
Evolve In Paradise

After WWIII, the use of nuclear bombs and bioweapons plunged the world into chaos and despair. Cities and towns are now empty, with survival being the only option. Colton now must deal with the destruction of human society and see if he will live long enough to see humanity rebuilt or die watching the world fade apart forever. Finding another survivor through his radio he begins to descend into the city's darkness. Little does he know the bioweapon has caused some humans to mutate and alter them. Most die, become ghouls, or monsters, or in rare cases gain a special ability.

BakingEgg · ไซไฟ
4 Chs

Chapter 1 Radio

 "Hello, is anyone out there?"

*Static buzz*

"I repeat is there anyone still out there, alive even?"

*Static buzz*

"Still, no one out there huh, there have to be other survivors." Said Colton 

Colton had dirt and grime all over his face from not showering in 3 months. He was of average height with black hair, with a scar running down his left cheek. He was also skinny from having to ration his food. 

It's been around 3 months since the bombs dropped, the flashing light, the sound of the shockwave, and the biological substance they dropped, Colton remembered that day as if it were yesterday. Now living in a small makeshift bunker, he created out of his basement. The bunker was musky and cold. The concrete has been bombarded with water for the past months and is now damped and covered with mold. He has a small wooden table and chair set in one corner and a dirty air mattress in another corner. He sighs and turns to look at his food supplies.

"I have 2 days to food left; I will have to ascent above to find food." 

He looks around making sure all his supplies are ready before he leaves the bunker.

"Gun – check, Gas mask – check, radio – check, compass – check, GPS – check, and flashlight – check, well I think that's everything I need besides food and water."

Colton checked his watch; it was getting late. Colton pulls out his sleeping bag, he stares at the bed. He sighs "Better start getting used to this I guess". 

He sleeps through the night thinking about the future and his parents and friends. 

"Hello is anyone there?"

"Respond if anyone is there."

Colton wakes up to find that the radio is talking. It took him a moment to realize what that meant. His expression is excited, his heart starts to rush, and he jumps out of his sleeping bag and runs to the radio. 

"YES, YES, I am here, are you still there" Colton replies in a hurry.

"Hello, I didn't think anyone would be on this frequency, but anyways, how have you been?"

"I, I, I have been doing okay I guess, it's just that I haven't talked to anyone in like 3 months now," he said out of breath.

"Hey, you sound like an okay person, would you like to meet up possibly? I have supplies and another survivor here with me."

"R-r-really? That would be great, you see I was planning to leave where I am right now since I'm running out of food and I'm desperate right now."

"Okay great meet me at the G.S.R headquarters, you know where that is right?"

"Yeah, it is located near the center of the city, but why there? Isn't that where they were playing around with genes and stuff?"

"Don't ask too many questions right now, you should get a move on."

"Okay, I will see you there."

Colton holds the radio close to him, he sheds tears of happiness. He finally met someone and someone willing to help him. Colton is overcome with emotions, and he sits down thinking about everything he is going to do with this group of survivors. Colton gets up and starts packing everything including whatever remaining food he has left. He smiles as he opens the lock to the trapdoor of the bunker, and finally ascends above. 

There might be some grammer issues in this

BakingEggcreators' thoughts