
Day 150- 200 Sishui County Part 17 Taking out Pugilists Part 1

Shen Shengaki leader of the new Shen Family that broke away from the main group approached. Paying respects to Rexford and company then proceeded to show them around. The fact she received little from her family was small at first but a good life line such as Rexford made her position grow higher.

She was just some no-name and not worth the trouble to the family. Especially with all those coming with her were all nobodies in the family so they did not see the value just yet. They were those acquired from backroom dealings and the worst response of their people making horrible deals.

Like extramarital affairs and abduction of rivals. A group of outcast children and adults.

Tightening his use of the abilities of the Unending Army, Rexford was able to break them away from the family "spiritually" easily. Thick Black Qi formed inside his Internal Space to mess with later. Shengaki's drive boosted the mistreated Shen members' loyalty to her solidifying her as a young leader quickly and cemented her power.

Jiang Churan, Wei Lan, Yang Chao, and Wei Ziqing were able to enjoy the sights. As well as broaden their horizons before meeting up with him at the Martial Exchange later.

"You are looking well." Shengaki walked to his side respectfully as they conversed about the city's importance. On the other side was Jiang Churan, who more or less pouted for some reason. "The "Big" Valley of The Medicine God is still stonewalling any trades with us, but the growth of our Medicine Hall in Jiuding City is well. Security has also increased, and the list of people Blacklisted has grown."

"That is good, stay on top of the circulation of those Blacklisted and why, it is the only way to keep the other businesses safe." Checking her Cultivation as they walked, he was happy the woman stood consistent in her training. It was not major in the grand scheme of things but above those in her family's generation should offer greater potential for her future movements. "Let's keep growing the security in the vicinity and acquiring land legally."

Handing her a bag of Spirit Enhancing Pills, he addressed they were explicitly for herself to do with as she pleased. Those under her already had enough training to do and to learn before moving into the next stage.

Supringsly, she popped one right then and there to help push her Cultivation while they walked. Her body was almost starved for the increased energy. A mental note was made to deliver her a Vortex Spirit Enhancing Pill for consumption.

A gray-haired man walked by and detected the rich qi for but a moment. A look of greed flashed before that of fear gripped him tightly. Something about the people moving scared the martial artist.

It was too dangerous to try anything before the Gathering. Afterward, the same as so many others would be the perfect time to rob and bully those who were weaker.

"Are we going to find anything good while here?" Jiang Churan asked out of the blue. She was done with the sights after using her growing Divine Sense to search everywhere she wanted. 'He seems so relaxed, what could have happened talking to that Richard fellow?'

Like most in Rexford's camp, Churan wanted nothing more than to talk Richard's head off and find out more. Yang Chao could tell Richard and Rexford were tight. Almost best friends with the way they fell into a natural grove when talking.

"We should and a chance to make some money. Which will allow us to buy more land and more places to train. Thus making more chances to make money in the long run." Rexford answered as they moved up to a gate with two Internal Fighters blocking the way. 'Hmm?'

"Master Mingyun, please go right in." The Guard on the left recognized him immediately. Not to mention the Wei Family's top females in the group. Yang Chao was just a boy toy in their eyes. But one stronger than both of them without a strong bearing. "Arrangements have been made for your arrival."

"Thank you." Shen Shengaki led them in; happy her work beforehand went through successfully with Wei Lan doing a few finer touches for room and transportation arrangements. "It was quite difficult to get them to understand it was for the Ansatsuken. They thought I was just know one important."

"Hmm, our position in Linzhou is small, plus you yourself have only been active for a little while under our banner; the best way to change that is with a little more work." Stopping, one of the guards opened his one good eye to see what was wrong. "You, make note she speaks with my authority when conducting business here."

*Schup!* With a point of the finger, Rexford used his Nature Qi to completely restore the Guard's eye. Which also healed the various phantom wounds inside his body at the same time.

"Of course!" The Guard thanked him profusely and committed the people to memory. His focus after was on his job and the overwhelming energy inside himself. He grabbed his twin brother's hand to help contain the energy. "Don't miss this chance!"

"Ugh!" Caught off guard, the other Guard grimaced as he was definitely not ready. "Slow it down!"

The spectacle at the gate was only caught by a few.

Heading inside, the place was the same as most of the ones he visited. Stuck in yesteryear times to increase visual importance.

People talking and mingling with one another.

As the others broke off to mingle, Jiang Churan stood next to Rexford. Even going so far as to interlock her arms with his.

"Your age is showing." Rexford joked. She wanted to be spoiled a little, which was not a big deal really for now. "What will people say about you?"

"Humph, I don't care about what they will say right now." Churan leaned on his shoulder and sent her Qi through the griping of their hands. "Help me cultivate a little, I think I am close to figuring out a Palm Technique that will help when gripping a spear."

"Sure." Interested in it himself, he followed the same path by mixing their Qi together.

So many martial arts techniques were mixed online and hidden in plain sight of other works of literature, that stumbling across one that had real merit was not that difficult. Especially in the right hands.

"Master Mingyun," A well-dressed young man, the eldest young master of Linzhou's Lu Family, Lu Hexuan spoke out. Calling out to him the moment they finished, was a little impolite. "it is good to meet you in person. Heard quite a bit from my cousins."

"Hmm, good meeting you as well. We should talk later." Rexford had brushed his mind up on the incidents that looked to be taking place while they dual cultivated the Palm Technique. "I have some arrangements to go over with people."

Finding the member of the Diamond Temple talking with Richard, he could tell most of the work was done already. The exchange of five pills and a lot of money was enough to draw attention in the room.

Before any could go over to bother the group, a woman in a striking green Chinese martial dress came over. Her black her tied in a bun tightly barely bounced. This was the Lu's Family Lu Yanwu. Considering they were in the family's territory, it was not odd to see her, but most looked to Lu Hexuan the young master of the family.

This event was a chance for him to represent the family more. He was after all the better martial artist while she was good with business. So the rumor goes.

"Master Mingyun, guests" Lu Yanwu had bowed her head to him and the people with him with great respect. Shocking the onlookers even more so. This was the Lu's Family Territory after all. "I would have gladly welcomed you myself if I knew you were here already."

"Well, this one I like." Richard found the woman to be pleasant. Much more than a few people he spoke with already. They really didn't like foreigners or they just didn't like his lack of tact when talking. "Is she one of the people you are looking out for?"

"Ehem." Rexford nodded before focusing on Yanwu. "So, about the business proposal from before..."

"Unfortunately, the Lu family has declined to get involved. I tried, I really did." Yanwu regretfully informed him. "I hope this won't prevent you from looking down on us for future trades?"

"It is just a single "deal" not going through, nothing to major. How about some personal business between us to discuss?" He led her to the side and called Churan over. "This is Churan, she is exceptional but green in the matter of business and management."

"Hello," Churan spoke reserved, and sized Lu Yanwu up like a rival. The inner circles of the martial communities were a different ball game than normal ones. She refuses to fail at it. 'If Zhang Meng was willing to change, she would be able to help me. I will go it alone with new people if I have to all the same.'

"Hello Mistress Churan," Yanwu greeted the other kindly. Use to young adults and their attitudes. She was just like her not too long ago. Not to mention the other had a personality a little like Lu Yanxue. "why not tell me a little about yourself."

As the two talked, Rexford listened halfway while communicating with his Divine Sense around the area. Poking a few martial artists here and there.

Shen Shengaki was currently getting strong-armed a little by members of the Valley of the Medicine God, with Madam Jingyi starting it. She was fine until Li Yizen of the Li Family got involved. Arrogance would be the downfall soon enough if they kept it up.

"If you don't want to do business, then back off!" Shengaki's voice boomed out amplified by Qi. She was still new to controlling her strength but the situation did get out of control on its own already. "Who knew your groups were so shameless."

"You heard the lady, back off." Richard and the monk he was speaking with stepped forward. "This is just an exchange yet you are trying to strong-arm people... is that how you operate?"

"Seeing for myself, I didn't think this would be confirmed, but seeing is believing." The monk frowned. He received more than a small number of pills and still had energy coursing in him from the first one taken. "I must make sure to inform my Master of the change in policy."

The Diamond Temple are respected as Internal Masters; offending them was not something the other two could take lightly.

"Humph!" Madam Jinyi was not a wise young woman at all. Despite the pills' worth, she wanted to underplay them. "We only took consideration for her lucky finds is all, not like she has anymore. It would have been in her best interest to tell us where."

"My apologies," Li Yizen took a step back wisely. "if you could speak with your Master, maybe we can come to an agreement?"

Shengaki pointed to Rexford after receiving a message from him. Seeing the Black Gold Sun on the back of Churan, they were a little more cautious. It didn't help that Wei Ziqing was spotted talking with her outside.

"If you want the recipe so bad, then trade a few thousand-year herbs with Master Mingyun." Fed up with both parties, she excused herself to talk with more civil people. A grim determination on her face. 'I need to get much stronger if little Families like this can cause me unrest!'

'A feisty one.' Richard thought to himself. He then looked to the two problem makers. "If you can't gather the courage, then you can speak with me if you like?"

Despite his words coming out kind, the Li people moved away.

"How about you, little miss hoody?"

"Humph, watch yourself, foreigner." Jinyi moved towards Rexford despite him talking with Lu Yanwu and Churan at the time. "Master Mingyun, the.."

"Just say your group, it has to be a mouthful to say all of that in one go." Rexford cut her off for being impolite. The second reason was because of her overall approach while he was talking. "The recipe is an ok trade for the herbs. Of course, I will deliver it in person to prevent any.. trouble."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I am sure a few people might kill a little group like yourself with no issue when heading back, I don't want people to blame me for this, you can understand my predicament yes?"

"Who would dare?"

"Anyone, not like you carry the reputation your sister does and.. well you are really weak and arrogant." His Fear Qi was laced in his words affecting a bit of paranoia in the Medicine Group. "But if you are willing to take the risk anyway, I need some payment ahead of time."

"If you are so capable, then we will make a trade at the Valley of the Medicine God!" She turned away with her people following along.

"Brat." Churan commented slyly, Lu Yanwu chuckling to herself. "Let's go eat if the business is done, not many are willing to come forward anymore."

"Let me treat." Lu Yanwu spotted her cousin Lu Haixuan grumbling in frustration. His sights on Lu Yanxue and her friend Miao Xiaoqian who were talking with Yang Chao and Wei Ziqing. Remembering Rexford wanted Lu Yanxue for business before she made a suggestion. "A meal and a chance to personal business."

Gathered all together, minus the monk, the group left the gathering having made a lot of money and a few small ruffled feathers for the day. Rexford did not really want to spend to much time after the business was set up already.

Wei Lan and Shen Shengeki could handle the situation in the interim really for him.

Soul: Black Gold Vortex

Body: Black Gold Sun Art

Manual: The Great Way of the Void Battling Immortal

Aspects: Gravity, Space, Violence, Fear, Nature, Purpose

Realm: Xiantian (Middle); Transcendent Realm

Agents: Wei Operatives, Biao, Yang Chao, Ji Xingyu, Wu Shanhe, Sishui County

Devout: Chang Wen, A'Xiu, Tang, Anqi, Youya

Contacts: Chuzhou, Gang Island, Zhongzhou, Natasha

Alliance: Sini Dova, Richard Kakarot

Magmatidecreators' thoughts