
The start of everything

Once there was a happy three of a family. They were happy, they didn't need those fancy royale palace, or those fancy positions. All they had was Love.

But of course, every love can be broken. Aurora, Acacius's mother had an affair with the Emperor of their nation. Acacius and Lila didn't know why their mother would do that. The Aurora they know had a purest soul out of everyone.

So why would she do that?

One night, Lila, Acacius older sister ran away from their home. She left a note saying "Do not come for me." That's it.

Aurora cried and cried that night, why would her beloved daughter ran away?

Acacius knew one thing, Lila, actually said her reason to Acacius.

"Acacius, are you awake?" Lila knocked on his door in the middle of the night.


"Can I come in?"

"Yes, of course." With that response, Lila went inside and sat down on the latter's bed.

"Sister, Is something wrong?" He asked curiously and worried.

"Sister will go away for now."

"H-huh? But why?" Acacius widens his eyes. "Acacius, I can't take this anymore. Every morning I would go to the Academy embarrassed, bullied. All because Mom slept with His Majesty." Lila's tears starts to go down.

'She really did ran away' Acacius sighs and pats his mother's back.

It's been three years ever since that happened.

Acacius looks up to the night sky and sighs, right, Aurora and him are in the deep forest. Suddenly, there was a twitch.

The Empress shows up right in front of them. Aurora widens her eyes as her hands started to shake. The Emperor and her did got into an affair.

"Lady Aurora..." The Empress mumbled, all that Acacius can do was hide behind his mother.

"Y-Yes your Majesty?" She bowed.

"You are under arrest. Take her away. Ready the guillotine." She scoffed.

"Y-your Majesty?! Please don't! I still have a son to raise!" She begged as the knights tries to hold her down.

Whilst the other knights holds a young boy, Acacius, crying her mother's name.

The Empress turns around and faces Aurora, she then grabbed Aurora's chin and said. "You should've thought of your son when you had an affair with his Majesty."

"Mama!" Acacius cried.

"Acacius!" She then stopped moving around. "Y-your majesty, may I please talk to my son only for a few minutes?"

"Very well."

The knights let go of her and Aurora runs to Acacius.

"Mama, please don't go!" Aurora hugs Acacius tightly, and whispers.

"Son, Acacius, listen to me. Under the bed, there is an invisibility spell, you know how to undo that, right? My son is amazing after all." She said as tears went down.

"I'm sorry, Mom has to leave you like this--"

"That's enough." The Empress declared. The Knights then dragged Aurora away.

"Mama!" Acacius screamed.

"I love you" Aurora mouthed.

Acacius cried and cried. It was a private execution that the Empress decided.

After the execution, Acacius was left with nothing but pain and sorrow.

"Your Majesty, what will we do with her son?" The Knights respectfully asked.

"Since that useless Emperor is now dead...I'll take him in. The others are gonna be thrilled now that they have a new brother." The Empress smiled. All that Acacius could do was obey.

"Y-Your Highness, before we go to the Capital. Can I go to my house first?" He bowed.

"Very well."

Finally, they arrived at his house.

"Me and my knights will wait here."

"Thank you, your majesty."

He then quietly went inside of his house, he ran to his room and looked under the bed.

An invisibility spell.

Usually to do magic you must chant, but not Acacius. Acacius only needs to imagine.

So he does, there is a small box. He then opened it and sees a necklace and a paper.

"Once you have grown enough, go to north-west and find the Kingdom of Arcelia. Find the Empress, tell her I sent you.

- Your Beloved Mother."

He finally went inside, surprised that the Empress crouched.

"Acacius, you will be the Fourth Prince of Angra." The Empress smiled.

The next day, they finally arrived at the Capital. It takes two days by carriage and one day by Magic.

"Your Highness, the crown prince!" The head butler said.

"Ugh, what do you want?" He slowly got up and yawns.

"Her highness is almost back, please wake up." The older bowed. Whilst, the latter got up and went to the bathroom.

Waking these Princes isn't an easy job for the Head Butler. Seriously, it could be the reason why would the Head Butler resign.

Finally, all the maids, butlers, the Princes we're gathered outside to greet The Empress.

Unlike any other nation. The Empress of Angra has more power than the Emperor itself.

The people bowed and vowed that they will never betray their own country, especially it's Empress.

"There Her Highness is!" One of the maids shouted excitedly.

All of them turned around and sees an extravagant carriage. It then stops and the Empress comes out.

"We welcome the Moon of Angra!" They bowed. The Empress turned around and said, "Acacius, you can't hide there forever."

'Huh? Who is Her Highness/Mother talking to?' They all wondered.

The Empress sighed and decided to carry Acacius.

"Woah!" He then held tight to her. All of them widens their eyes by surprise.

"Y-Your highness." The head maid stuttered. "May we ask who is that?"

"Acacius will be the Fourth Prince of Angra. Auden, Benjamin, Cole. I'm expecting you to treat Acacius like your own." The Empress declared.

Out of shyness, Acacius turns his head around and closes his eyes.

'By the fact I just ordered to execute his mother, he is rather calm' the Empress thought.

"Yes, your majesty." The Princes bowed.

"Very well. Head Butler, prepare Acacius a bath." He then bowed and enters the palace. Just as the Empress and Acacius went inside, he made eye contact with the three Prince.

The second Prince sighed, right now. The Princes are in the royal study.

"What was Mother thinking?" He sighed yet again. "Auden, do you have any opinion on this?"

"Just like Mother said, we need to treat him like our own." Auden replied.

"But what about our reputation?! Rumors will come!" Cole shouted,

"I know that, but the William Family can erase those people in a minute, as well as their Nation from the map." Auden looked into Cole's eyes.

Cole sighed.

"His name was Acacius, no?" Benjamin asked.

"Yes. Why?"

"It's a pretty name for a boy like him." He then crossed his arms.

"Indeed, it does suit him." Auden closed his eyes.

Meanwhile, with Acacius who just finished taking a bath.

"Mom..." A lone tear escaped his eyes, he then heard a knock on the door.

"It's me, Acacius." The Empress said.

"A-ah, come in, Your Majesty." He stuttered.

The Empress then opened the door and sat down with Acacius.

"Acacius, look me in the eye."


Cecilia sighed, "I know that I just executed your mother, and right now, this moment with me is uncomfortable. But I hope you open up your heart. I had my reasons why I killed your mother, and you know the reason, right?"

Acacius nodded.

"Good. You see Alexander wasn't a really great Emperor, he would have women every time I enter his study, his palace, even his bedroom. So I, ah what am I saying.." She sighed once more.

"But, I hope you take us as a family. The three Princes here are delighted to see you." Cecilia stands up and said, "I'll go now, have a nice night."

She then closed the door.

'As if I'll forgive you.' He clenched his fist.

He swore on that night, he would get his revenge for his Mother.