
Even if the whole World was watching // Larry Stylinson

[complete] "This school is Tomlinson's last chance." "Thats not my problem." "What about a deal. You take care of him and I will put in a good word for you at Harvard." Ugh that was a strong deal the director knew exactly how much Harry wanted to go to Harvard. "Fine" Grate now he had to deal with this little badboy. He rolled his eyes. Harry's whole life is planed he would finish his senior year go to college and live his own life everything seemed to go perfect for him. Louis is adventures, spontanious and dosn't give a fuck on planing stuff. He and his girlfriend were happy but there was something messing in her eyes. Well, falling in love was definitely not supposed to be on his to-do list. (Also available on Wattpad and soon on Ao3)

t0mm0_thetease · อื่นๆ
28 Chs


He would reject him anyway, it was just the way he was. "Wait," Harry turned towards him again. "Stay." There was some slight tension in the room. His room reminded Harry of the party at the very beginning of the school year.

"Give me a reason to" He was just so done struggling with Louis' moods, he needed a clear statement of what he felt. After a few seconds where Louis just looked down at his hands, Harry clenched his jaw and was about to open the door. "Because I- I like you okay?? And no matter how hard I try to avoid it by avoiding you, I always fail, because....wanna be near you."

Wow, now that was honest, Harry turned around, his heart racing like he just ran a marathon as he met Louis' eyes. He raised his eyebrows, Louis seemed to mean what he said.

"Now kiss me already," Louis begged to break the silence, Harry didn't even hesitate for one second.

It was just like the last time, only that Louis didn't pull away the whole opposite was the case, he pulled him impossibly closer. His hands were everywhere, breathing. No literally, Harry pulled away breathing heavily. Louis bit his bottom lip, slightly smirking. "It's been a while since you were here the last time."

"Speaking of... is my jacket still here?" He asked making Louis' chuckle, he grabbed Harry's collar and pulled him down for another kiss "Of course it is," Harry smiled against Louis' lips before he kissed him back.


They still had a lot to talk about so they got some pizza and drove to an abandoned field, on which Harry liked to study on. It wasn't too cold, even though it was winter, probably because he had his jacket back. Finally. "I really don't get how you can possibly like to eat that."

Louis rolled his eyes playfully "You just don't have a good taste, that's all."

"You were the one to put cheese on top  of a jelly sandwich, so don't tell me I have a bad taste." Louis laughed. "You remember that??"

"Yes, because it traumatised me." Only the image disgusted Harry.

"It wasn't the best thing I've eaten to be fair." The evening went on and the later it got the deeper did the subjects they were talking about. "Is that why you always got so offended when I said anything about your family?" Louis just nodded looking straight forward, watching the sun slowly go down. He had just told him everything.

Okay, he didn't tell the whole truth, maybe he left out some parts.

"I heard you quit Harvard?" He turned to face Harry who just laughed about his stupidity. "Yes," He nodded "I did." And it didn't really catch him to be honest, not even a little. "But you wanted it so badly, what changed your mind?"

Wait. "I, uh- I was in one of the stalls as you called your mom in the washroom." He said awkwardly after Harry had given him a confused look. "You what??"

"I mean I was just trying to have a wee. I couldn't know that you would burst and completely freak out." Harry's jaw dropped, God that was kinda embarrassing though. "Who do you think told Mr Johnson you were sick so he wouldn't punish you." Louis chuckled, his cheeks took a reddish tone. "Was the why you started visiting classes and doing your stuff?"

"One of the reasons. But then you came up with the list." Louis smiled widened "I loved that list."

"Oh yeah, because I was your personal slave."

"Smartest thing I've ever done." He joked laughing. "It was you." A cold breeze brushed a curl along Harry's forehead as he looked up from his hands. Louis stopped laughing "What was me?"

"The reason I quit the deal."

"Because of me?!" If that wasn't obvious after his stupid requirements.

"You just drove me crazy and seeing you and Luke 'kiss' gave me the rest."

"So you were jealous?" His smirk grew, Harry was about to say no but that would be a lie so he just said nothing. The sun had turned the sky orange and it looked so beautiful Harry couldn't stop looking at it. "So what now?" Harry just shrugged. "I don't know."


"Don't you think that is enough?" Harry asked Niall who sat crisscross in the shopping cart and was picking up every snack he could reach, he was already covered in crinkly colourful bags. "No! Give me those." He pointed at a bag of crisps on a shelf to his left. "One or two?"

"Four," Harry took one. "Is he coming too?" It was a mistake to have told him everything. He wouldn't shut up about it anymore. "No, Niall it's just us, as agreed." Niall drew his eyebrows and threw a judging look above his shoulder. "But I thought you two were you know-"

"What?" Harry stopped abruptly so that Niall bumped with his back against the grid of the shopping cart.

"I don't know. What are you two now? Are you like dating?"

Great question actually. Harry had no idea. On the one hand, Harry liked Louis and he knew that Louis felt the same way. At least he hoped? But on the other side, he wasn't sure if that would be a good idea, what if it was one of his games again and he would ignore him next week? Let's say it was complicated. Harry shrugged leaving Niall in confusion.

And it wasn't easier at school. They weren't talking that much but, having awkward silence, luckily only twice a week when they had to sit next to each other. In all the other classes they tried to sneak looks, trying not to be suspicious. They failed every time, catching each other's eyes.

It made Harry think about Nialls question more and more until it was finally the holidays. Well still then he couldn't stop. The holidays had been bad in general, Gemma couldn't make it and Anne had a sudden case so Harry spent his Christmas watching all Christmas movies he and Niall were able to find. And the rest alone in his room. Surrounded by some fairy lights he had installed, and the book he was currently reading. It was cosy, he liked it.

The days passed, new years eve came closer and closer and with it a weird feeling.


Louis was pinning him down into the backseats of his car, moving his hips tightly against Harry's torso and kissing him deeply. So long until his hands slid down to open Harry's belt. He pulled Louis shirt above his head, messing up his hair a little. Louis chuckled before he leaned down again and started kissing roughly around his neck, making Harry whine.

Harry let his hands slide up Louis' back the thin layer of sweat made it a little sticky to his hands. His skin was hot, just like Harry's and their hearts were racing. The smell of leader from the seats was in the air, mixed with sweat. Louis slightly flinched as Harry's grip around his bicep tightened.

It got more and more until he completely pulled away and Harry got to see multiple bruises that spread from his arms down his chest and probably his back too. Louis look changed just like the location.

Suddenly Harry was standing in the hall that led to Louis' room. He could hear yelling through the thin wood of his door. Why was he there? He stepped closer to the door lifting his arm, he was just about to open it when it swung open. "What are you doing here? I told you not to come!"

"Harry!" Niall woke him by 'gently' shaking him. Harry's eyes snapped open and he sat up smashing his forehead against Naill's "Ow. What the hell Niall??" He ripped his forehead. "Sorry, but you need to go to the grocery store again."

Harry yawned and let himself fall back into his bed. "We forgot the cups."

"We are only four people Niall, we can use the ones we have at home already."

"No, that's not the same vibe." Harry raised one eyebrow unenthusiastically, but decided not to reply it was unnecessary to argue with Niall, he would win anyway.

He got ready and got in the car, overthinking his dream again and again.

It wasn't the first time Harry's had dreams like that, it happened quite often lately. Actually, since they have talked about it. Louis had told him the reason for his bruises were playfully fights and footie practice, but something told Harry that it wasn't the truth.

And as if he knew that Harry was thinking about him, Harry spotted Louis in one of the corridors. His appearance was different to the last time they had seen each other, which was at school before the holidays. He lifted his head and caught Harry's eyes, he quickly turned his head back. Awkward. But it was too late, Louis was already on his way towards him.

"So, how was your birthday?" It was the only question Harry came to mind just like that, he hated that silence between them. "Good, yeah great." That didn't sound very convincing to Harry.

"What are you doing here?" Louis changed the subject before Harry could even say anything further. It was probably better though. "I'm just getting some stuff for the party-" Louis raised his eyebrows. "Niall has planned one for new years eve, but it's just a small one like-" Just stop talking before it gets embarrassing.

"Only Niall, Zayn, Liam and me, maybe Amilia too, and I should stop talking." Louis was already holding back a laugh. "Probably," He chuckled. "Is there, maybe a place left for... me?" He asked shyly.

"I don't think Niall or the other lads have something against it."

"I was wondering about you." Harry didn't want him to come at first because they had been unspoken and kinda mad at each other but now they are on slightly better terms and to be honest, Harry wanted him to be there too. He smiled. Don't blush, don't blush, don't - ugh. "Sure, I mean no, I do not have something against it."

Harry watched Louis' eyes brighten as his smile got wider. "Great."


"Did anything happen at the store?" Niall asked as he set up the table, Harry stopped and turned watching Niall trying his best not to bust out smiling. "You knew he would be there, didn't you?"

"I don't know who you are talking about."

"Oh, and why are you setting up for five?" No answer.

"I knew it." It was just so random that Louis was at the same store, at the same time as Harry and then out of all people, he was in the same corridor. "You two just need to get over that stage and I was just helping it a bit." He was right, it had been awkward, Harry was thankful that Niall gave them a little push, maybe it would get forward now.

"No need to thank me" Niall padded his shoulder as he pushed past him into the kitchen. "The other lads come over around 10 so get ready." Niall gave him a smirk over the shoulder.

He had exactly twenty-one minutes left until ten. Harry had already taken a shower and done his hair, the only thing left was the outfit. Easier said than done. After trying on multiple outfits, he finally chose one of the first ones, consisting of his skinnies, this time they weren't ripped at the knees and a polka dot button-up and of course his Chelsea boots.

"The plan changes." Niall burst into the room staring at his phone. He was wearing blue jeans that fitted a little loose and a white polo shirt. "You look like a golfer." Harry teased. Niall put on his resting bitch face, "Ha, ha."

"What changes?"

"We're going over to Liams instead, he has way more space and all the stuff is still in the trunk of his car so." He shrugged, "It's less effort."

"Fine, but we have to walk, mom took the car and mine is at the garage," Harry explained while taking a last look in the mirror before he and Naill left.

Hopefully, Liam could drive them home later, the walk took longer than they thought, but now they finally arrived. Liam and Zayn were already waiting, smiling like idiots as they opened the door. Harry eyed them curiously trying to figure out... whatever it was that felt different. "Are you two okay?"

Naill asked, giving Harry a confused look on which he just shrugged his shoulders. "Don't you wanna tell 'em?" Louis smiled wide putting his arms around them and letting his head switch from Liam to Zayn and back.

"Tell us what?"

Louis smiled so wide it made Harry nervous. He looked down to hide his reddish cheeks. "So?" Niall asked again as they walked up to the living room. He really had no patience. "We, uhm-" Liam stuttered, Zayn just took his hand and smiled softly at him.

"No fucking way." Niall's jaw dropped. Harry wasn't too surprised, to be honest, they had been pretty obvious the last couple of days.

"You look gorgeous", Louis whispered from behind, his warm breath brushed Harry's ear, making him shiver slightly. "T-thanks" He gulped holding in his breath. He felt the comfort of Louis arms around his waist, he freed himself before giving in. Harry dragged him upstairs into what seemed to be a guest bedroom. The other lads didn't even notice them leave that's how engrossed they were in their conversation.

"What's wrong?"

"What is this?" Harry asked as he shut the door. "What is what?"

"Us." Harry was so sick of playing this game of not knowing their terms, it just sucks. "I mean I like you and you like me," Louis shrugged but it seemed like he wasn't even paying attention to anything else than Harry's lips, his eyes were technically glued on them.

"Stop doing that," Harry whispered

"Doing what?" His voice only a breathe.

"Your know exa-" Louis cut him off by pressing his lips onto Harry's, pushing him against the door. Harry kissed him back until his lips went numb. Louis suddenly led him over to the bed pinning him down, his hands gripping around Harry's wrists.

He looked down into his eyes a while, then he stroked a curl out of Harry's forehead that had been bothering him already, "You're making me go crazy if you leave me waiting any longer." Harry whispered thirsty for Louis' kisses. His blood was pumping so fast he could hear his own heart racing.

Louis bit his lip smirking down before he slowly leaned down, teasing Harry by brushing his lips lightly against his, his breath was warm and slow. It really did drive him crazy. Harry lifted his jaw closing the slight gap. God, he loved the feeling of Louis soft lips making him feel alive.

Little gasps escaped his lips, it felt so good until his dreams came into his mind. He tried his best to push them away, he was tweaking his eyes shut until he saw little stars. It didn't help though, what if Louis was in trouble or something and that was the reason for the bruises?

Louis let go of his wrist and let his hand wander under his shirt, the cold air brushed Harry's skin, he moved his hips up against Louis'. "Guys come down here we are hungry!" Liam shouted from downstairs. Harry remembered where they were and what they shouldn't be doing.

"Did this answer your question?" Louis smirked helping Harry to get on his feet, he didn't let go of his hand tough, he intertwined their fingers and-, was he blushing?? He was and Harry too, wiping his puffy lips with his free hand before they went downstairs. "Absolutely."

They all had dinner together and were now waiting for the new year to finally begin. "Can I help you with something?" Harry asked as he saw Louis struggling to get a pack of crisps out of the top shelf.

He knew Louis hated to take help when he couldn't do something just because of his height, he was kinda insecure about it, but he would never admit it. Harry loved his height and teasing him with it. "No thanks, I can do it myself."

"Sure." He brushed a curl out of his forehead, watching Louis climb onto the counter and take the blue pack, a proud smirk forming on his face. The curl fell back, God, those curls started to get annoying, he tugged it behind his ear. Louis pulled up his sleeve and gave Harry the hair tie he was wearing all the time. "I knew it would be helpful sometime."

"Was that the reason you carried around all the time?" Louis shrugged "Maybe." His smile betrayed him though. "God you two are so embarrassing."

"Oh yeah Nialler, may I remind you of Amilia and you in the halls-?" Niall laughed it off, clearly embarrassed, as he saw Harry's wondering look. "Your hair looks so shiny today," Louis teased, disguising his voice so he sounded like Niall, he even got his accent on point.

The blonde boy blushed and put Louis in a headlock "Stop it."

"And your eyes, oh how I love the gold sprinkles in them-" He continued laughing as well as Niall.

"Only three minutes left," The boys had gotten on the rooftop hoping to see some fireworks. The cold air streamed into Harry's lungs as he took a deep breath watching the streetlights glow beneath them. "But we're not going to do that stupid tradition, are we?" Niall complained making a face like a six-year-old that didn't get what he wanted.

"Oh yes, we are. Only one minute left."

"What tradition?" Harry whispered to Louis who was standing right next to him. "The kissing thing." He said as if Harry would know what he meant. "You have no idea?" He noticed as Harry drew his eyebrows. "Two minutes."

"So basically a couple kisses for luck in their relationship for the next year." Louis explained, "How could you never have heard about it?" Maybe because he had spent every New Years Eve with Niall and his mom or because he had never been in love before. In love? He interrupted his own thoughts.

"I don't know, I guess because I never felt like this for a person before." He shrugged blushing slightly at Louis smirk. "Before?"

"Sixty seconds," Niall started counting down, but Harry stopped listening after forty-seven. "Do you think you do this time?" Louis' eyes brightened up as Harry replied a shy "maybe,"


"Well, me too." Harry could hear Niall yell a "Happy new year everyone," just as his lips pressed onto Louis', fireworks were lighting up the sky, making it glow in all colours of the rainbow. Louis in his arms, kissing him and 'Ziam' (as Niall would say) kissing too, it was just perfect.

"Cheers to myself," Niall said raising his glass, Harry pulled away chuckling at the dorkyness of his brother, just like Louis. "Come here, you idiot," Harry said pulling him into a tight hug. Louis joined, and after a while, Liam and Zayn did too. Harry was so grateful that he got to call those lads his friends.