
Chapter 3

Xia Jingyue's mother's surname is Liu, as known as the Liu family.

She is virtuous, gentle and kind. She is filial to her father-in-law and regards her mother-in-law as her her own biological parents. She worked hard to earn money to support her husband to study. In short, mother Liu is a model good wife and a mother praised in men's books.

However, mother Liu died in peace.

When her husband's family was poor, she was tired to death and finally made a good career for her husband. He was named tan hualang today, but he married a young and beautiful miss Hou as her mistress and abandoned her in the countryside.

When Xia Jingyue was born, mother Liu was angry with her husband's mistress.

Xia Jingue's was also called Xia Jinguue in her previous life. Maybe it was this opportunity that made her transmigrate here. For this opportunity, she followed mother Liu's last wish and came to the capital with mother Liu's ashes to ask for justice.

"Miss, shall we add some merit money?" servant girl Chu Xue asked, pointing to the merit box in the hall.

Qingshan temple is one of the four famous temples in the capital. Xia Jingyue happened to pass by here, so she stopped by to hang a death card for the suffering Liu family, hoping that she would have a good baby in her next life.

"Add some". Xia Jingyue gives half of the money to Chu Xue and asks her to donate it to the merit box.

Chu Xue is an orphan girl bought by Xia Jingyue on her way to the capital. She has smart brain and flexible hands and legs. What's rare is her honesty. Xia Jingyue plans to train Chu Xue as her medical assistant.

After adding money, Xia Jingyur took out two empty water bags and wanted to ask the temple for two bags of water for drinking on the road.

Now it's hot summer, the sun is shining, and it hasn't rained for a month. The earth is as hot as big stove, and people are being baked in the stove.

On the way to capital, Xia Jingyue has treated countless patients suffering from summer heat. It is this way to practice medicine that made her have enough money.

Coming out of the hall, Xia Jingyue was about to go to the well to get water from the corner corridor when she suddenly heard a sad scream. She quickly turned her head and looked.

Under the ancient tree in front of the main gate of Qiangshan temple, a woman blue clothe was crying with her child. Many pilgrims who went up the mountain were shocked and walked over one after another.

Xia Jingyue vaguely heard that the pilgrim over there said that the child had a heatstroke. She immediately said to chu xue, "let's go and have a look."

"Gui'er! My child, what's the matter with you? Don't scare your mother! Gui'er! My son!" The woman in tsing yi cried in panic holding the seven year old child who was vomiting and pale.

Seeing this, the onlookers said one after another, "ninety nine percent of the children should be careful in the summer. Now in this hot day, it's easiest to be affected.

"No, this problem can be big or small. There was a five year child in my steer who had fever and died in less than three days."

"If such a young child doesn't stay at home for the summer, he won't suffer if he isn't brought here. The road up the mountain in the front of Qingshan temple is hot, long and steep. Not to mention children, it's tough for adults to walk all the way."

When the woman heard what the pilgrim said, she couldn't help but fell sad and cried, " the child has been sick for more than half a month. Many doctors can't cure him. A female said that the child is infected with evil. It's best to take him to take and wash away the evil spirit. I'm just....."

At this time, two low key and luxurious, tightly covered soft sedans just went up the mountain. Hearing the sad voice of the woman, the lady in the sedan send a steward mammy surnamed Wang to inquire about the situation.

Mammy Wang came to have a look and asked the pilgrim who knew the inside story. Her heart moved slightly. She thought that this was to do some good deeds in front the temple hall. Maybe the Bodhisattva could see the sincerity of the lady, just as they asked for, so that the old lady could recover as soon as possible and live a long live and don't have many sins.