
Even if the whole World was watching // Larry Stylinson

[complete] "This school is Tomlinson's last chance." "Thats not my problem." "What about a deal. You take care of him and I will put in a good word for you at Harvard." Ugh that was a strong deal the director knew exactly how much Harry wanted to go to Harvard. "Fine" Grate now he had to deal with this little badboy. He rolled his eyes. Harry's whole life is planed he would finish his senior year go to college and live his own life everything seemed to go perfect for him. Louis is adventures, spontanious and dosn't give a fuck on planing stuff. He and his girlfriend were happy but there was something messing in her eyes. Well, falling in love was definitely not supposed to be on his to-do list. (Also available on Wattpad and soon on Ao3)

t0mm0_thetease · อื่นๆ
28 Chs


Niall had picked him up and taken him home. At least it was weekend now, so no sassy smirk, any annoying comments or childish behaviour around. Niall doesn't count in this list. Just Harry and his books. After he got an E in the last math test he needed to catch up again, the whole Louis thing had kept him away from studying.

A satisfying feeling spread in Harry as he crossed the last thing off of his list. Perfect, like always. And after he had solved every mathematical problem he could find from pages 1 to 65, the weekend was over. "I look like a grandpa."

"No, you don't, now stop moving for a sec," Harry ordered, adjusting the collar of Niall's button-up. He was about to meet up with Natalie and Harry had offered his help with the outfit. It was basically some loose blue jeans and a white button-up. "Perfect", Harry whispered padding Niall's shoulder as he was done. "Here you go."

"Thanks, lad."

"'welcome" Harry took the last sip of his coffee before grabbing his bag and leaving the house. "Good luck!" He yelled just before the door closed. Harry was happy for Niall and Natalie, they were really cute together and Niall seemed so much happier. On the way to school, Harry stopped by at a grocery store to get Louis the gum he asked for. Without complaining.

He walked down the corridor, stopping in front of a shelf with a huge selection of different kinds of gum. If he only knew which one Louis would like. No, he didn't have to like them, he could be glad that Harry was buying any at all.

Two girls tapped on his arm. Harry turned around, they were twins, both with long light brown hair almost blonde and huge blue eyes that looked up to him. They were about four or five years old and couldn't stop giggling, showing off their small white teeth. "Excuse me, sir, could you please give me a pack of the sour patches?" One of them asked in a high voice pointing at the very top of the shelf.

"Sure" Even Harry had to get on his tippy toes to reach them. And that meant a lot because he was relatively tall. "Here you go" He gave the two girls a smile handing out the pack. They were so adorably cute. "I would choose those. We have a brother, your age," The other girl started taking a blue pack of gum out of the lower part of the shelf, throwing it towards him. "He loves them."

"Oh, thank you." Harry wasn't able to stop smiling at how cute they were. "Girls! No talking to strangers!" The voice sounded harsh and sharp. A man appeared next to them grabbing them by their wrists and dragging them out of the corridor.

One of the girls gave him a smile over her shoulder just before they disappeared around a corner. Harry just shook his head. Whatever that was.


"Here." Harry threw the blue pack of gum aggressively towards Louis who already sat at his table. "Put your feet down."

"I'm sorry, princess."

He knew Louis would make a commendation on his bun as soon as he did it this morning. But he did as told. Harry let himself fall onto his chair, trying hard to ignore Louis eyes on him. Somehow it made him feel uncomfortable immediately. Ugh. "What?"

"Nothing." His eyes still nailed at him. "So what is your plan, using me as your personal slave?"

"Take every opportunity you get," He blew a bubble and let it pop loudly. Harry had forgotten to put chewing gum onto the red list. And it was too late to change anything since Louis didn't want to give it back to him anymore. He hid it somewhere, saying Harry would find it by himself if all of the requirements were done. Whatever that meant.

The whole next week consisted of Louis calling Harry for stupid things like carrying his books, cleaning his locker or drive him around. And he kept asking him personal questions, well, he tried. But it was worth it because Mr Johnson had called him out to the office and praised him for his progress. Louis grades were still bad but better than at the beginning. They started with baby steps. Harry knew that had to change if he wants Louis to get a full C grade at least.


"Would you now please stop asking me that??" Harry slammed his locker door shut looking straight down into those blue eyes of Louis'.

"Just answer."

"No, show me your accomplishments for this week." Harry didn't trust him right away so he checked what he had done every week. To make sure he wasn't just pretending. Louis opened his backpack (which wasn't empty anymore, he actually carried some stuff with him. Like his own pencils and notepads, books and so on) and pulled out a stack of papers.

Everything done. It was going so good at the moment that it felt wrong. Something about the whole thing was off. "Okay." Harry gave him the stack back after he had flipped through it, raising an eyebrow. "What? We have a deal." He shrugged stuffing the papers back into his backpack. "Speaking off" the smile on his face widened, which wasn't a good sign.

"We're leaving, now."

"What? Where?" Skipping was also a red list point, but he had a free period now and Louis knew that exactly. Ugh, he sighed "Fine." As Louis had already grabbed his wrist dragging him through the halls, outside, over the parking lot towards his car. "Oh, no. I won't be getting in there."

"What? Why? Last time-"

"Last time Niall had to pick me up from the other side of the city." Harry cut him off. "I offered to drive you back."

"You did not."

"Yes, I did. Whatever, get in."


"Okay," Louis shrugged.

Harry turned to leave, all the things Louis required from him were just stupid things to drive him crazy. And well, it worked. As he heard a clicking sound and smelled the strong smell of smoke, he abruptly stopped. Pressing lips into a line, exhaling to keep calm. There would come a day Harry wouldn't be able to keep it inside and beat this bloke through a wall.

The cigarette tugged between the index and middle finger, a wide provoking smirk on his face. Such a fucking child. Harry stabbed him with a mad look before he went over to the passenger side of the car. "I knew I'd get you with this." His smile made Harry even angrier than he was anyways.

"We have a deal." He choked.

Louis drew on his cigarette one last time, bowing out a cloud of smoke before he got in. "You smell." Like smoke, disgusting. Louis just rolled his eyes and started the car. "You're so sweet." Sarcasm. While they drove out of the parking lot Harry spotted Luke near the gym smiling at him. They really went to the same school.

It was quiet in the car, only the slight sound of the engine and the tapping of Louis' fingers against the starring wheel could be heard. "I have to be back for my fourth lesson."

"I know."

Louis sounded concentrated, he was staring straight ahead his right hand leading and the left one resting on the edge of the opened window. The wind let his hair blow back a little and he had those enormous long lashes, that fitted perfectly together with his defined cheekbones and jawline.

"Can I help you?" Louis asked not looking away from the streets. Caught starring, Harry quickly turned back to looking out the window on his side. Fuck. Just stop being weird. "Where are we going?" The cars passed by with a rushing sound and it had started to rain a little.

"Actually I was going to drive somewhere special, but now that it's raining I don't know if that's still in." He shrugged. Great, then they could go back to school. Perfect. Harry thought, but Louis just kept on driving. The rain got stronger and stronger with every mile they drove. It was almost impossible to see through the front window, no matter how often they used the windshield wipers.

"We should drive back," Harry said seriously, trying to act like he wasn't scared that something would happen. Why were they even on the highway?? "Yeah, but-" A loud shrill siren sound over toned his voice. An ambulance, as well as two fire engines, rushed past them.

The cars around them got slower and slower until they stopped. "What is happening?"

"I don't know." Harry tried to see something through the side window. Nothing. Just rain, and the blurred red lights of the car in front of them. Some people got out of their car to get a better view, as well did Louis. "What are you doing?"

A loud thunder let Harry flinch — god, how he hated thunderstorms. He did since he was little. "Gimme a sec," Louis said already soaking wet. He had been outside for only two seconds, then he shut the door and Harry watched him jog over to the man in the car right next to theirs.

He gestured something pointing over to form where the sirens were coming from. Louis just nodded saying something back and then running back. He looked like he had taken a shower when he let himself fall into the seat, brushing his dripping hair back. "Looks bad."

"What do you mean with bad?" If bad meant they were stuck for an hour or even more then the universe definitely hated him. "There is some sort of accident and they don't know how long that will take."

"So we're stuck here?!"

"I mean you can walk home but-" He stopped as another thunder growled at the sky. "Exactly." He said. God, hopefully Louis didn't see him flinch, he would think he was weak. When would that stupid thunderstorm be over?

"Great" Hopefully they would be done quickly.

Minutes turned into one hour, one hour turned into two two into three. Sometimes a police officer came by saying they would let them know as soon as they know something further. "It may take a little longer. So, you guys have everything in there just in case?"

The man asked. "What case?" Harry asked upset, looking past Louis who had thrown his head back into the back of his seat. "Maybe this will take the whole night." No, no, no that can't be happening. "But we have school." As if that would change something. "Your teachers are already informed."

"I think we have everything we need," Louis answered, his arms covered with goosebumps, he was still wet and it had started getting colder as time passed. The officer left. "What now?" Louis just shrugged.

Time passed and Louis' playlist ended soon. They hadn't talked much, just that awkward smalltalk. Harry was pissed off from the fact that he had to stay in a car with Louis probably the whole night. And why did he say they had everything they need?? They had absolutely nothing, no food, no water, no blankets, no pillows and all that stuff. It was so stupid of him to think they would get back soon.

"Oh, for god's sake how long do they need??" Louis groaned. He opened the door and got over to the trunk. It had stopped raining by now, but the sky still looked grey. There was probably another one coming soon. Louis returned with a huge black bag. He took a few pieces of clothing out, which looked like sweat pants and a hoodie.

"Here" He threw a pair of grey sweatpants right into Harry's face, who eyed them confused. "Or you can stay in your weird skinnies all night if that's what you prefer." Harry just sighed annoyed. He shouldn't have gone with him.

"Do you always carry your whole wardrobe with you?" He asked pejoratively. The sweats were way too small anyway. "Shut up." Louis breathed climbing through the seats to get to the backseat. "What are you doing?"

"Can you please stop asking that stupid question?" He snapped interrupting whatever he was doing. "God, Louis we won't get through the night if you keep acting like that."

"Ugh, I'm trying to make some space here, what does it look like??" Letting down the rear seatback to create an even surface, where he then placed pillows and a blanket on. How did those even fit inside the bag? Harry spotted the police officer on his way from car to car. "Hey Lou I guess-" He looked over his shoulder, "What the fuck Louis?!" Harry quickly turned back burying his face in his hands trying to get rid of the picture of Louis only in his boxers. "What? I need to change, my clothes are still wet."

He could have at least warned him. "The- uhm, the police officer," he stammered bending over to let the driver's window and let it down. "Hello sir, is there anything new?" Louis asked leaning his elbows onto the centre console. Luckily he was wearing a shirt now.

"Yes, you definitely have to stay the night, but there is a toilet and supermarket on the pull in five minutes from here," he pointed them the way with his index finger. "If you need something just go over to one of the police cars."

"Okay thanks," Harry didn't listen to the rest Louis and the officer talked instead he checked his phone. A few missed calls and messages from Niall.


"Harry! Thank god you are alive. Where are you?" It took a while to explain everything. Louis had gotten back on the driver's seat searching for something in his bag.

"You and Louis?! You mean like together? In one car?!"

Harry took a deep, annoyed breath, he had already explained it multiple times. "Yes Niall, I need to hang up now. Don't worry, see you tomorrow."

"Shall we go check out the pull-in?"

"Sure, why not," Harry shrugged. The walk felt like forever when it was actually only about 8 minutes. The sky was tinged in purple and pink and it started getting colder. The warmth of the shop they entered left him to shiver a bit. "The toilets are over there." Louis led him. He had brought two new toothbrushes (Why ever Louis had them with him). No seriously why did he carry all that stuff around?

And the sweats Louis had given him, fitted better than expected a little tight but okay. "No words", Harry warned stepping out of one of the stalls looking into the mirror in front of him, staring at Louis reflection. He took the toothbrush out of his mouth and mumbled something Harry couldn't understand. And to be honest he didn't want to know anyway. 

He brushed his teeth as well, washed his face and entered the shop again. Louis was looking through some of the shelves in the first corridor. "Let's take some food I'm starving." Finally, he said something useful. They ended up with a huge bag filled with some snacks drinks and proper food (Well, if sandwiches count).

To get back was way more complicated, everything was drowning in darkness, only some car lights that were still on, oh and the blue lights from the police cars. It had started to rain again just as Harry closed the door. The bag on his lap, he looked through it and gave Louis his sandwich and water.

"Thanks." Wow, okay, Harry didn't expect that. Music was playing from the radio, this time no rock, it was a disc from Coldplay. It was really cosy, and with time they got a little more comfortable with each other. They both knew it wasn't possible to survive the night if they would keep on fighting each other. Just that one night.

"That tastes good,"

"Yeah. I thought it would be total rubbish,"

"So do you have any siblings?" Louis tried to keep the previous conversation going, in which they talked about their personal life.

"Yes, one. Her name is Gemma. What about you?"

"Yes, three sisters." Louis took another bite.

"Is she older than you?"

Harry just nodded staring straight ahead up into the sky, it was spread with stars. "Why are you asking all that stuff?"

"I just trying to get to know you a little better." Why should he?

"Why?" Harry asked opening a can of coke. It happened to be shaken. Fuck, it splashed in every direction. Great. Louis burst out laughing. "It's not funny," Harry tried to look serious. He couldn't. They both ended up laughing until they ran out of breath, "I'm sorry."

"Now we're equal." Harry turned his head to the side meeting the blue of Louis' eyes just when a new song, ('a message'), started playing. "You didn't answer my question." He breathed, banned by the look Louis gave him. Something was different about it than usual, they looked less rejecting. Like he had unlocked something in Louis.

The tension got stronger the longer they looked into each other's eyes, Harry didn't even hear the music anymore, it was completely silent, except for his heartbeat that for some reason, was stronger than usual. Louis cleared his throat, then he started to pack the leftovers back into the bag. "We should go to sleep it's late," was all he said avoiding any eye contact.

Harry felt uncomfortable about the thought to share a blanket with him, hopefully, it wouldn't be too cold. Better no blanket than to share one with Louis. He'd been really nice for the past few hours, but he was still the unpredictable and nerve-wracking Louis he had always been and nothing would change that.

He got a pillow and an extra hoodie, just in case. The nights could be really cold sometimes even though it was still summer. "Do you need something else?" Harry shook his head- no. He made himself comfortable listening to the slightly hearable music, his back turned to Louis. It was awkward, but the more Harry focused on thinking he was alone the heavier got his eyelids.


A loud thunder growl let him wake up again. Stupid thunderstorm. Harry rolled on his back taking slow deep breaths to avoid a panic attack just like he did as a child when he was afraid. Why the hell did he have to be afraid of thunderstorms? Another one let him flinch and the flashing lightning scared him even more. He sat up grabbing his phone wanting to use it as a distraction. Fuck, only two percent of battery left.

He turned it off and wrapped his arms around his bent knees hoping for the storm to pass by quickly as he felt his heartbeat getting faster. Calm down Harry, just calm down, it's just rain. He caught himself getting anxious more and more. Biting his fingernails, to reduce his stress level. Another thunder (this time louder) growled right above their car, it almost sounded like an explosion. Harry squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his hands against his ears.

All he wanted was to be home, in his room and in  his own bed. Alone. He didn't even notice he was breathing fastly. "One." He started to count, as quiet as possible to not wake Louis. His voice shaking "Two." A method that was recommended. "Three."

"Harry?" He flinched at the grip around his bicep. "What is wrong?" It was Louis, and he sounded... concerned? Harry avoided eye contact, he didn't want him to see the fear in his eyes. And he didn't want to talk about it, but he couldn't hide it anyway. "Thunderstorms," He whimpered through clenched teeth. His muscles tense.

"Look at me." No, not in a million years. He hated Louis and Louis hated him, he wouldn't give him a reason to make fun of it. "Come on, I can't help you if you don't give me the chance." Why did that sound so honest? Harry slowly looked up revealing his shimmering eyes. Louis' expression showed an emotion Harry had never seen in him before. Worry.

"Tell me what do you hate the most about me."

What? How was that supposed to help?? Harry thought about it for a few seconds but nothing was coming into his mind. "Uhm-" Weird, usually there was so much Harry swore to hate about Louis. But at the moment everything he thought of was Louis hand holding his shaking one. "I don't hate you." Wait, what? Louis frowned unbelievingly. "You don't?" Harry just shook his head quickly.

"N-No, it's just yo-" A thunder cut him off letting his breath fasten again, he got a little dizzy, wrapping his arms around himself. Fucking panic attacks. He hadn't had one in a long time. Usually, he put on headphones and listened to loud music, waiting until the thunderstorm was over. "Okay. Then, tell me how much you hate our deal."

"Why?" Harry hissed his eyes banned at the window watching the moon. Anne had told him he needed one spot to look at that he could fall asleep, it had something to do with concentration. It never helped, but it was the only thing left. Oh god Louis saw him like that, small and weak.

"Just do."

"I-It's just stupid." He started clenching his jaw as another lightning lit up the whole car. "All the things you want me to do are just so stupid." The stuttering got less with every further word. "I am talking about things like 'Get me some food' or 'Carry my bag.'" He adjusted his voice to sound like Louis. "What the hell is this supposed to make me like you wanted 'enjoy myself' It's just stupid things you don't want to do because you are too lazy. But that is not my job, I am not your babysitter!"

Harry almost run out of breath, god that was relieving. His eyes went back to Louis who just smiled. "How-?" Harry whispered noticing he wasn't shaking that bad anymore and his breath was even again. "My sister used to have panic attacks too." He answered. "She always focused on a different mental stage, to stop it." He shrugged looking down at his hands. "I thought maybe it would help you too."

"Thank you." Harry's muscles just started to relax a little as another thunder filled the car with a loud grumble. Louis looked up again "Hey, you are safe here." He got up on his knees pushing his hands against the ceiling to show Harry it was stable enough to get through the storm, "See?" Then he went to the door showing that they were closed. "Nothing can happen to you." He assured, crawling back to his side of the 'bed'.

What was even happening? Harry had never seen Louis like this before, so caring and lovely. It was weird somehow, he didn't know how to act. Louis seemed to notice. "Let's try to sleep", he said holding the blanket up for Harry. The thunderstorm lasted for a few more hours but it got less and less loud. Louis had started telling a story about a boy and his dog. Harry didn't really listen to the story itself, more to Louis raspy deep and sleepy voice that calmed him down until he drifted back to sleep.

Maybe Harry was wrong and Louis could change after all.


Let me know what you think
