
Day 150-200 Military Part 2

"Do you have anything to ask General Instructor?" Yu Qing asked in the car. Rexford then told her to speak about everything in regard to those he was to train.

Yu Qing was surprised he took the initiative in requesting information but did not see a reason why just yet. Embedded in the military, was one way to go but having several members moving into the Special Divisions was even better.

Especially with alien invaders coming in the future. And the various Nation powerhouses to deal with. It was still too early to start up in other countries and especially ones he knew how to move better in.

As they talked it over, Rexford found the work presented to be fairly easy overall. The freedom to move met his goals and then some. Lots of carrots so far, so the stick would come once he was at the base really.

"Master Mingyun, will it be ok for you to leave your work to attend a little longer each day?" Huo asked. Already trying to get him involved more each day was a step.

"That is not going to happen. But I will keep a close eye on everything." He gestured to Biao. "However, Biao will be available a little earlier than myself most days. His love for the military is much stronger than my own."

The difference between the U.S. military proceedings and that of China was great. But as an instructor, Rexford didn't see any problems. He did however think of the mercenary work he did and was willing to do that with the government if it fit.

Suzaku was currently working on that for him just in case.

"Especially with my record cleaned up and the formal investigation over." Biao said happily. He already spoke with some of his old comrades and managed to get a few re-enlisted. Some were just too far gone and needed rehabilitation before they even got out of prison.

*Bring!* Rexford's phone went off. Alerting him to a sighting of a few Japanese nationals entering the city. The response back was for Wei Ziqing to handle the situation. Natasha going to help show the men & women a safe time while in the city.

Thinking a little more of it, he tapped a few masters of Chuzhuo who could benefit from the exchange. To help ease in pressure Wei Ziqing and Natasha may feel with the older members coming. Natasha would most likely attack if they got handsy.

Wei Ziqing had a better understanding of holding herself than her. Natasha was following the rules of Ansastuken more than the others, however. Don't touch me if I don't give you permission. She took it to heart.


Flying over by Helicopter-


Rexford was getting a good eyeful of the place. Not only was it a spacious mountain area that looked beautiful, but it was also a good training area. Yu Qing took good note that he was interested in the land for later.

Never hurt to have more bargaining power. She already wondered why he didn't want to fly and run to the location but it started to make sense. Thinking of the view of the villa helped as well.

Chitang was right with him in that regard. The large landscape and the sea of trees were breathtaking. The few mountains were enough that Rexford made sure to make a mental if the world turned to crap, to hold up in the area.

His eyes caught a few strange qi fluctuations. Possible treasures or spiritual beasts hiding out. He could send his Divine Sense to check but it was better not to. Just in case he spoke whatever was down there.

"Hmm, good training to run here every day. Make sure to get set up for me to do so." Rexford said. Chitang next to him nodded emphatically. "As well as Chitang."

"Of course." Yu Qing answered. For himself, it wouldn't be that bad. But for a child would take some work. 'Hopefully, he always comes with him or Biao. He has such beautiful eyes like his father.' Catching herself staring, she shook the thoughts out of her head.

"Canglong Base..looks better than ever." Biao muttered. He looked at the man who made it possible and smiled.

"Not much longer now." Yu Qing watched him get up and thought it odd. Huo came out of his meditation to see what was going on. "General Instructor, they may show some resistance due to your age. I'm afraid you may need to show some skill."

"She is right."

"That is why we are going to show them right off the bat how great we are." Rexford opens the door throwing Chitang out. "Forgot to tell him to yell something cool first." He was jumping out right after.

"SUUURRFFSSSS UUPPPP!" Chitang pulled out one of his scales by his arm. Using it as a board as he moved through the air. The look of glee was definitely that of a child.

"COWABUNGA!" Rexford yelled jumping out. He missed skydiving and jumping out of Helos for airdrops. 'This feeling is so great. Wei Lan scored big getting the Copters a while back. Need to make a trip to some areas with the students. We can practice some jumps.'

As the feeling of falling passed through his body, Rexford's qi circulated on its own. He was so relaxed his body actually cried out in joy. Tense muscles from the recent training, massaging themselves in a way currently.

"He just threw his kid out the door!" Yu Qing's eyes almost bugged out of her head. Then it caught up with her what happened. "He jumped out too!" They looked to Biao who was not going to jump out as well and sighed.

"Not that strong to risk dying like that." Biao muttered. He enjoyed excitement but not this much.

"There is the helicopter." A soldier said. "Is that yelling I hear?"

"That hatch door is open!" A soldier blocked the sun from his eyes to get a better look. "Guys... is that a surfboard!?" Asking what he believes to be the impossible. It was a military base after all.

"There is another person as well!" The soldiers were beside themselves in excitement.

Seeing the trick performed Chitang had the men in awe. Especially seeing that it was an actual child doing so. Not seeing a parachute, they started to freak out a little.

Chitang exhaled before hitting the ground. A gust of wind kicked him upward doing a backflip and breaking the momentum. Landing, he stared up at Rexford. Who decided to just land on his feet disrupting Gravity.

To the soldiers, it looked like he landed with no issue whatsoever. Making them a little more stupefied.

"Members of Canglong," Rexford gave them a resolute look and a stern tone. "I am your General Instructor. This is Chitang, my son. To give you a heads up, he is stronger than all of you and has trained all his life."

Which was all true. The life of a snake in the wild was pretty brutal. As well as the body was made by Rexford as well. He would not tell them he was a century-old snake previously.

"Even the brat is stronger than us!" A soldier exclaimed.

After hearing his words, the Captain of the group called them to attention. They followed the order but couldn't help themselves.

"Over there yacking away in ranks, what kind of shit is this?" Rexford looked at them in distaste. "All those talking, start off small. Air chairs, get there!" They looked at him wide-eyed not doing as instructed.

*Woom!* Rexford wrapped all those talking in his Qi. Forcing them to take the position as if they had a chair underneath them. Their muscles are compressed from the force.

"Rexford is the General Instructor?!" A young man who had not been seen in a while said. A second later he was wrapped up in Qi and forced into position. "Ugh!!" Chu Minghui was not ready for the pressure.

After five minutes passed, the pressure was released. They were ordered to rest for two minutes before getting back into ranks.

The others came after the helicopter landed safely. As well as clear up what happened to the superiors who spotted the descent of Chitang and Rexford.

"General instructor, you continue to impress." Yu Qing smiled. Hu Donglai looked at the soldiers in pity. Biao explained a little of the training to them both when landing.

"I want a mile ran from those who yapped like little schoolchildren. Two miles from those who didn't. The faster you finish, the faster you are rewarded." Rexford gestured for Chitang to make sure they followed his order. "Get the lead out!"

The soldiers started running. Little Chitang walked behind them watching them with a deadly glare. Biao going with to make sure the worst didn't happen. Such as Chitang picking out those he deemed special.

Quite a few members of the Ansastuken were taught by what they consider a prodigy. The growth rate they showed in grapples and movement techniques caused others to envy the situation more than make fun of a child teaching them.


Canglong Base Meeting Room-


In the late evening, the soldiers were happy for the break.

"Here is all the basic information about Canglong." Yu Qing handed over. Rexford took the files reading them over. Only an idiot would pass up to learn information about an enemy. 'He is not worried in the least. Then again, we are already his people and have deals in place.'

'If memory served, Chen Fan didn't want to get too involved with them since it would prevent him from coming and going as he pleased.' Rexford flipped through the material further. 'But that was foolish. The moment he arrived in the place they determined if he was free to go with the strength he had. Considering what he released in the city already using that "Water" of his, they were aware more of him than anything else. 500 years old but unable to understand the way military worked.'

Chitang read over the material afterward. Then Biao read it over. Seeing the child writing down several places a person could sneak in and cause trouble caused them to look at him in a new light.

"Where do you want to start with their special training?" Yu Qing asked.

"Gather these materials. We are going to temper their bodies first." Rexford passed over a jar with Spirit Enhancing Pills. One for each of the soldiers to take. A paper with the Basic Taiji Enhanced Exercises but only to increase one's willpower and health. It also contained a method to rob the practitioner of all their strength if they betrayed him. "The mind needs to be strong for future accomplishments."

"Ehem!" A man with a scar on his face interrupted. His name was Gu Liuru, an instructor of Grapple. "These exercises, are they available for everyone?"

"No, what is the point if a special division passes it to everyone?" Rexford shook his head no. "Huo Donglai is practicing it already. But he is a disciple of mine. They are not. So obviously his is better."

"You lucky bastard!" Gu Liuru sneered.

"If you want to be a student of mine, you need to try to think which loyalties are most important to you first." Rexford marked a few spots that showed weakness. Not to the base overall but to the living areas of the soldiers. "No sense in having a base around with dead soldiers."

Writing the improvements down, he also scribbled a small formation down. Knowing that the Special Division would look into most things done by him, it was more to give peace of mind for the future and to find those who openly break government law easier.

'They will mess with the formation or have someone come and take a look at it, but no matter as I will have ways to break it if they use any of this in the groundwork.' Thinking of his own understanding of formations, Rexford made sure to have the Mini bring up more of the other ones buried in memory. 'So many different ways to improve the surroundings.'

Soul: Black Gold Vortex

Body: Black Gold Sun Art

Manual: The Great Way of the Void Battling Immortal

Aspects: Gravity, Space, Violence, Fear, Nature

Realm: Xiantian (Early); Transcendent Realm

Agents: Wei Operatives, Biao, Yang Chao, Ji Xingyu, Wu Shanhe

Devout: Chang Wen, A'Xiu, Tang, Anqi

Contacts: Chuzhou, Gang Island, Zhongzhou, Natasha

Alliance: Sini Dova

Magmatidecreators' thoughts