
Chapter 30 Long Family

Long Family

1st Generation: Long Aotian, Mei Feng

2nd Generation: Long Yu, Wang Zhen

3rd Generation: Long Tian, Qin Mei

4th Generation: Long Lei

"This scroll, isn't this the family line?" Long Lei claimed, he was a bit confused as to why they had to retrieve this but the portraits of each generation were so shocking, so life like. "Your father just thinks that it is important to have." Qin Mei explained before pointing to Long Lei's great grandfather.

"Long Aotian, your great grandfather came from up north, he was a mortal man and could be considered the founder of the Long family." Qin Mei stated as Long Lei nodded. 'Why do I resemble him so much though?' Long Lei pondered as he couldn't help but feel that his spiky blonde haired blue eyed ancestor and himself shared a shocking resemblance.

After some time Long Lei thought about his family tree some more. "What about my great great grandfather?" He asked curiously. "I, I am not too sure. According to your father, Long Aotian apparently cut ties with his father and travelled from god knows where till he arrived at the very edge of the Boundless Spirit Continent." Qin Mei answered, as Long Lei nodded slowly.

'I get the feeling that this is a cliche as old as time. I hope this op clan I am from has some cool bloodline.' Long Lei mused as Qin Mei wrapped up the scroll before handing it to him, along with the Emerald Ring.

"Keep these, if Long Tian doesn't make it back I am sure he'd want you to have them." She stated, hearing this Long Lei accepted the two items from his mother. He put the emerald ring into a necklace yet again and placed the family line into his spatial ring.

"Now we'll go pay respects to your ancestors." Qin Mei said before clasping her son's hand and taking him out of the house. After that they flew on the swan a short distance away, well short for a cultivator, in reality it was another 5 kilometers down south but it wasn't too much of a hassle since the swan could do that in a matter of seconds.

The graves of Long Lei's ancestors rested on a small hill just before the ocean. "So, Lei'er now you must bow towards your ancestors after that take this stone and throw it as far as you can into the ocean." Qin Mei explained, hearing this Long Lei nodded before gazing at the graves.

"Long Aotian

Born Year 783 of the Boundless Calendar

Died Aged 82, Year 865 of the Boundless Calendar

Mei Feng

Born Year 785 of the Boundless Calendar

Died Aged 81, Year 866 of the Boundless Calendar

Long Yu

Born Year 805 of the Boundless Calendar

Died Aged 80, Year 885 of the Boundless Calendar

Wang Zhen

Born Year 809 of the Boundless Calendar

Died Aged 76, Year 886 of the Boundless Calendar"

'Damn, they all lived quite long yet quite short lives. Well I should and will pay my respects, after all without you guys how could I start in such a strong yet trashy position?' Long Lei thought jokingly before getting on his knees and kowtowing 3 times toward each grave.

"Good job Lei'er, now toss this into the ocean with all your strength." Qin Mei told him as she handed him a small black rock. "Okay, but, why?" Long Lei asked a bit confused as to why he had to do such a task.

"I am not too sure either, but Long Tian had vaguely told me that your great grandfather used to love skimming stones in the ocean, and when he died all the family threw a stone into the ocean for him. After that it became a tradition." Qin Mei explained as best she could.

".....I see, then this one's for you Aotian Ancestor." He said before taking a baseball esque pose. He then lifted his foot up as he held the stone between his hands, he then slammed it down before throwing the stone with all his bodily strength.


The stone crashed into the water making quite the impact, luckily Long Lei had mitigated his stomp or else he might have uprooted the graves of his ancestors. "Lei'er.....I know I said with all your strength, but have I never taught you about moderation?" Qin Mei asked as her face twitched a bit.

"But you haven't taught me about moderation?" Long Lei said with the innocent face of a 3 year old. His age was his greatest weakness yet simultaneously his greatest asset, no one in there right mind would pick a fight with a 3 year old after all, right?

A bit of a shorter one, a bit late, and not only that but a bit fillery but everyone has their weak chapters. Well I did say things were abouta be hype then again I say a lot of things, I guess the hype will have to wait a couple chapters.

On a side note we've reached 1k collections, WOOOOO! Well if I find it in myself I'll try do an extra long chapter and or a double release tomorrow, we'll see. (no guarantees of course)

Anyway till next time, bye.

AntiSimpcreators' thoughts