
Executive Entanglement: Uncharted Love

นักเขียน: Maryam_Abubakar_5952
Fantasy Romance
กำลังดำเนินการ · 1.1K จำนวนคนดู
  • 3 ตอน
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What is Executive Entanglement: Uncharted Love

อ่านนิยาย Executive Entanglement: Uncharted Love โดย ผู้เขียน Maryam_Abubakar_5952 ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel.In the bustling corridors of corporate power in New York City, Alexander Forbes, a charismatic and driven CEO, finds his carefully structured world unraveling as Isabella Sterling, a brilliant strateg...


In the bustling corridors of corporate power in New York City, Alexander Forbes, a charismatic and driven CEO, finds his carefully structured world unraveling as Isabella Sterling, a brilliant strategist, enters his professional realm. Assigned to revamp the marketing division of his multinational corporation, Isabella brings with her a fresh perspective and an unexpected twist of fate. As the two navigate the complexities of their professional collaboration, an undeniable connection begins to spark between Alexander and Isabella, transcending the boundaries of the boardroom. However, their burgeoning romance is threatened by the cunning Damien Blackthorne, a rival CEO determined to undermine Alexander's success and take control of the market. Set against the backdrop of the cutthroat corporate world, "Executive Entanglement: Uncharted Love" delves into the unexplored territories of the heart. Alexander and Isabella's relationship faces external pressures and internal conflicts, forcing them to confront their vulnerabilities and redefine their priorities. As the executive drama unfolds, secrets are revealed, alliances are tested, and the characters embark on a journey of growth and self-discovery. The story weaves a tapestry of mystery, emotional depth, and unexpected twists, enticing readers to explore the intricate dance between love and ambition. Amidst the high-stakes boardroom battles, intimate cafes, and glamorous events, "Executive Entanglement" is a tale of resilience, redemption, and the transformative power of love. Will Alexander and Isabella defy the odds and find happiness in the uncharted territories of their intertwined lives, or will the shadows of the corporate world prove too dark to escape? Prepare for a captivating journey where the heart's desires collide with the ambitions of the executive suite.


Mon ex-mari milliardaire me pourchasse

[Contenu Mature] Arabella Donovan a sacrifié sa jeunesse uniquement pour son mari. Cependant, il l'a divorcée parce qu'elle ne pouvait pas lui donner d'enfants, lui causant une grande douleur. Bella a décidé de disparaître de sa vie. Cinq ans plus tard, elle est revenue dans le pays avec son adorable fils. Sa vie paisible a commencé à être perturbée quand son ex-mari l'a poursuivie dès qu'il a su qu'elle avait donné naissance à son fils. Mais à présent, elle n'était plus la même Bella qu'elle avait été. Elle est une personne totalement différente. ***** « Patron, elle est de retour ! » « Qui ? » Tristan Sinclair demanda tout en gribouillant sa signature sur des piles de papiers. « Votre femme— » L'assistant hésita, observant attentivement Tristan. Quand il vit les sourcils froncés de Tristan, il se reprit. « Désolé, je veux dire votre ex-femme, Mme Donovan. Elle est revenue avec un garçon... » Tristan soupira, fixant le contrat devant lui. Après cinq ans de recherche, pour finalement découvrir qu'elle avait refait sa vie, ça fait mal. Mais il ne pouvait pas l'éviter. Elle mérite le bonheur avec quelqu'un d'autre. Il acceptera cette perte. « Elle mérite un nouveau mari... » Tristan murmura, congédiant son assistant. « Patron, ce que je voulais dire, c'est le petit garçon mignon. Je pense qu'il a environ quatre ans — » Tristan se tendit. Relevant la tête, il fixa son assistant d'un regard acéré. « J'ai besoin que vous organisiez un test ADN pour le gamin. Et trouvez-moi son adresse ! » Une lueur apparut dans ses yeux alors qu'un sourire se dessinait lentement sur son visage. ______ Author Novel: 1. DAMN! JE SUIS TOMBÉ AMOUREUX DE LUI (Terminé) 2. The Bride Of Immortal Crown Prince (La Mariée Du Prince Immortel Couronné) (Terminé) 3. Rebirth: Dancing In My Destiny (La Renaissance : Danser Dans Mon Destin) (Terminé) 4. The Billionaire's Genius Wife (La Femme Génie Du Milliardaire) (Terminé) 5. Rebirth As The Vampire Lord's Wife (Renaissance En Tant Que Femme Du Seigneur Vampire) (Terminé) 6. My Billionaire Ex-Husband Chase Me Back (Mon Ex-Mari Milliardaire Me Courtise De Nouveau) _____ Comment me contacter : >> Compte Instagram : authorpurplelight >> Page FB : Author_Purplelight >> Rejoignez mon serveur Discord : https://bit.ly/purplelightserver _____ Notes : La couverture du livre appartient à l'auteur. Veuillez ne pas la réutiliser !

PurpleLight · สมัยใหม่
311 Chs


Have you ever felt like you're missing something in life? Like there's a hole in your heart that only love can fill? That's how Arief, a 40-year-old graphic designer from Indonesia, feels. Arief has everything a person could ask for: a successful career, a loving family, and a comfortable lifestyle. However, there is one thing missing in his life - a life partner who shares his values and beliefs. Arief is a devout Muslim who believes that finding a spouse is not just about physical attraction or common interests. For him, marriage is a sacred bond that should be based on faith, respect, and mutual understanding. Arief has always dreamed of finding a wife who can understand all his shortcomings and support him in his religious beliefs. However, there is one condition that Arief has for his future wife: she must wear a hijab. Hijab is not just a piece of cloth for Arief. It is a symbol of modesty, faith, and purity. Arief believes that a woman who wears hijab is someone who respects herself and her religion. And so, Arief embarks on a journey to find a wife who not only shares his values but also meets his criteria. However, Arief soon realizes that finding the perfect wife is not as easy as it seems. He meets several women who do not meet his criteria, and some who he feels are not compatible with him. But just when Arief starts to lose hope, he meets Aisyah - a young woman who is polite, courteous, and shares some of his interests. Arief and Aisyah start getting to know each other, but there is one problem - Aisyah does not wear a hijab. Arief is torn between his feelings for Aisyah and his desire to find a wife who wears hijab. Aisyah, on the other hand, is interested in Arief but does not want to wear a hijab to comply with his wishes. Will Arief be able to find the perfect wife who can fulfill all his desires, or will he have to compromise his beliefs for love? Join Arief on his journey as he navigates the ups and downs of the search for love in the modern world, and learns that sometimes, love is about accepting and respecting differences.

Ariefwiguna · สมจริง


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Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating