

I tried to make this chapter as thrilling as i can make the kidnap torture situation, I am sorry for those who expected some long detailed torture scene, it was not my intention.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

V_Csongor_Cscreators' thoughts