
Evolving lich rewritten

After being hit by a truck Orion gets reincarnated as an evolving undead undead.Follow his adventures in the world of Fritzia as he learns magic and the secrets and true nature of the world.

admiralblast32 · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

Pure goblins

The group immediately raised their guards upon hearing Torrents statement.Upon raising their guards they stepped away from the large house.They abruptly heard a commotion coming from within the large house.

There were sounds of metal clanging and plates smashing together from within the house.There was a loud sound of footsteps heading to the front door.

Orion immediately and quickly checked his status.




species:pure zombie








system abilities:


assessment level 1

spatial inventory level 1

mana manipulation level 2

cannabilism level 1


calcium level 2

superman syndrome level 1

spells:ice stake,frost nova,ice wall,Ray of ice,raise zombie,death bolt,death claw.

Orion immediately did a self assessment in order to figure out his element.


A soul from another dimension inhabiting a native human body that is untainted by the light.He is currently at the low class B and now finds himself in a dangerous situation.

[assessment has levelled up]

The house door immediately opened when Orion finished looking at his stats,skills and spells.At the front door were many green creatures that resembled goblins.

They were abnormal however as they were green with dark green stripes with blotches of brown and yellow here and there.They were taller then regular goblins and were wearing animal skins and wielding metal weapons.

Orion had to admit that they had a more intimidating appearance then their fantasy counterparts.There was even a goblin wearing a chefs hat and wielding a meat cleaver.

The chef goblin immediately surveyed the group before its eyes landed on the adventurers and Torrent.It scowled as it could sense the taint of the light on their bodies.

The humans had clearly been baptised at birth by the humans blasphemous religion of the light and one of the human adventurers appeared to be a practitioner of that damned light religion.

The chef goblins eyes immediately landed on Orion but could sense that there was no presence of the lights taint on his body or soul at all.The chef goblin immediately thought of what to do next.

"Kekeke kill all the tainted ones and we'll eat them but kidnap the pure one and we'll expose him to the fog."The chef goblin ordered his brethren and they immediately got to work.

"Fuck these things can talk and their intelligent.They are not like the regular goblins we are used to.Prepare for battle."Eric said in a panic as he brandished his great axe.


A goblin chef at the low B class that wears a chefs hat and wields a meat cleaver and large fork.He has been made pure by the fog and now serves Orions master.He has sworn to eliminate all traces of the light from the world like all of his brethen.

Orion now knew that the goblin was on a similar level to him.He could also now discern the aura of a low rank B individual.Unfortunately Orion wasn't any closer to figuring out who his so called master was.

The goblins and adventurers spread out in the front garden and engaged in battle.Each person had to fight a singular goblin aside from Torrent who stepped back.

"I was ordered by the arch mage to only get involved if things got dangerous or out of control.He wants to know if you can properly handle these situations by yourself Valdel."Torrent yelled from a safe distance which caused Orion and the adventurers to curse.

The chef goblin immediately charged towards Orion whilst brandishing its meat cleaver and large fork.

"Don't worry I won't try to kill you as long as your strong."Grinsy said in a malicious tone yet there was some sincerity.

"That's funny I'm trying to capture you too but it will be easy since your weak."Orion decided to mock the goblin as he could tell that he was slightly stronger and the goblin wasn't going to kill him as long as he proved his strengh.

"How dar-"Grinsy wanted to retort but Orion already sent a Ray of ice towards its location which he continued to maintain as he tried to get it to touch Grinsy.As he did that he also sent some ice stakes in Grinsys direction.

[680 mana has been used up.20000 mana remaining.]

Grinsy was able to dodge the Ray of ice at first whilst simultaneously heading in Orions direction but when Orion sent some ice stakes it got in Grinsys way and interrupted his rhythm.The Ray of ice immediately froze Grinsys right foot and his right elbow was pierced by a ice stake.Despite this however Grinsy didn't seem to feel any pain and simply broke the ice on his right foot with his meat cleaver freeing himself.

Grinsy immediately regretted not taking Orion seriously at first and rushed back inside the house.He didn't want to be captured by light tainted humans and studied like a lab animal.Orion decided not to run after him as he didn't know what was inside the house and the goblin was leaking blood from its injured elbow leaving a trail.

I was a bit busy these past few days so I'm sorry I haven't written for a bit

admiralblast32creators' thoughts