
Exclusive Marriage

Blinded by her ever-growing desire to avenge her father’s death as she had promised him and herself, Gwendolyn was forced to make a life-changing decision which was getting married to the crowned Prince of Almor kingdom; one of the most powerful kingdoms in the world. To her, it was the only way to get needed information about the beast that has hunted her for several years. The marriage was built on conditions that were to be strictly followed by both parties involved. Of course, it was never part of her plan to have anything to do with her stuck-up, annoying, proud, hot-headed, cold, heartless, but drop-dead gorgeous husband, Prince Gerald. But what happens when more is expected of them? What happens when untamed feelings and desires spark between them? Will she do the one thing she promised not to ever do? Become subject to a man who sees her as nothing but an inferior creature to be at his beck and call?

stranger2_no1 · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs


"It is about the beast."


"The beast?"

"Yes, the beast," she stated firmly.

"What do you know about the beast?" I almost punched that satisfied smirk off her face. She knows she has my attention now.

"I can help you find it, but only if you agree to help me. As I said earlier, it is a deal."

"How are you going to help me find it?"

"I will talk to my father about it. I will make him help you find the beast."

"I had talked to him about it many times, and he outrightly refused."

"Well, my dear, you are not me."

I couldn't suppress the scoff that left my mouth, "Right, Daddy's little girl in the building."

I couldn't help but notice how she masked her anger wit with a harmless smile, "Just think about the deal. With just one word, you have the beast in your palm."

She is right. With the help of Uncle Zaius, I am sure I will find that beast and do what I have been yearning for years. Only then will I finally have peace and live like other young girls.

"What do you want in return?"

" I want you to replace me in the competition."

I looked at her for the first two minutes, giving my brain the required time to process the information.

She wants me to participate in the competition.

She snapped her fingers in front of my face, "Hello? Did you hear me?"

"You want me to participate in the art competition for you, as in the one your father declared you to be the only eligible candidate?"


"Why me?"


"Fiona, I don't have time for this."

She looked like she wanted to say something but stopped, "Well, you seem to have good drawing skills?"

Good drawing skills?

"Are you asking or telling me?"

She inhaled deeply, "You are a good artist."

Of course, I am! But that is not something I want to discuss with her right now as it will only encourage her to push forward with this so-called deal of hers.

With my best imitation of being surprised, I began, "You also have good drawing skills, even better than mine. I am nothing but an amateur in your presence!"

I didn't miss the flash of anger in her eyes, "Stop the pretence. It doesn't suit you. Just because you managed to be better than me doesn't change anything."

Wow, I never knew I would live to see the day almighty Fiona admits to being imperfect in something.

"Well, you are also a good artist. All you have to do is have confidence in your skills…."

Confidence in your poor skills, I mean.

"Are you doing this or not?"

Seeing the determination in her eyes, I asked, "What makes you think I will win?"

"Having someone better will increase my chances of becoming the queen."

"I don't know why you want to do this when you are equally good."

"Come on, not like you are doing it for free."

"How do I know you are not bluffing?"

"All you have to do is uphold your part of the deal, and I promise to do the same."

"What if I— I mean, you. What if you don't win? Will you still talk to your father?"

"Yes, I will, but you have to win."

This makes sense. All I have to do is disguise as Fiona in the competition and get the help of Uncle Zaius. There is absolutely nothing to lose.

"What if we get caught?"

"That cannot happen because it is a masked ball."

"What is that?"

She rolled her eyes at me, "Everyone is expected to wear a mask."


"Makes it more fun."

"In what way?"

"Jeez, enough of the questions. You are supposed to be happy that it is a masked ball. Our work would be easier that way."

"I don't think so because people are not blind not to notice the massive changes in our features."

"You worry too much."

"I am not worried about myself. I am worried about you. What will people think when they find out their favourite princess tried to cheat her way to the throne."

"I am not cheating! I am only getting a little help. I am sure other people are doing worse."

"Okay, if you say so."

"Yes, I say so. I have everything covered, don't worry about anything. Just focus on practising. We only have three days left."

"How will I do that when we are leaving tomorrow?"

"I forgot about that. But that shouldn't be a problem. I will get in touch with you."

"Okay then, you may leave now."

"One more thing, no other person should know about this. It would be best if you kept your mouth shut."

"I am not like you."

"What do you mean by that?"

I entered my room before she could say anything else.

I brought out the painting and continued.

About a few hours later, I finished the work.

I couldn't help the chills that went down my spine as I stared into the eyes of the beast. I had seen them that day. The way it looked at my father with so much hatred and anger. And how satisfied it had looked after devouring him.

I tore my gaze away from the drawing when I felt someone shake my shoulder, "Gwen!"

My eyes met with the second most lovely amber eyes I have ever seen, "Ava, what are you doing in my room? Didn't I tell you to knock before coming in?"

"I am sorry, I knocked, but you didn't answer. I was scared. I thought you had passed out again."

When her eyes landed on my drawing, I immediately covered it with one of my gowns lying helplessly on the floor.

Before she could say anything, I asked, "Why are you here?"

She pointed towards a plate of food on my reading table, "I brought your food."

"You didn't have to, but thanks."

She nodded with a soft smile and began arranging my bed littered with my clothes, "Why are you drawing that thing again? You know what it does to you."

I walked over to the food, "Did you eat the fruit I gave you? Did you like it?"

"You promised not to draw it again."

I rolled my eyes at how she disregarded my effort to distract her, "I didn't promise. I said I would try."

"You have to try harder. I still don't know why you are so obsessed with that drawing."

I just shrugged. I still don't know how Ava would react if I told her the story behind the drawing.

To distract her, I said, "I am attending the ball."

The only confirmation I needed to know that it worked was the piles of clothes that fell from her hands, "what did you say?"

"I said I am attending the ball."

She hurried over to where I sat on the floor and touched my forehead.

I couldn't help the small laughter that escaped my throat, "Ava, stop being dramatic."

She retracted her hands, "Did you hit your head somewhere on your way up here? Are you joking with me?"

"Does it look like I am joking?"

She put her hands on her waist, "Did you drink with those old men again?"

I rolled my eyes at her, "I did not."

She exhaled. "what is happening?"


"Did Fiona say something to you? I saw her following you earlier."

"She didn't say anything. Why are you acting like this? Don't you want me to come?"

"You know I want you to! It just seems so strange..."

I nodded my head, "I know."

"You have never agreed to something like this so easily. I don't even remember the last time you attended a ball."

"There is a first time for everything, right?"


I smiled at her, "Will you help me pack?"