
Everlasting Darkness

“I got saved when I was little by a family with really high status, everybody hated me except for two persons. I had made a friend as time passed And started to like her, I did many things to only get betrayed, after that something awakened from me, my sister which I trusted discovered my secret and also betrayed me, told my family and now I’m in chains. I can’t trust anybody anymore, or so I thought I still have mother after all, she was the one who saved me from dying and is trying to help me out of this chains. After I get out of this place I’m going to escape with mother and then when I have enough strength I will return to destroy this place.”

1Unknown0 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs


Inside a room on a bed with white sheets there was Max laying on it, the room was dark since it didn't have any windows, for a nobles family the room was pretty rundown, well that's what you'd expect about a room in a basement.

<Max>"W-where am I" he said looking around the room, he could see nothing but brick walls on all sides and a wooden door.

<Max>"I can't remember anything" he was scared of suddenly awakening in a strange room and not remembering anything from before he woke up, it's as if he was a baby beginning a new life.

*clink* sounded the food tray hitting the floor, Max quickly looked at where the sound came from and saw a woman with her hand covering her mouth gasping in surprise.

"H-he he's awake, HE'S AWAKE MASTER HE'S AWAKE"

The maid ran through the corridor yelling with panic, as she reached the stairs the Max could no longer see the woman, he was just siting on the bed motionless when he suddenly got off and started to approach the door, in the corridor he could see several other rooms, the path was dark the only lighting were the torches on the walls, but they didn't give to much light. A moment later he was going to begin to go out when he begins to hear footsteps going down the stairs, the maid had returned but this time with a beautiful woman with red hair, they soon reached the room and saw the boy on the ground looking at them, he had jet black hair just like his eyes, for a face that had wounds all over it, looked as if it had never gotten an injury ever on his life, you could say that for a five year old child he was pretty handsome.

The woman with red hair approached him but he retreated every time she took a step forward, he was clearly scared at sight of someone new, well everybody would scare him since he has no memory.

"It's okay you don't have to be scared" the woman said with a sweet voice as she approached him but this time he stayed in place as if the voice was hypnotic. Just when she was about to touch him he flinched, seeing this she stoped for a moment and continued again grabbing him and hugging him, after that he started to cry and once again heard the sweet voice saying the same words as before.

"It's okay you don't have to be scared"

A while had passed since Max stopped crying and the room was dead silent, Max and Veronica where siting on the bed when she suddenly asked

<Veronica>"What's your name"

He flinched again and stuttered while talking

<Max>"I-I d-don't know, I can't remember anything"

<Veronica>"You can't even remember your name"

He shakes his head when Veronica started to talk again

<Veronica>"Mmm, then how about we get you a new one. What about 'Max' do you like it?"

Max nodded just accepting it with out any care since he didn't care what they called him

<Veronica>"Alright Max you should be hungry, come on let's go up and get you something to eat, right I didn't introduce myself, I'm Veronica the lady of the house. " she said with a smile on her face that tranced Max and following her willingly.

They walked through the corridor passing through the several other doors that were closed, they soon reached the stairs and begin to walk up.