
Evolving lich rewritten

After being hit by a truck Orion gets reincarnated as an evolving undead undead.Follow his adventures in the world of Fritzia as he learns magic and the secrets and true nature of the world.

admiralblast32 · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

The captains make their move part 2

"You can stop now Valdel we have all the information we need."Mandar Schion exited the cell with Orion whilst the goblin chef fell to the floor in exasperation.

Since the pure goblins were unable to feel physical pain Mandar Schion got Orion to torture the chef goblin with soul magic in order to acquire information.He did this as soon as he heard about the wave of green attacking Ring City.

He first ordered his royal guard squadron to go defend the commoners section along with the mages of the mages guild.Orion had been torturing the chef goblin with the soul flame spell for a number of minutes.

Orion got to experience the power of the soul flame spell first hand.He used the soul vision spell to see the amount of damage the soul flame spell did to the pure goblin chefs soul.He could also see that the chef goblin was in considerable pain and suffering so Orion was satisfied with the power of the spell.

From the goblin chef Orion and Mandar Schion learnt about the wave of green magic formation as well as the elite figures among the goblins.

The wave of green itself was a powerful magic formation unique to the pure goblin race.It required a large amount of goblins to be in close proximity to each other but it had no limitation as to the amount of goblins that could take part in the magic formation.

Furthermore the magic formation required a central figure to take control of the magic formation.In this case that was the low-mid class A goblin king.The goblin King required all the goblins to be loyal and willing to take part.If even one seam was loose the entire magic formation would fall apart.Unfortunately for Ring City the pure goblins respected the strongest and were currently extremely unified as a race.

Another quality of the wave of green magic formation was that it allowed the goblins to pool all their mana together.The formation also shared all the available magical knowledge and spells of the goblins in general.This allowed even the non magic caster goblins to be able to use magic and spells.

There were however limitations to the wave of green magic formation.It didn't increase the reaction speed or spell casting speed of the goblins whatsoever.The average reaction speed and spell casting speed for the pure goblins was in mid B class.This meant that those in the A class were full on capable of speed blitzing most of the wave of green magic formation.

There were also seven chieftains among the goblins and the goblin king.The chieftains acted as the guards and advisory council of the goblin King.The chieftains were mainly in low A class and the goblin king was in the low-mid A class.

After going over the knowledge they had gained Mandar Schion teleported the two of them to the commoners section of Ring City.


Luther Fronin was having the greatest shock of his life.Never in his life had he ever expected to fail in his duties.He had definitely let his family down and didn't know how they would react to his failure.

Grimdank reintegrated himself into the wave of green.The wave of green then ascended the outer ring wall and engulfed Luther Fronin along with the Fronin family guards and reinforcements.They were then teleported to an unknown location.

As the wave of green climbed into the commoners section of Ring City they were immediately attacked.Beams of light buried themselves into the colossal bulk of the wave of green killing a number of goblins in the process.There wasn't even enough time for the goblins to put up magical barriers.

The goblins were immediately enraged and the entire wave of green became tense with unspoken hatred.The goblins in the wave of green looked for the culprit and saw her in the streets of Ring City.It was a red haired woman with red eyes.She appeared to be wielding a special enchanted spear.

The goblin king who was in the centre of the wave of green could see through the eyes of his brethren and hear through their ears.He could feel his brethrens hatred and accepted it.

He let out an order to the wave of green to kill the human woman first as to their first proper act of erasing the lights influence on the planet Fritzia.

The human woman Katrina was a royal guard captain and noticed she had gotten the attention and hatred of the wave of green.It didn't change her job however and that was to kill the goblins that had entered her City.

The wave of green already put up some elemental barriers and shields but Katrina simply attacked the gaps between the wave of greens defences.The goblins in the wave of green simply ate their fallen and advanced towards the human woman but not at a speed she found worrying.