
Even if the whole World was watching // Larry Stylinson

[complete] "This school is Tomlinson's last chance." "Thats not my problem." "What about a deal. You take care of him and I will put in a good word for you at Harvard." Ugh that was a strong deal the director knew exactly how much Harry wanted to go to Harvard. "Fine" Grate now he had to deal with this little badboy. He rolled his eyes. Harry's whole life is planed he would finish his senior year go to college and live his own life everything seemed to go perfect for him. Louis is adventures, spontanious and dosn't give a fuck on planing stuff. He and his girlfriend were happy but there was something messing in her eyes. Well, falling in love was definitely not supposed to be on his to-do list. (Also available on Wattpad and soon on Ao3)

t0mm0_thetease · อื่นๆ
28 Chs


"You." Harry walked towards Louis angrily his hands clutched into fists. Louis just stood there looking like he would burst out into laughter every second which made Harry even angrier. Who was the boy thinking he is.  "Take your stuff and go to your fucking lesson."

Wow, he could be really dominant if he wanted to. "Calm down curly, I was just about to do so."

He smiled and threw his backpack above his shoulder. His cheek red and a little blue and the cut at his lip had stopped bleeding but it still looked bad. "Mr Johnson told you to listen to what I- wait what?" The bell rang and lunch break ended. Louis turned around to leave "See you." He waved.

That guy made Harry crazy, he and his provocative smile and those blue eyes shimmering like the sun at the ocean. Harry shook his head at himself, what was he thinking. Ugh. He could be happy Mr Johnson didn't suspend him.

It was time to go to class. Luckily it wasn't the same as Louis so he wouldn't see the guy and his smile anymore today.


"I hate him." Harry threw a hand full of popcorn in his mouth.

"So you are going to Harvard?" Niall smiled proudly from the side, but there was something else in his eyes. Sadness?

"If I make Louis get a full C grade."

"Why are you so calm about it? It's your dream since forever."

"I don't want to be happy too soon. I don't know if I'm able to make Louis do all the stuff Mr Johnson whats him to, he is just so moody and weird and, and I Ugh he makes me go crazy." Harry threw his head back against the back of the couch taking a deep breath in.

"And that in many ways." Niall snapped the popcorn bowl from Harry's lap.

"What do you mean?"

"Huh? I don't know what you're talking about." 

"You're so annoying Nialler."

But seriously what did he mean? Did he act weird around Louis? Anyways that little bad boy didn't show up at school anymore since he left to practice Harry believed it was. The whole weekend was quite relaxing no applications no homework and nothing else. Anne came home on Saturday and they had a family dinner. Finally.

It was the first they had in weeks and it was so relieving to talk with her about every single detail of what was happening in his life right now. Well, maybe not every little detail but still enough. And she told them how sorry she was to be at work all the time and how she would love to be home for longer than just one day.

Now it was Sunday and she was on her shift again. "Should we go and bring Anne some lunch and go grocery shopping on the way? The fridge is almost empty." Niall interrupted his thoughts by throwing popcorn at him. "Yes sure." The movie was boring anyways and Harry needed to distract his thoughts from the whole Louis situation.

They took the car and drove through the full streets it wasn't a good time to drive now, usually, they needed 15 minutes but there was so much traffic that it took almost 30. The grocery store was first which turned out to be pretty unfortunate because the frozen stuff would thaw if they wouldn't hurry.

Now Harry stood in front of the counter of a Chinese take out diner and waited for his order to be ready. His phone started buzzing in his back pocket. It was Niall.

"Are you cooking the food yourself? What takes you so long?"

"You were the one who had to order three meals because you couldn't choose so don't blame it on me." 

"Why are you waiting in the car anyway?" Harry added curiously.

"No reason just because, I, like waiting in the car."

A woman appeared behind the counter she had long brown hair and green eyes and she wore a loose dress spread with flowers. She looked familiar to Harry. She gave him a smile and handed him the bag of food.

"That makes 29.22£." Harry heard Niall hang up, he let the phone slide into his pocket and took out his wallet to pay. "Harry right?" She asked tapping onto the screen next to her. Harry wondered how she knew his name. "Science class 9th grade?" She asked, It took him a moment, it was Natalie she and Harry had been in a few classed together. "Oh right Natalie, Hey."

"Hi." She took the money and put it into the till. "How is Niall?" Niall? What should she have to do with Niall they didn't have any class togeth- Ou.

"Good. Since when do you guys know each other?"

"He's in my English class we're doing a project together. Didn't he tell you?"

"Oh yes right." Harry put his wallet back and smiled at her.

"Then enjoy your meal." She smiled back at him and Harry could swear her cheeks weren't that pinkish before.

"Thanks, Bye!"

Harry chuckled as the diner door closed behind his back and he headed his way to the car where Niall already waited. He started the car as soon as Harry shut the door, he didn't even put on his seatbelt yet. "No reason huh?" Niall kept starring straight ahead.

"Nope." He said quickly. "Well, then I won't tell you that she asked about you." Niall turned his head abruptly in Harry's direction "She did?" He was surprised with a growing smile on his face. "I knew it! You have a crush on her I can't believe it."

"No, I don't"

"Of course you don't" He agreed sarcastically Harry couldn't stop himself from bursting into laughter. Niall actually had a crush. Aww, that was so cute and honestly Natalie and he would make a good couple.

"Shut up and put a disc on." Niall pointed at the glove box trying to change the subject. Harry did as told.

The rest of the ride consisted of singing along the playlist and Harry teasing Niall with some stupid future plans for him and Natalie. Until Niall warned that he would kick him out of the car if he wouldn't stop. It took about 15 more minutes until they arrived at the Hospital. It smelled like hand sanitiser and soap.

It reminded Harry of the times when he was Junger and he and Niall had spent a lot of time there. Everything still looked the same, the books in the waiting room, still old and scuffed to death, why couldn't they replace them? Harry had already finished all of them and even reread some twice because he was so bored.

The woman at the reception smiled wide as she spotted them walking up to her. "Harry, Niall nice to see you two again." Her name was Rose she always kept an eye on them when Anne had work to do. She played hide and seek with them or read them goodnight story when they had to stay the night.

She was like a mom to him and it was so good to see her again it had been ages. "Hey, Rose how are you?" Harry went in to hug her. "I'm fine darling." She eyed first Harry then Niall from their head to their feet. "Wow you two look so... grown up." Her look reminded Harry of the one time he and Niall had thrown her a little birthday party. Well, if eating cake in the cafeteria counts.

"Is mom free at the moment?"

"She has a lung surgery case right now it may take a while, but I can give you the keys to her room if you want." Rose offered walking back behind the counter searching for the key in one of her thousands of drawers. "No, no it's fine we will go to the cafeteria." Niall held the bag in his right hand up and gave Rose a thankful smile.

Another day of lunch without his mom. Harry rolled his eyes as he walked down the hallway right next to Niall. Some doors stood open and Harry could hear the peoples conversations. That was always the worst part of being at his mom's work, it always hurt to see all those people in pain. Not only physical.

"Did you forget, don't listen," Niall said dragging him through the cafeteria door. That was the first rule they had since Harry had listened to a son talking to his mom who was in a coma. He was six at this time and it really scared him so much he couldn't sleep because he was afraid it would happen to his mom too.

The room was almost empty just a few nurses at the first table on the left side and the lunch lady behind the counter. It smelled like the school's cafeteria. Niall and he took place on a table next to the window. "Do you think she will be here soon?" Niall opened the bag prepared his food "I hope I don't want to stay too long, I have school tomorrow."

"How can you always plan every second of your day?"

"God we already had that Niall. I just like to have control over my life." Harry was slowly getting annoyed by that question. It was just better if everything was planned so there was no time for distractions. It was his top priority, no distractions.

Hours passed the cafeteria was empty by now. Hopefully, Anne wouldn't need too long anymore because as Harry checked the time it was already 10.34 pm. He put his book away and looked over to Niall who was eating again. "I will go to the toilet I'll be right back." Niall just nodded his mouth was too full to speak.

Harry back hurt from sitting on that stupid plastic chair for hours and his eyes started burning a little from the bright light of the corridor, he rubbed them and finally reached the waiting rooms. He slowly got the feeling that he wouldn't get to see his mom today anymore after the look Rose had given him as he walked past her.

And honestly, Harry didn't really care he was just tired and wanted to go to bed. The warm water felt good on his cold hands. It was kinda surprising, it was in fact warm usually there was just cold water. The mirror above the sink showed Harry the dark bags under his eyes he looked like he had been pulling all-nighters for multiple days. For whatever reason. It wasn't even that late. Suddenly a voice caught his attention it came from the reception.

The voice sounded familiar. Harry sneaked a look through the door gap. His heart jumped as he spotted Louis at the counter talking to Rose. Of course, it had to be him. Who else? Harry sight annoyed. He knew he knew that sharp accent. He waited a while before he left the bathroom to make sure he wouldn't cross ways with Louis. The last he needed right now was someone being sassy and annoying.

Harry hurried through the corridor checking every direction before he opened the cafeteria door and jogged over to Niall. "Were leaving. Now."

"Wha? Why?" Niall asked confused through his full mouth, some noodles fell into the box again, he looked like a child that was still learning how to eat.

"I'm tired and Mom isn't going to be here soon. So?" Harry stuffed the rest of the food back into the bag and threw the garbage into the next near bin.

"I'm eating could you at least let me finish?"

"You can eat on the way I drive."

Niall rolled his eyes annoyed and got up "Fine."

Luckily they didn't happen to see Louis again. But on the way home, Harry couldn't deny that he didn't care what Louis was doing at the hospital. He probably got into another fight.