
Evolutionis Player[Eng]

From the book: I produced a portal and came across his mansion made of white marbled stones. The mansion was shining under the moon of this dwarf planet, a moon of magnificent silvery blue color. I had to defeat this demigod. He had immeasurable powers and increased intelligence after all these years of existence. However my arsenal was no less advanced and my magic art was colossal. I amplified my voice: "You, Lumadis, show that I am putting an end to your life, a rat that you are hiding at the edge of the Universe!" "I am not hiding, on the contrary," replied a gentle and playful voice. "I'm just enjoying the view" I did not think any more and produced the black gaseous eternalis which was pouring over the house, violet lightning exploded in all directions and cracked the stone. Our story traces the path of a man who can evolve like a video game. He will progress by trying to unravel the secrets of the system that will help him progress in his destiny. His road will be littered with adversaries, encounters and challenges to overcome. Will our hero manage to survive in the face of these innumerable dangers? Will he be able to evolve or will he perish before?

Evorum · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

Chapter 3 -Chance Encounter

Before my astonished eyes I held back my breath, a mistake and was done with me and my hopes to come. I hoped that the anti-odor box would still work and then after a silence that seemed infinite to me, the animal looked at me, or rather watched me with its shiny yellow eyes filled with violence and destruction. Done with me, I thought! And while fear had firmly anchored its claws in me, the werewolf continued his way leaving me there, tied to this rope.

What the hell happened? I knew nothing about it, but fear had made my ideas spin and I prepared a fireball, I brought the rope closer to my magic and it began to melt and invisible threads came loose. Freed!

And as I strolled down, I took the direction of the place where a battle had taken place. Men lay there, their bodies bloody on every side, among the darkness I saw a man whose leg was imprisoned under a huge stone

"Are you still alive?"

"-I'm afraid, but not for long at this rate" The man whispered and sprang in pain.

I was 23 strong so I was confident when I set out to use a wooden stick as a lever, the stone rose and released its hold on this man. I applied a bandage where the wounds were most severe and asked him some questions.

"- What the hell happened?"

"We were hunting the beast when it fell on us, it was terrible he cut us very quickly, no one had time to react in time"

"Have you discovered anything?"

"Yes, its second attribute, the more it kills, the stronger it becomes, it is an insane growth"

So that was his second attribute, I said to myself. I finished helping the man and bringing him back to the shelter to continue the hunt. It was almost 4am when I saw the beast for the second time, he ate an innocent and greedy deer. Perched in a tree, I witnessed the morbid scene of the wolf eating there for an hour. I wanted to wait until he was full before I could throw him my new magic: the fireball. That way, he'll have a longer reaction time.

As he finished his meal, I prepared my body to make the biggest fireball I could. The ball reached a diameter of 30cm of pure white fire. The wolf sensed the abnormal heat and alerted himself, he watched the spring to see this man who had in his hands a red ball of which he felt the power. Leaping by instinct, he took a heavy step towards me, however my fireball was ready, I threw it with all my strength towards the beast who received it in the head, it had to be said that I had improved my aim since my fight against the slime boss. The burning ball pierced his head from side to side leaving a dead carcass." Notification! -Level +3 gain, Current level: 10, 15 unassigned points"," Title gain Seasoned Hunter, Skill acquired: lvl2 Skinning, lvl2 Fingerprint Masking, lvl1 Lynx Eye".

Awesome! 3 extra levels, I'm working hard these days. " Notification! Getting a dungeon key to: "The City of Wolves". And a key appeared in my hands. I took care not to use it. The fight had exhausted my mana reserves and with my current wisdom, the magic revival is +5% per hour. This is my weak faith. I needed five hours minimum to reproduce a little fireball.

I began to skin the carcass of the monster to discover an evolutionary stone. This stone could be found on some monster and could grant attributes related to the beast. However it was relatively rare to get hold of one of these stones because of its magical nature and those who possessed them were incredibly powerful. Whouaw! What a chance! I could resell at least 20,000 gold coins at the guild auction. However, it could make me much stronger. So a choice took place in me: Sell the stone and buy a new house and equipment or absorb it to get a line that could be harmful. Indeed, it was possible that the stone produced a trait harmful to the individual, someone had obtained the scales of a sea snake on his whole body after the absorption of a stone!

As the choice drew me, I brought the body of the beast, taking care to hide the stone from the guild. I received the 1,500 gold coins for the bonus and returned home, happy to receive so much gold and exhausted by my quest. Sitting on the couch, I looked at the stone. Absorb it? Sell it? What to do.

In a fit of reflection, I inadvertently activated the stone and the mana came to be absorbed by my body. "Notification! New Acquired Attribute: What doesn't kill me makes me stronger - All attacks received by the body will be transformed into experience by strengthening the body."

The attribute of the wolf was "reinforcement by attack", I had received the mutated trait "reinforcement by defense". Well, that's not so bad for such a rare stone! Happy with this new attribute, I fell asleep sheepish. Thinking what purpose I will use my hard-earned money for.

Mutated trait ? I'm sure there is some DNA engineers working on it somewhere in a cave of this world

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