

As a wolf in the pack, I could feel the power and strength coursing through my body. Together with my brothers, we were a force to be reckoned with, feared and respected in the forest. But when we came face to face with the Ancient One, a European vampire, our confidence was shaken. The predator's dark red eyes held a kind of fearless intensity that made us all pause. We knew that we were facing a creature with centuries of experience and supernatural abilities that we could not match. Even as a pack of wolves, we were no match for this ancient vampire. In that moment, I couldn't help but think about my life and how it had led me to this moment. Being a wolf was a good life, a life of brotherhood and loyalty. It was almost holy in a way. But facing this predator made me realize that there was so much more to the world than I had ever imagined. I knew that if we hadn't come to Forks, we wouldn't be in this situation now. But despite the fear that was coursing through me, I couldn't bring myself to end this life. I felt that there was something bigger at play, that there was a purpose to this encounter that I couldn't yet understand. The Ancient One's friendly, creepy smile only served to make me more uneasy. This vampire was unlike any creature we had ever encountered before. With his supernatural abilities, he could easily take us down. As he decided to run away, I couldn't help but wonder what other dangers lay ahead of us in this new, unknown world.

Xander1987 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
9 Chs


After my run, I went to the gym and completed my workout routine. Then, I made breakfast for the children and waited for them to wake up. Slowly, everyone came down, greeted me with a "good morning," and began their morning chores. Next, I went upstairs to wake up the twins, who had forgotten about yesterday's events. I reminded them and helped them get ready for their day.

Afterwards, we all sat down and ate breakfast together. Megan asked about our plans for the day, and they began to argue, but I wasn't really paying attention. Just then, the phone rang, and I got up to answer it. It was Charlie.

"Hey Charlie," I said.

"Hey Max, good morning," he replied.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Can you come to the diner? Alone? I want to tell you something," he said.

"Charlie, it better not be about asking for a date. My kids love Sue, and I'll sic her on you," I teased.

"No, no, nothing like that," he laughed. "Sue will be there too."

"When should I come?" I asked.

"For lunch. Sue will be free then too," he said.

"Okay, Charlie. It feels ominous," I said.

After hanging up, Charlie said, "Okay, goodbye. See you later," without taking the bait.

I frowned at my phone and muttered, "What's up with him?"

Looking at Harry, I said, "You're the manny again."

"Mom, don't ever say that again. And if you do, I won't do it next time. Besides, I have a life too, you know?" Harry replied.

"Where is the girlfriend boy?" I asked

"Where is the girlfriend boy?" Keri echoed in the same tone..

"No ice cream for you, Keri," Harry said.

Keri pouted and said, "Nooooooo."

Then He looked at me and said, "It could be a boyfriend, you know."

I replied, "The books under your bed say different. Find a better place to hide them, and I taught you better than this."

"Mom, you did what?" Harry exclaimed.

"Mom, who else's room did you check?" Sophie asked.

"Mom, you didn't. Please tell me you didn't," Megan said, suddenly realizing.

I looked at Megan and said in my French male voice "Bonjour, Mrs. Megan," and I looked at Sophie and corrected my imaginary glass in my eyes and said "You are too good for me madam" and I ran away.

Megan and Sophie simultaneously said in horror, "Noooooooo!" and started running after me. The twins were confused but also started running after me.

Harry caught me and held me, and the girls and twins started to tickle me.

"Mom, you better promise us that you won't do this again," they said.

I tried to resist but laughed so hard that I peed a little. As I gasped for breath from all the tickling, I looked at my kids and smiled.

"Okay, okay, I promise. No more snooping around in your rooms," I said. "But cleaning your is your own responsibility and weekly surprise inspection will be there in front of you and if it is not up to the mark and find something that I don't want to be find, You will be cleaning the twins room and taking care of them for one week"

The kids groaned at my condition, but they knew I meant business. "Fine, Mom," Harry said. "We'll keep our rooms clean and tidy."

"Good," I replied. "

"Okay, now that we have that settled, what do you all want for lunc today?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Pizza!" the kids shouted in unison.

"Pizza it is then," I said, smiling. "But only if you all help me make it."

The kids cheered and hugged me, and I hugged them back. "I love you guys," I said.

"We love you too, Mom," they replied.

After making the pizza, I told Harry that I am going to diner and took my car and left

When I reached the diner, Charlie and Sue were waiting for me. After some small talk about family and other topics, I noticed that Charlie was fidgeting.

I asked Sue, "Do you know anything about it?"

She said, "No, I was at the shop when he called me and told me to come to dinner that he wants to speak to you about something."

I asked, "What is it, Charlie? You are scaring me."

Charlie asked, "What is your mother's name?"

I said, "Rachel Stellar."

Charlie looked confused and asked, "Can you show me the photo?"

I took my purse and showed him my family picture. Charlie looked at the picture and said, "They don't look like you."

I said, "Yes, I don't know my real mother. I was adopted in the year 1976." I asked again anxiously, "What is it Charlie?"

Charlie took a breath and said, "I knew a girl named Marlee Loom around the 1970s, and she had been friends with him and Billy. She was a wanderer. One day she came to Forks and started hanging out. He said that he had a little crush on her and always followed her. And she used to hang out with Billy and friends. But one day she left without saying anything. After meeting you, I tried to remember her for a long time. But yesterday, Nessie came and asked for the family tree."

I interrupted and asked, "Who is Nessie?"

"Oh, that is my daughter's adopted daughter," Charlie replied.

"You have a daughter, Charlie. You haven't introduced her to me."

"Her name is Bella. She got married four years ago to the child of Mr. Carlisle Cullen."

"Is the husband's name Edward?"

"Yes. How do you know?"

"I met them in the forest with one Jacob. Ahh, I remember now. I also saw Nessie too. So that's how. Bella looked familiar. But Nessie looked cute. They looked very beautiful."

Charlie looked happy and worried.

Sue then intertwined and asked, "What happened then, Charlie?"

Charlie said, "That one photo fell out from the album when I took out the album." He reached for his pocket and produced a worn-out old black and white photo. It was a photo of a woman, a man, and a child. He said, "This photo was taken at a festival that came to town at that time. The child looked like Charlie, and my attention turned to the woman's face. I breathed heavily and asked Charlie, 'Who is this Charlie?'"

"That is Marlee Loom," Charlie replied.

I took my hand and passed my finger through her face, who looked just like me. Tears came out of my eyes while looking at that photo. Clearwater took the photo. She looked at the photo and looked at me. And she understood what Charlie was saying.

Charlie continued and said that he usually looks into the past of anyone who comes to town, and he knew that my family name was Stellar. So yesterday, he told his friend in Seattle and searched for Marlee Loom in the system.

I asked, "What is it, Charlie?"

He said, "I am so sorry, Max. She died in a car accident in 1980, and she was cremated by the Seattle public cemetery since no one was there to collect her body. She was traveling to Seattle through a van, and she was a passenger who took a lift on a highway. A truck hit the van at an intersection, and she died immediately. I am so sorry, Max."

I started to sob, and Sue sat with me and held me. Then, after some time, Sue gasped again. When I looked up, I saw that Sue was looking at the picture and looking at me.

I asked sobbingly, "What is it, Sue?"

Sue said, "It's nothing. We will talk about it later." But when I looked at Charlie, he looked confused. We paid for lunch, and Charlie gave me the photo. We left the diner. I waved goodbye to them and started the car. I don't know how or when I reached home. I was inside the car, and the car was still on.

For a single moment, I hoped she was alive. I could show her or bring her to see her family so that she could spend some time with me. But before I could even dream, it was shattered. I sobbed again longingly.

Harry came down and looked at me through the window. He waited until I was done crying and asked, "What is it?"

I showed him the photo. He looked at the photo and understood. "She's not alive, is she?" he asked.

I sobbingly nodded.

As he sat beside me, he pulled out the key and held me tightly. "It's okay, Mom. You have us. We will never leave you, and it's okay, Mom," he reassured me. I cried some more and eventually got out of the car. Harry led me to my bedroom, where I fell asleep under a blanket he had covered me with.

The next morning, I woke up feeling overwhelmed with pain and sorrow. I wished I could disappear, never to wake up again. As I lay there, I heard Kame say in his sleep, "Mommy, don't cry." I held him close and cried silently. Then Keri came and hugged me from behind, holding my hand and patting my back. We all slept together for some time before waking up.

When we came downstairs, I saw that my daughters had hardly slept. They came over to hug me, and I thanked Harry for being there for me. They asked to see the photo, so I took it out of my robe and handed it to them. They looked at it and then back at me.

I told them the story of what happened, and Kame suggested that "maybe she was coming to take you away, Mommy." I smiled and hugged him in my lap, but then Keri got jealous and wedged himself between us, leading to a playful fight between the twins. I laughed and hugged them both tightly.

Just then, the phone rang, and I looked at it with anxiety. I asked the children if they had told their fathers, but they replied with a "no" after looking at my face. Harry went to take the phone and said hello. It was Sue, asking how I was doing. Harry replied that I was fine and eating. Sue then asked to speak with me, so Harry gave me the phone.

I asked Sue, "What is it, Sue?"

She told me that she, Charlie, Jacob, and Jacob's father would be coming over soon. I asked her why, but she simply said she would come and tell me. I said okay and hung up, feeling terrified about what to expect.

Harry came to hold my shoulder and comfort me, assuring me that we would face it together. My daughters and twins also came to hold me, providing me with much-needed comfort and support.

After a few hours, I heard the sound of two cars. I looked towards the front door, waiting to hear the doorbell. Harry was looking at me and I sadly smiled at him while mouthing, "it's fine".

The doorbell rang, and Harry came along with me as I stood up to open the door. At first, I saw Charlie and Sue, whom I welcomed into the house. Then, I saw Jacob, who looked angry. I smiled and started to speak, but my attention was drawn towards a man in a wheelchair who was looking at me. I staggered, and Harry held me tightly. I looked at Harry and then at the man in the wheelchair who also sighed and looked at Harry. I was shocked and then looked at Sue, who nodded. I staggered again, and Harry led me to the sofa while the children came to me. I held them tightly to gather the courage to look at the man in the wheelchair, as I was afraid of losing everything again.

Jacob pushed the wheelchair into the house and stopped near the sofa. Harry held me tightly and glared at Jacob and the man in the wheelchair. Jacob said, "stop it, pup. You don't know what's happening."

I held Harry tightly and told him to stop.

I could see the man's hand in the wheelchair lifting up and trying to move towards me, but he took it back and looked at Sue for an explanation.

Sue said, "I had a doubt. I remembered the face of your Harry, and it got me thinking, that's why I left you and went to him. His name is William Billy Black Junior. He is the father of Jacob Black."

Billy said, "Hi."

I took a deep breath and looked at him. I could clearly see Harry's face in him. Finally, the answers I had been searching for came to me.

I asked him, "Did you know?"

He seemed to know what I was asking and replied, "No, she didn't tell me. She left without saying anything."

Billy explained that Marlee Loom had been a wanderer and was passing through Forks when they met. It was love at first sight, and they were together for a while. Marlee wanted Billy to leave with her, but he told her about his responsibility towards the tribe. He could talk to his dad, and they could live separately if she wanted to. She didn't say anything, but after some time, she seemed happy, and he thought she had accepted his decision. However, one day, she left without a word, and he was unable to find her despite searching for a long time.

After that, Sue told him about Marlee's death yesterday.

I whimpered and Harry held me tightly again.

And then I took a breath and started to speak about my life. I told them about my adopted parents, the fathers of my children, and also the reason for coming here.

Billy looked at me sadly and lovingly, extended his hand to hold mine, and tightly gripped it. We stayed like that for some time.

And then Jacob interrupted and asked me, "Are you always built like this?"

Sue and Billy exclaimed together and scolded him, "What are you asking, Jacob?"

Jacob held his hand high and said, "It's just a question."

I smiled and said, "You are the second person to ask this question."

Billy asked, "Who is the first one?"

I replied, "Carlisle Cullen. He took my blood to check DNA to verify his theory."

Billy asked angrily, "He took the blood?"

Jacob said, "Relax, Dad. He is a good one."

Billy looked at him angrily and gripped the wheelchair. And he asked him, "When were you going to tell me?"

"When the result comes out, but he is almost sure."

And I asked, "He knew before?"

Jacob" He is good with faces and he saw your eyes and facial features and connected to Billy"

And I asked, "Oh ... Ok … Is it true that your family line has a genetic defect?"

Billy and Jacob growled together at me, which reminded me of the growl of the wolf I met. I was taken aback. I looked at them confusingly, but at that time, Harry stood in front of me and growled back. That did it, it clicked, and I started laughing. I laughed so hard that I coughed. After coughing, I cried. Harry and the children seemed worried. They held me tightly, and I calmed down. Billy looked at us lovingly, and I looked back.

I continued after that, "I am sorry. He didn't say genetic defect. He said that he observed some unusual speed of growth spurt in your tribe and which stops after some time."

Billy nodded and asked the same question Jacob asked.

I said, "After the birth of twins about 5 years back."

"Were you in Seattle at that time?" Jacob asked.

"Yes," I replied.

Billy and Jacob looked at each other. Billy's face showed sadness, and Jacob's face showed confirmation.

I asked, "What is it?" Jacob started speaking, "Yes, what the doctor said is true. But he doesn't know the whole thing. He only saw the end result. This change comes with high emotional imbalances, especially rage. It usually happens to boys, but it has happened to a girl. But it has changed her behavior and caused hormonal imbalances. She went away after she got some control over it, but..."

I asked, "Is it dangerous?" "Not to you, especially, but anger may cause some irreparable damages to those who were staying with them. Sometimes it is emotional, but it can turn into physical."

I asked worriedly, "Have you contacted any other doctors?"

Jacob stopped Billy and said, "Carlisle can manage. He is the one who managed him. And he also said that "it is a tribe secret and didn't want to get out in the public."

Charlie then gasped and looked at Jacob and said, "Leah and Emily ….That is what happened."

Jacob said, "Charlie, shut up."

I looked at Jacob

Jacob said, "It is not my story to tell. I will ask and get back to you."

I nodded and asked, "What to do now?"

Jacob asked, "Do you want confirmation from Carlisle?"

I looked down and said, "Yes, it is good to confirm."

Jacob said, "Okay, I will tell him to speed up and give you the result.

I also asked" will it also affect my children"

Jacob said "Usually it happens to one in a family and generation. And I think it will happen to Him" pointing at Harry". He has the symptoms. Others are good enough for now I think"

I looked at Harry worriedly. Harry nodded at me said it will be ok.

And after that Billy talked about his family and said that Jacob is the youngest one and he got two elder sisters Rachel and Rebecca. Jacob is positioned as next tribal leader. To that Jacob sniffed. I don't understand what's with the growl and kid. He look like an animal about to jump. I smiled. After that stood up and told them eat lunch. I, Harry and Sue went to kitchen started to prepare something. At that time Kame and Kari stayed back with girls and looked at Jacob and Billy.

Kame asked Billy, "Are you our Grand pa".

At that time my hand slipped.

Billy said "yes".

Keri asked "Why didn't you come before".

He said "I didn't know about your mom till yesterday".

I wanted go to twins to stop them asking questions but sue stopped me and said" Its ok, He will handle it"

Then to my surprise Sophie asked the next question" Will your tribe give freedom to choose"

I looked at the door and stunned. I didn't think of that situation. Will the tribe hate me? Will the other sisters hate me? If they hate me? Will Bill choose them over me? In that moment my hope crumbled. Harry held my shoulder. I straightened myself and controlled myself.

At that time Billy told her, "What tribe think doesn't matter. I am responsible for my family and I will do anything to do it right by the family".

At that time Megan told Billy" I know what responsibility you are speaking of grand pa that is already taken care of my Herald gran pa and Rachel grand ma. You don't have to do anything. Just promise us that you will be with her for every little thing in her life starting from today.

I sat down and cried silently. My children, they always knew what I was feeling. They didn't show it to me. I looked at Harry.

Harry held my hand said. "I told you Mom, we are with you always'

I liked at him in the eyes. I always know he managed our family before anyone could interfere. Others always listened to him. My ex's also had admire for him. Now I understood why. I took his hand and stood up and slowly touched his face.

And then I said "ok Harry "

Bill then said" I promise" And my heart exploded with joy.

We started making Lunch. Taking Jacob's size, I counted same quantity as I and Harry would eat.

While eating lunch Billy asked Kame and Keri "Why are you not going to Jacob's side."

Kame said "He smells like dog and we are allergic to dog's fur"

Jacob Coughed looked and glared at twins. Keri put out is tongue at him. And Billy started to laugh whole heartedly. It was a nice laugh.

Sophie asked Billy what happened to your leg.

Billy replied" Complication due to diabetic"

Sue told me at kitchen and I prepared dish according to that.

After lunch they said that they are leaving. And Billy said that he hasn't informed his daughter's. First he decide to confirm himself. He will tell them today. They call you, so be prepared for that. Before I can ask any question Jacob rolled him away, saying something about Nessie. And they waved at me while backing up.

I took along breath and exhaled.

Harry who was standing behind me said to me that" They didn't explain them self about the genetics." And Billy looks sorry that we had to go through this"

"Yes I noticed". I replied. "They may explain later"

After that I told Sophie and Megan to clean the table and kitchen. And sat back in the sofa and thought about what to do now.