
Evolutionis Player[Eng]

From the book: I produced a portal and came across his mansion made of white marbled stones. The mansion was shining under the moon of this dwarf planet, a moon of magnificent silvery blue color. I had to defeat this demigod. He had immeasurable powers and increased intelligence after all these years of existence. However my arsenal was no less advanced and my magic art was colossal. I amplified my voice: "You, Lumadis, show that I am putting an end to your life, a rat that you are hiding at the edge of the Universe!" "I am not hiding, on the contrary," replied a gentle and playful voice. "I'm just enjoying the view" I did not think any more and produced the black gaseous eternalis which was pouring over the house, violet lightning exploded in all directions and cracked the stone. Our story traces the path of a man who can evolve like a video game. He will progress by trying to unravel the secrets of the system that will help him progress in his destiny. His road will be littered with adversaries, encounters and challenges to overcome. Will our hero manage to survive in the face of these innumerable dangers? Will he be able to evolve or will he perish before?

Evorum · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

Chapter 2 -Quest Appendix

After defeating the slime monster, I teleported back to where I was. Back in the slime field that I had exterminated and where remains lay here and there. The sun was very low, so I decided to go home to meditate on the investment of my attribute points. Strength perhaps? The 5 points I invested were felt against the slime boss. Mmmh! Or wisdom? No idea why, but I'm intrigued by this attribute, I don't know exactly what it's for.

Back in my loti, I prepared a fire and a beer to prepare myself to read a book on magic that I bought "mana level 1" at 400 gold coins! A real fortune, however I was able to sell the boss's weapon axe at a good price which allowed me to buy this.

I have always been curious about magic arts and this book will help me discover the basics: mana control. I finished my beer and started reading the book which turned out to be very complicated, I did not understand all these complex symbols. Suddenly an idea came to me. So I invested 10 points in wisdom. "Notification! - You are now a wise learner lvl1, Intense Gaze lvl1, Magic Regeneration lvl2, World Understanding lvl2" To be or not to be, I tell myself laughing.

After having invested my points I felt a slight change, I was more lucid, I reopened my book and suddenly everything seemed clear and easy, I finished the entire book in 2 hours and I practiced using mana.

Then a cry in the village sounded loud and high. I hurried out of my house to witness a horrific scene: a huge werewolf scratching the air and space around him, surrounded by guards lurking there, the beast had attacked a woman and her child. The werewolf uttered a powerful and stunning sound, everyone wavered and the next moment, the beast had disappeared.

And so it began: "The hunting of the Magistral werewolf"

- - - * Hunting the Magistral werewolf *- - - -

The guards gathered around the victims to gather information about the beast, its specificities and if possible its attributes. A werewolf could possess at most 2 attributes and they varied greatly: steel claws, stone body, etc...

This one had claws in mithril which is a rare and terribly resistant metal, its second attribute remained a mystery. The hunt had been opened and displayed freely on the board of the guild, a bonus of 1500 gold coins will be awarded to who will kill the beast. I longed to seize this opportunity but the gain was less than the risk of this quest.

This werewolf was at least twice as heavy as a common werewolf and had an unknown attribute! However I now controlled the mana freely in my body and handled it with dexterity, I don't have enough money to buy spell books however I tried something.

I condensed the mana in my palm and then added the attributes of fire and wind. A ball of fiery fire glowed in my palm but it wasn't enough to beat a werewolf and then like a drop of perla genius water on my forehead, I added the mana of sulfur, a compound that was rich in flammable product. I learned this in the book I had just read at the end.

The fireball heated so much that it became white and melted the ceiling! It could defeat the werewolf, I had to find a flaw in its movement to touch it perfectly but a werewolf was agile and strong, he can easily circumvent my plans as complex as they are.

And it was by intertwining all these reflections that I fell asleep peacefully in search of an answer to "how to defeat the Magistral werewolf?"

I woke up in great shape, the night had given me ideas about the possible openings of werewolves.

While I ate an egg, I made the decision to go hunting for the Magistral werewolf, the gain had got the better of me. I gathered my equipment and made a stop at the alchemy stand.

"- What would you need, young man?"

"- A sleeping potion, please"

"- It will be 50 gold pieces"

"- Is it powerful enough?"

"Without a doubt, you could put an ox to sleep with this"

Then I stopped at the trapper's stand to buy equipment that would be useful to me. Ready! I went to the entrance of the "Cairn du Noir" forest and proceeded to enter it.

The atmosphere was heavy and a thin layer of fog was flowing this morning. You could hear leaves moving and trees oozing but the wolf remained hidden. That's when I used my equipment: an anti-odor box that acted like a smoke and ultra-resistant nylon wires to set traps. I decided to invest my remaining 15 points in strength and mana with respectively +8 points in strength and +7 points in mana.

In this way, my blood vessels that fed my muscles widened to form new mana channels. I proceeded to set traps around my camp, the sun was already setting and I had searched the area all day looking for trace, without success. I lit a precarious camp fire and laid out my sleeping bag then 3 hours passed in the darkness of the forest.

Embraced in a semi-deep sleep, I began to discern metal sounds, they were weak but audible at this distance. Who could train at such an hour in the forest, I said to myself. I caught a torch from my camp fire and decided to head for the sound source. As I walked closer, a trap was set without warning, a rope caught my foot and caught me in the air, like a meat hanging from a hook. Panicking slightly, I lifted my body to look at the nature of my hold! A magic rope! And while sounds of fighting raged, I stood there without remedy to my situation.

And though I twisted and did my best to free myself, the noise ceased. A cry of pain had pierced the white sky to freeze my bowels. Suddenly, a stealthy step passed by, and a thick black shape crossed my field of vision, the werewolf was there!