
Evil MC in Other Worlds

Evil MC in Other Worlds *Trigger Warning* The following piece of art may be offensive to some people because it contains rape fantasy, which is not real. Real rape is wrong. This is for people who enjoy rape as a fantasy or role-play and is not intended to be real or to be reproduced in any way. IF YOU ARE NOT 21 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER, PLEASE EXIT THIS SITE NOW! THIS STORY IS FOR ADULTS ONLY AND CONTAINS EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT, INCLUDING NON-CONSENUAL SEX, ABUSE, AND BREAST PLAY. IT IS SIMPLY FANTASY AND IN NO WAY CONDOLES THE ABUSE OF WOMEN. IT IS HERE FOR PLEASURE ONLY. With that said, the main focus of this novel is smut so there is little to be had with plot. You have been warned! If you want to support me then there is a huge chance that this novel won't be dropped. Author's Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Immovable87 PayPal Donation - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=GX29VUN9C7M78&source=url Discord: https://discord.gg/mXMRjzF

The_Procrastinator · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Chapter 1 Paradigm


"Oh? Have I finally succeeded then? What a surprise," boomed a voice suffused with unfathomable power, resonating through the modest confines of the unremarkable room.

"And it seems I've taken over the body of a dead loser? Hah." The voice dripped with contempt as it sifted through the flood of memories, greedily consuming them in mere moments. 

The new soul seamlessly assimilated into the unfamiliar vessel, effortlessly asserting dominance and healing the damaged flesh of this poor guy.

Standing tall, he cracked his neck with a satisfying pop, his palm rising expectantly, poised to wield and command the dark chaos he had long subjugated throughout countless eons.

"Hmmm… This new universe operates under a peculiar set of laws and rules," the alien soul mused, momentarily acknowledging the enigma before swiftly refocusing his attention. 

Delving deep into the recesses of the original body's memories, he unearthed the profound cultivation technique he once tried to master.

"Flowing River Fist Style? How intriguing," remarked the alien soul with a crooked grin, his eyes gleaming with anticipation as he began to practice the technique within the confines of the room. 

Initially stiff and awkward in his movements, he gradually found his rhythm, each strike evolving into a fluid dance in the wind. 

With each motion, his fists exuded a potent blend of strength and flexibility, capable of seamlessly adapting to the shifting currents of battle. 

As he continued to refine his technique, his movements grew increasingly unpredictable, mirroring the erratic flow of a coursing river. 

Before long, the faint echo of rushing waters permeated the air, a testament to the mastery unfolding within the room. 

"I should cease my progress here," the alien soul murmured, his voice a mere breath in the stillness of the room, as he approached the zenith of mastery in the Flowing River Fist Style. 

Each movement had become a symphony of precision and power, a testament to his relentless dedication and unparalleled skill. 

Yet, despite the allure of pushing further, he knew that to do so would invite unwanted scrutiny from those old dogs that safeguarded the four walls of this sect. 

With a calculating gaze, he pondered the consequences of delving deeper into the technique's mysteries. 

The prospect of unveiling the ultimate form filled him with a heady mix of anticipation and apprehension. 

For he knew that with each revelation, the very fabric of existence would tremble, heralding a shift in the cosmic balance.

In his original universe, such breakthroughs had not gone unnoticed. The celestial forces of the heavenly dao had descended upon him, showering accolades and burdens in equal measure. 

But here, in this uncharted domain, he hesitated to invite such attention. The stakes were too high, the risks too great.

No, he decided, now was not the time for recklessness. Better to bide his time, to consolidate his newfound power before venturing further into the unknown. 

For the journey towards enlightenment was not a sprint, but a marathon, and he was determined to emerge victorious, no matter the obstacles that lay ahead.

"Though the path ahead may be veiled in uncertainty, I find solace in the clarity gained from my current understanding," the alien soul mused, a faint smile playing upon his lips as he contemplated the journey that lay ahead. 

Rising from his practice, he returned to the humble confines of his bed, a sense of purpose coursing through his being.

Seated in a lotus position, he closed his eyes, allowing his consciousness to drift into the depths of contemplation. 

With each breath, he delved deeper into the intricacies of the Flowing River Fist Style, unraveling its secrets with an acute sense of awareness. 

Though he could not continue his exploration of the technique at this moment, he found reassurance in the knowledge that he had unearthed a foundation upon which to build anew.

As he dissected the movements and principles of the technique, a spark of inspiration ignited within him. 

Despite the loss of his former cultivation realm and masteries in the transition to this unfamiliar universe, he harbored an unwavering belief in the resilience of his eternal soul. 

It thrived within him, a constant reminder of his inherent strength and adaptability.

With a sense of purpose driving him forward, he resolved to craft a cultivation technique tailored to his unique strengths and capabilities in this new environment. 

Each gesture, each thought, became a brushstroke upon the canvas of his creation, as he infused the essence of his being into the very fabric of the technique.

Gone were the constraints of his past experiences; in their place emerged a boundless expanse of possibility, waiting to be explored and shaped according to his will. 

With unwavering determination, he embraced the challenge before him, knowing that through perseverance and ingenuity, he would rise to reclaim the full extent of his power once more.

* * *

As the morning dawned, casting hues of gold and rose across the horizon, our alien soul stirred from slumber. 

With a gradual awakening, he opened his eyes to the world once more, greeted by the familiar yet wondrous sensation that accompanied the blossoming of his consciousness. 

"DING!" And then, as if summoned by an unseen force, a resounding sound reverberated from the depths within him, heralding the emergence of a brilliance unparalleled.

Within the irises of his eyes, a cosmic spectacle unfolded, an entire universe swirling with enigmatic depths and unfathomable mysteries. 

It was a sight to behold, captivating in its grandeur and beguiling in its complexity. 

Yet, amidst the vast expanse of this inner cosmos, there shone a spark of realization—a glimpse of success attained through arduous effort and unwavering determination.

"Only a fraction of achievement, yet sufficient to confront any challenge that may lie ahead," he reflected, his voice a mere whisper against the backdrop of the universe within. 

With a sense of reverence, he bestowed upon this newfound revelation the name "Eternal Soul Scripture," recognizing its significance as a testament to the enduring power of the soul.

With purposeful resolve, he rose from the confines of his bed, pushing open the door to unveil a world brimming with untapped potential and boundless opportunity. 

For this dark soul, whose conquest had already spanned the reaches of his original universe, the allure of a new challenge beckoned with irresistible allure.

Driven by an insatiable hunger for conquest, he stepped forth into the dawning light, his heart pulsating with anticipation. 

Each footfall echoed with the weight of his determination, resonating with the echoes of countless victories past and the promise of triumphs yet to come.

"I hope this world is ready for my entrance," he proclaimed, his voice ringing with quiet confidence as he gazed upon the horizon, his eyes alight with the fire of ambition. 

With a grin that spoke of boundless potential, he embraced the dawn of a new day, ready to seize his rightful place at the apex of the multiverse.

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