
Chapter 329 Sudden Turn

Still, the burning need to know the truth was unbearable.

What was their mother thinking? Who was this man? And why hadn't she mentioned anything about him before?

Aria and Hannah exchanged another look, a silent agreement passing between them. They had to find out.

They canceled their plans for the day, ignoring messages from friends and coworkers as they stationed themselves by the door like two sentries.

Every time they thought about leaving, their curiosity reeled them back in.

"What do you think she's doing in there?" Aria whispered, breaking their vow of silence.

Hannah shrugged, though her expression betrayed her own vivid imagination.

"What do you think?" she muttered.

The minutes stretched into hours, and their patience began to wear thin. Every muffled sound from behind the door sent their imaginations into overdrive.