
Please don't invite me to any hang outs.

After school, Anna went with Jack in his car back home. "I know you are probably not happy about me talking to Brian, but the guy is cool" he said.

"I'm fine with it" she said.

"Seriously you are cool with it?" he asked clearly surprised.

"Yeah, but please never invite me to any of your hang outs if he's gonna be there" she said.

"Ok", she said then came down from the car and walked into the building. She greeted her parents who were in the living room then went up to her room.

Jack received a call from Stacey. "Hey, Stacey. What's up?", he asked.

"You know very well that your sister still likes Brian right?", she asked.

"Yeah...so", he paused.

"So I was thinking, she said she was paired with him for her music project and she hasn't spoken to him since he arrived. I thought maybe we could help both of them to talk in private where they could sort things out" she suggested.

"Maybe that's a good idea but i think it's best they sort things out themselves. Anyway I'll talk to him tomorrow" he concluded.

"Thanks but don't tell Anna" she said.

"Sure, I know. See you tomorrow then" he said and they both ended the call.

***Brian's house***

Brian was really upset and angry that she didn't talk to him and his friends noticed that.

"You can't blame her even if she did recognize you, you left her without giving her an answer or saying goodbye" Martins said.

"She probably hates you now" Carl chipped in.

"You guys help me out here, you both know why I left the way I did" Brian complained.

"You both are partners, right? Get her to agree to coming here to practice on your project" Carl suggested.

"What would I do if she doesn't want to come here?" he asked already frustrated.

"Well, that's your problem to solve. We are heading home, see you tomorrow bro", Martins said then walked out with Carl.

Brian looked at them as they walked out and sighed in frustration.

"I'm truly sorry Anna", he said. Brian loved Anna but he wasn't sure she liked him.

***The next day***

Brian met up with Jack and Anna as they were about to enter the school's building from the parking lot.

"Hey Brian" Jack greeted as they shook hands.

"Hi" Brian greeted back.

"Brian this is my sister Rihanna, Rihanna this is Brian" Jack introduced despite knowing he was in trouble.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you again" Brian said.

"I wish I felt the same way" she said through gritted teeth.

"Uhm...Brian we'll talk later", Jack said trying to ease the situation.

"Alright, Jack. Anna when do we get to start on our project?" Brian asked indifferently.

"Whenever is convenient for you" she said and walked away.

"I'll talk to her" Jack offered.

"No worries, I wanted to talk to you" Brian said.

"Same here. Let's walk back to the parking lot" Jack said.

They walked to where Brian's car was parked. "Cut the act, I know you know who we actually are" Jack said. Brian looked at him but not really surprised.