
First lesson - Part 1

Natasha had asked for a room to herself on the first day she arrived. Since the gates opened 10 years ago people stopped using there names as they held no power. Some of the strongest families in the world where reduced to nothing where common people where suddenly important. Natasha's family has kept there reputation, the Sparkes had always been powerful and still where, so when she asked she did drop her name in. This wasn't something she had ever done but she know this was the only way, she wanted a room that allowed her to focus solely on becoming a hunter. She was given one right at the end of the corridor opposite Gil, although neither knew it.

As she woke and got ready she put here training uniform on. She had chosen to add some snow flakes on the black to indicate her power. At 8am on the dot she left to go like most others.

"Did you hear at around 4am someone was moving in the corridor" she heard this whilst walking past some people talking.

"Yeah it woke me up, I was going to say something but when I opened the door slightly it was Silver. He looked like he was going to train" someone in the group responded.

Natasha was astonished by this, she could think of a reason to train that early.

As people started to head to there lesson she heard some more talk about Silver and how early he was training.

When they arrived at the arena there where already two people there. There was a middle aged man in white trousers and a black vest. He had short brown hair and green eyes. Those that where tested by him instantly noticed it was Leon. The other was also instantly noticed as Silver.

Both of them seemed to be talked and when they saw the rest of the students arrive went there own way, Leon to the front of a row of bench's and Silver to the back.

After Gil had finished his run he went to the library to read about earth shield. He saw that a lot of people would raise the earth into a wall blocking the path of the attack as instead of forming one out of mana. He found that each had its pros and cons.

The mana formed one would be quicker and can be easily moved when formed, but tended to be weaker. This was good for facing low level attacks but would t be effective against a higher grade one.

The earth made one would take longer to build and would be harder to move, but was a lot stronger.

After reading some more he headed to the training arena and found Leon.

"Thank you for the desk and privilege card" Gil said as he got closed the Leon.

"Ah that no problem, each year we have people that request a room to them self so that isn't special. But that privilege card isn't something we give out often, so it's best to keep that a secret" Replied Leon.

"Ah, would it be possible to use the card to stay after the lesson has ended to practice here some more" Gil asked this as he wanted to practice attempting a shield and didn't want people watching.

"Yeah, that's the point as long as the area isn't in use then you can go and use it. If a teach asks what your doing show them the card and they will understand. However, even though you can train in the 2nd and 3rd year areas I wouldn't recommend that yet." Leon replied.

The two keeps talking for a bit before the rest of the students came to the area before going there separate ways.

Once Gil sat at the back everyone started taking there own seats, trying to sit in there groups I'd friends, when every one was seated Leon began.

"Welcome your your first lesson of school. Today we will be going through the grades of hunters and how your year will be planned." Gil noticed Leon was reading a script and thought it was given to him to make sure he didn't miss anything.

"Hunters are graded from 1-10 with 1 being the strongest, we break down this again down into A-F. There are thee special grades above this as well, there is 0, kingdoms and lastly God. Grade 0 are able to take on the same as 100 grade 1A hunters. Kingdom hunters are hunters that go against monsters that threaten a kingdom, as the name suggests. Lastly God hunters are ones that battle against ones that threaten the continent. We have only had 3 of these monsters appear in the history of the continent, but there destruction is comparable to all other monsters. When a God level monsters is defeated the hunters have the right to be called a God of there power. For example Ava is the Goddess of lightning." Leon paused to let this sink in.

"For your fist year, there will be a inter year tournament in 6 months and then a school competition against the other 4 hunter schools at the end of the year. Leading up to the inter school one, you will be improving your handle on your power and weapons and how best to combine them. You will also be facing low level monsters from the gates. After your inter school tournament you will be doing the same but at a higher level and depending on how you performed may be able to participate in going through a gate."

"Closer to the time of both tournaments the competitions will be announced and the you decided where to enter. For the moment please gather in either groups of 2 or 4, so we can start practice. "

Leon finished reading his script and now looked up at everyone waiting for them to get into groups.