
EVERFALL(fate was destined)

fate brought them together,after the death of her parents has lived with her uncle and cousin who treated her like dirt. during an accident she met with him,she did everything possible to save his life without knowing who he was. kyle leexander,a cold hearted ceo with a frozen heart;many women wished to be by his side but he remained single for three years until she came into his life

Zendaya_zendaya · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs


Juliet let out an evil laugh as she looked at her manicured fingers,she was sure to get the last laugh;"i can't wait to eliminate all of you".

she was still at it when her husband came in looking tired,he didn't even bother to look at her and just went inside;she hissed before following him.

"why are you that tired",zario faced her completely blank;there was a change in him that she just couldn't tell.

she was afraid if something had happened,"nothing Juliet and stop bugging me";he said turning his back to her.

she stood rooted on her spot as she gazed at him,zario went into the bathroom with a straight face;he put on the shower as he stood under the water.

the water began drenching him,standing there he began imagining his past wife;he loved her so much and it pained him that she died.

he could see her standing there with a sweet smile,he remembered then that she was so happy after finding out that she was pregnant for their child;that same day she died.

he punched the wall as he remembered,tears ran down his cheek;"i am so sorry Lisa,i shouldn't have".

- - -

kyle was in his room when he received a phone call,he picked it up with a blank reaction;"hello".

the caller said and kyle stood up,"what did you call";he asked with a frown.

the caller chuckled before clearing his/her throat,"i wanted to inform you that your wife is not who she says she is";kyle froze as he looked at the peaceful woman on the bed.

"don't speak ill of my wife or i may hunt you down",he said in a scary voice and the caller.shivered just hearing his voice;"i would give you some evidence soon,mr leexander".

and like that the call was ended and kyle felt confused,was she lying to him;what was her ambition.

he pulled his hair in frustration before entering the bathroom,he believed her and he loved her but he wouldn't admit that;not yet.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!


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