
Evolving lich rewritten

After being hit by a truck Orion gets reincarnated as an evolving undead undead.Follow his adventures in the world of Fritzia as he learns magic and the secrets and true nature of the world.

admiralblast32 · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

Orions backstory

Many questions began to storm Mandar Schions mind about the man in front of him.Orion was now pale as a spectre and gaunt with his muscles closely pressed against his bones.

"Did some sort of magical mutation occur to make him look like that and what's with my mana and stamina being drained?.Not only that but he seems even stronger now,at least in the low class A.I'll have to interrogate Valdel once this battle is over."thought Mandar in quick succession.

It was at that moment that a pitch black dagger emerged from Mandars chest.Full blown panic flooded Mandars mind as he saw the black dagger.It had most likely pierced a good part of his left lung.

"I can't die yet not when I'm finally at my peak and reached my limits.Theres so much I want to do."thinking those thoughts Mandar cast a spell.

A bolt of purple energy cannonballed from Mandars powerful staff and made contact with Orion.A flash of bright purple light occurred and Orion found himself within the mages guild.

Orion could only frown in disappointment he had wanted to see the forces of Ring City in action against the goblin menace.He had also wanted to try his luck in battle considering his new strengh but...wait.He could still hurry over.

Ring City's size was a days walk across and the royal mages guild and royal Palace was at the centre of Ring City.It was only half a days walk from the scene of the battle.With Orions speed he could get there in no time.With Orions new agility stat he was now 246.7 times faster than a normal human.

Orion remembered the section of the mages guild he was inside of and rushed in the direction of the exit.Whilst he was running at many times the speed of a bullet train he began to think of Akon the younger brother of his body and how he was doing.

"Why the hell am I worrying about him,his not my older brother and I've only known him a few days."Orion began to think of his past.

Orions mother had died whilst he was still in early primary school which had caused him to eat quite a bit and become somewhat chubby.

He eventually got over it,lost weight and bulked up in high school.He was actually quite popular but he still ran into issues.Orion wasn't very sociable and the only person he really talked to was his older brother who was 15 years older.

It was at this point that Orions brother began dating a black woman.Orions father was a highly religious Christian man who was also secretly racist.He was the type of person who was prejudist behind people's backs but never showed it in public because of the changing times.

He always tried to force his religion and beliefs onto his sons and when Orions older brother began to date a black woman Orions father began forcing him to pay rent if he wanted to stay in his own home and he was an overall douche and asshole.

Orions father also threatened Orion that I'd he were to ever get a black girlfriend then he would kick him out the house.Orions father also threatened Orions older brother telling him that he would kick him out of the house if he failed to pay his rent.

Orions brother who was getting sick of his father's treatment eventually saved enough money and moved out of the house with his girlfriend severing all ties with Orions father.

Orions father was okay with this and began pressuring Orion to get himself a white Christian girlfriend.Orion refused stating that he was an asexual.

Orion was a natural loner but he had at first been interested in romance.This interest died out when he saw that he wasn't good at romance and when his father began pressuring him to get a white Christian girlfriend.

A major part of the reason why Orion is now an asexual was in order to get back at his father for essentially running his older brother out of the house.To essentially ruin his father's desire of continuing his so called "legacy" and following in his footsteps.

When Orion labelled himself as an asexual his father did nothing about it as he was getting old and lazy and continued his office job in boredom and disappointment.Not to mention Orion was young,strong and fit and Orions father might have been slightly aware of Orions resentment towards him.

Orion never did meet or talk with his brother again after he moved out.Orion became a shut in who read webnovels and exercised constantly.He also liked going out every now and then to get some nice meaty ribs which led to his transmigration.

The first bit of Orions backstory felt a bit half-assed and one of you wrote that he wanted Orion to have a back story so here it is.Hopefully you find it unique and interesting.

admiralblast32creators' thoughts