
Everyone Else Has a System

“Destiny is a matter of Choice not Chance, It is not a thing to be waited for but a thing to be Achieved” ..................... The story sets in a mana blessed world, Planet Vermillion, where every being possesses a System. At the edge of his life, Zero, a man without a System, finally loses everything and embraces his death with a tired yet relieved expression. As if by fate, the owner of the system approaches Zero through a screen and gives him a chance to connect with the System, however Zero denies it in exchange for a chance to change or undo all the mistakes he has done in his life. The owner of the System accepts Zero’s wishes but at a certain price and sends Zero back into the past. Still without a System, but with the knowledge of the future and various skills honed over the years, Zero begins his new journey to change everything he could. Save everyone who needs to be saved and kill everyone who needs to be killed. However, the more he moves forward, the more he realises that the ‘truths’ which he had known in his previous life are much more complicated than what they seem. Balancing his previous beliefs and the new found mysteries that could shatter his perspective, he still keeps moving forward despite things getting more chaotic with every step. As if fate itself wanted him to fall, an unknown disaster approaches him from behind and a familiar screen comes in front of him [Ummm… Zero. It might be a bit late but… Looks like I have messed up big time] ................. Extra Chapters at the end of the month: 20 Golden Tickets= 1 Extra chapter 50 Golden Tickets= 2 Extra chapters 100 Golden Tickets= 3 Extra chapters 200 Golden Tickets= 4 Extra chapters 300 Golden Tickets= 5 Extra chapters 500 Golden Tickets= 6 Extra chapters Extra Chapters within 12hours: A Magic Castle= 1 Chapter A Spacecraft= 3 Chapters A Golden Gachapon= 5 Chapters .............. Discord: https://discord.gg/NC22pTJvZe Insta: alt_simplistic

Ethel_Imaginations · แฟนตาซี
314 Chs

It is this easy#4

As I analysed the areas where they were concentrated, I found out that their numbers were directly proportional to the darkness, that is, the darker the area, the more the monsters were.

'So they are creatures of darkness or something?' I thought as I turned to her and explained what I had analysed. She then nodded before chanting something, as dark mana orbs formed at a distance from us before…


All the monsters started screeching and running towards that dark orb. That little girl then moves the dark orb left and right all around the area, and I find those creatures crazily running towards the orb.

"They aren't merely going to darkness, but it's more like their whole life depends on it. Think of it as a drug to which they are extremely addicted." That girl spoke again, and I pondered over her words before speaking,

"And light should be opposite to that? Something along the lines of darkness is their salvation and light is their worst nightmare?"