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That evening, Samantha ordered Mrs. Wang to cook for a feast since it's their first time living at this house.

'Now, I don't have to do house chores. We can afford a maid.' She is so delighted with the thought.

After dinner, Gia went back to her room. She just sat on her bed when someone pushed the door open without knocking first. It's Olivia, her uncle's youngest child. She is one year ahead of her but they will both graduate for high school a few weeks from now.

"What is it?" She asked coldly.

"Nothing, I just want to take a look at your room." Olivia with a sneer in her face looking around the room.

She can't hide the envy on her face with Gia's pretty pink room. With an irked face, she left the room.

She went downstairs and stormed the master's bedroom. Her mom is pleasantly looking at herself in the huge mirror while fixing her vanity products on the dressing table.

"Mom..." she said with an upset voice.

"What is it?" She asked not looking away in the mirror.

"I want Gia's room. Switch our rooms. Tell her now." She demanded.

"Honey what's the rush, that room will be yours anyway."

"But I want it now. Tell her to switch rooms with me. I don't like my room." She insisted. Her room in the villa is way much bigger and better compared to her room back at their apartment but she doesn't want Gia to have better things than her.

"Don't ruin my mood, Olivia. We just came here today. I will see what I can do tomorrow." She starting to get annoyed with her daughter.

"Then tomorrow I will have that room." She declared then marched out of the door.

She was envious with Gia and everything she has before. Now she knew she can have it all, she doesn't need to pretend to be with good terms with her.

While inside the study room, Oliver is exploring all things he can find. He is trying to find important documents related to the company and the Park's properties.

He can't find any so he decided to leave the room and just ask Gia tomorrow of she knew something about it.

Inside the other room is Adam, Olivia's older brother. He is lying on his bed playing his phone looking at the picture of the latest car models that he wants to have.

'Now that my dad will become the CEO of the company, I can ask for a brand new car as a gift.' He thought.

The four people went to bed thinking what they can have with the fortune that they instantly have in their hands while Gia, on the other hand, feels lonely at her room missing her parents.

In the morning, Gia changed for school. She was out for more than a week. Olivia again felt envious looking at Gia's uniform. She always studied at a private school but not at as exclusive where Gia went.

It's nearly their final exam before graduation so she borrowed her classmate's notes to catch up with their lessons.

At the same time, at JD group CEO office, Orion sometimes gets distracted every time he remembers the girl she kissed at the cemetery.

'What spell did you cast on me?' a question in his mind feeling annoyed.

It's been two days since he had seen that girl and it's been two days also when he had been longing for that sweet scent of hers. He tried to focus on the papers that he is reading.