
Evolving lich rewritten

After being hit by a truck Orion gets reincarnated as an evolving undead undead.Follow his adventures in the world of Fritzia as he learns magic and the secrets and true nature of the world.

admiralblast32 · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

The trial

As Harkon and the two guards began to walk along the path the large crowd began to throw rotten fruits and vegetables at Harkon.They also verbally assaulted Harkon whilst throwing rotten food.Harkon attempted to verbally defend himself but his voice was drowned out by the crowd.

"Damn murderer"

"Give our people back to us you monster."

"It's not my fault I've been possessed."

"It is your damn fault you bloody murderer."

"There's a demon inside of me."

"Sure there is you scumbag"

"Fuck you,Fuck you"

Orion then felt something touch his hand and saw that Akon was handing him a rotten apple.Akon also had two apples with one in each hand.Orion looked towards the rest of his family and saw that they also had rotten apples for when Harkon got near them.

"Come on brother let's throw apples at him when he gets near us."Akon viciously said as he clenched his hand around each apple tightly.Beside him was a bucket of rotten apples which was likely provided by someone behind them.

As soon as Harkon got near the family they began to throw rotten food like everyone else did.Orion also joined in as he didn't want to be singled out by anyone.He also didn't want to be seen as sympathetic to a murderer despite the fact that he had also killed people before.That being when he killed the necromancers prisoners and members of the trading caravans.

Orion had a particularly good aim when throwing objects.He didn't have any trouble hitting Harkon.He only used a tiny bit of strengh however as he didn't want to possibly kill Varimathras and get in trouble for it.The people would probably think that he was trying to put the murderer out of his misery and might put Orion on trial.

The apples thrown by Orion caused bruises to form on Harkons body.As an adventurer Harkon had a stronger body then ordinary people but Orion was at the mid B class and possessed the superman syndrome skill.He possessed physical strengh above his class so even a tiny fraction of his strengh was enough to cause damage to Harkons body.When Orion chose to use a bit more physical strengh in his throw,the apple he threw landed on Harkons jaw which broke and dislocated the right side of it.This silenced Harkon and caused the crowd to laugh and mock him.

Varimathras who was inside of Harkon could feel all the pain he felt.He had noticed that some of the impacts hitting Harkons body hurt more than the others and the one that hit his jaw was particularly painful.Varimathras wanted to control Harkons neck and turn to see who caused those impacts but he was conserving his energy for what he would do next.

The two guards did nothing to stop Harkons suffering and continued to move him along.They were also pleased when he was finally shut up as he was getting annoying and they also wanted Harkon to suffer as he had killed a number of royal guards.

When they finally arrived at the court house there was a large number of nobles and witnesses inside waiting for them.This included the low-mid A class judge Valtan Devlon who had an impatient expression.Varimathras who was looking out of Harkons eyes knew he had what he needed when he looked at the powerful judge.Things were going perfectly.

"I trust you know why you are here villain.Today we are going to have your..."Valtan Devlon commanded a deep and commanding voice but stopped at ehat he saw.Harkon appeared to be convulsing and immediately stopped.Instantaneously everyone inside the court house fell asleep as well as the massive crowd outside the court house.

A dark invisible presence finished leaving Harkons body and proceeded to enter the slumped over body of the judge known as Valtan Devlon.The judges body stood up and stretched.

"Aaaaahhhh now this is more like it.I can access far more of my power now.I can better serve the master now.Ooohh it's you how have you been?.I trust you haven't done anything against the master."Varimathras noticed Orion who had run into the court house.

Orion didn't know how to respond as he was stuck in place.Varimathras now had a far more powerful and oppressing aura that he was unintentionally letting out.Orion was currently having trouble talking or letting out any kinds of words.

"Oh I apologise how is it now."Varimathras suppressed his aura and checked on Orion once again.

"It's fine I've been doing well.How is the new body you've got there."Orion tried to get on Varimathras good side in order to get some more information out of him.

"It's a great body and far more useful to my needs.Speaking of I see that you've gotten slightly stronger then last time.I'm impressed by your rate of growth but you are not yet ready to learn the truth."Varimathras said much to Orions disappointment.

Been a bit of time since I've talked to you lot but I gotta say I'm grateful to you all.

It seems Varimathras has a new body.What will happen next?.

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