

I woke up bright and early, and I couldn't wait to start my day.

pulling out my phone, I had to see his beautiful face. I stared at his picture, his lushush pink lips. I couldn't wait to feel them on my skin. just looking at him, I could feel my arousal. I debated getting my vibrator out and then thought better of it. I'm going to save all my juices for Nick to suck out of me.

I needed to actually work that day. Luckily, it was just recoding a website. I can do it in bits and still devote some of my day to finding everything I can out about Nick Spire.

First, I checked my pin for the exact location where he disappeared. Google Maps showed me his impressive home. it looks to be hidden away behind greenery. the only sign of a house from the road is a garage door with a post box.

the house didn't have a number, but a name it was called Transylvania. my boo has a sense of humour. a quick search on the property shows he had it built 9 years ago.

he is the whole package!

now to dig into my love, I type his name anticipating nothing to come up. to my surprise, he is everywhere. his name is mentioned in many articles, and there are several websites featuring his work.

Turns out he's an artist. he is skilled in many different techniques.

pictures are rear, and the ones I did find his face is obscured or blured.

I'm so glad I have a perfect picture of Jim.

he has a show coming up next month, now to go through a few digital back doors to get myself an invite.