
Even If I Die, It's You| A Taekook FF

"Would you be ridiculed, If I say I want to kiss you?" It was their turn to recieve the award but Taehyung's feelings couldn't wait anymore.

Jay_94 · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Chapter Eight: First Date

If only I had just one day

I want to peacefully fall asleep

intoxicated with your sweet scent

If there's a chance in my busy schedule

I want to put my body in your warm and deep eyes

_Just One Day


Jungkook Pov

"It's Christmas and we still had to work our asses off the whole day." I whined while slamming down on the couch and exhaling tiredly.

"You should be thankful instead as they let us go earlier than usual." Yoongi hyung muttered while taking a spot across me on the big sofa.

"Yeah, after all, it's for our army fans. Our album is about to release. So we need to practice hard." Namjoon hyung added before drinking the water, he just poured in the cup.

"Christmas is not over yet brothers. It's 7pm. We still have time left. So, I'll make some dinner and you all go get shower and then we'll celebrate it together." Jin hyung announced cheerfully, entering the living room clasping his hands together in excitement.

I jolted up in my seat excitedly at the name of dinner. My stomach growled letting me know how much famished I was.

"By the way where's Jimin and Taehyung, Jungkook-ah? They were in your car." Hobi hyung asked me with questioning eyes.

"I don't know hyung. They said they had something important to attend. They'll be back by dinner." I replied with an annoyed shrug.

'Something important? My foot..'

Shouldn't he be here with me when we finally got some free time. How could he ignore me like this? He loves me?


It had been a week since I admitted my feelings to V hyung. Since then we didn't have much time together, we barely talked. I know It was because of our tight schedule. We had been coming home after midnight and leaving early in the morning everyday. It was hell of tiring, we barely got to sleep and eat.

But that wasn't something I was annoyed to. He had been acting all clingy to Jimin hyung lately. And even after work today, they both left together God knows where. It made me fucking furious but I calmed myself down. I was just waiting for him to comeback, so I would make him regret that.

'They better be back early otherwise I'll kill them both."

I got up from the couch, snorting in frustration and dragging myself to my room.

'May be a shower will make me feel better.'

I reached my room, and went for the switch board lazily. I sighed as light scattered in my room. Dragging myself in, I threw my bag on the bed.

It was when my cell phone vibrated in my jeans pocket. I went for it to see two messages popping up on the screen with owner name, V hyung.

'Now, he remembers me..'

I scoffed before opening up the message.

V hyung

Get ready in 10 minutes. I'm coming to pick you up.

And don't worry about hyungs. I'll take care of them.

My mind went confused for few second and then a smile appeared on my face.

'He's taking me out on a date?'

OMG. Was that true? I couldn't believe it. Suddenly, all my anger and frustration went out of window causing me to jump in excitement.

I nearly ran to my closet to look for something good to wear. But as I opened my closet, my smile got replaced with a pout.

Only black and white. My closet was colorless like a day and night. I exhaled in disappointment. I should have bought some colorful clothes when hyungs told me to. But I always insisted on black and white.

Well, what could be done now. I went for a grey high neck shirt and black leather jacket and black ripped Jeans. That was only I could think of.

'I'll be fine with that. I think so?'

I muttered to myself unsure of my choice. I didn't have much time so, I quickly went for shower.

As I came out of shower, I heard laughter and voices from outside of my room.

V hyung and Jimin hyung were back. All of sudden, I started to feel nervous. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and my stomach churning with strange feelings.

It might be because it was our first date. So that was how it felt when you go to your first date. Excitement along with nervousness.

I quickly slid into my clothes and went for dryer when suddenly the door of my room squeaked open revealing V hyung in the entrance.

V hyung entered the room and shut the door before striding towards me.

My heart skipped the beat and I forgot to breath for a minute as I saw how handsome he was looking right now in that dress.

He was wearing black shirt with red heart patterns on it and black slim fit jeans. And to make it perfect, he was wearing a brown woolen long coat on it.

"You aren't ready yet?" he whispered causing me to gasp in surprise, finding him just few centimetres away from me.

"Uhh.. I.. I was.." I stuttered and he pecked my lips leaving me stunned with my mouth wide open.

He chuckled while taking the dryer from my hand that I didn't know I was holding uptil now and started drying my hair.

My eyes kept staring him endlessly in affection, as he kept doing my hair. I didn't have words to speak. I was so in trance. How could his single touch, his little actions effect me at that extent?

"Here we're done." he declared while taking a step back and checking me out from top to bottom.

"Perfect. You look handsome." he mouthed giving me thumps up with a Sheepy grin.

And all I did was blushing like a tomato.

'Damn Jeon Jungkook. You've gone beyond crazy.'

"You look handsome too hyung." the words finally came out of my mouth causing V hyung face to light up with happiness.

And before I would miss the chance, I placed my lips on his and started kissing him wildly like I was craving it badly for last few days.

He didn't disappointed me, as he gave in to my kiss instantly and moved his lips over mine passionately. Our lips moved roughly fighting for the dominance and I won it as I slid my tongue inside his mouth touching his.

Our tongues danced together as our kiss deepened. My heart was about to explode out of my chest and my body was on fire.

We both parted away gasping for air,  and colliding our forehead together.

"I missed it baldy ." V hyung whispered playfully now looking into my eyes, and rubbing his thumb on my lips.

I could feel butterflies in my stomach as I gave him a Sheepy grin.

"Have you both forgotten that there are five more men living in this house." Jimin hyung voice caught us off guard causing both of us to yank each other away in panic.

'Damn this man never knocks the door.'

I looked in his direction totally embarrassed.

"C.. Can't you knock the door instead of barging in recklessly?" V hyung whispered yelled giving Jimin hyung a deadly glare.

"I knocked but you both were too busy in your business. So, I had no choice." Jimin hyung relplied with a smirk and mouthing the word, Kiss.

"You saw that?" my eyes went wide as I blurted out in shock.

"If Jungkook started that kiss then, I saw it all. But if it started before, I couldn't say anything." Jimin hyung shrugged with a mischievous smirk.

"You pervert!!" V hyung exclaimed before taking a pillow from the bed and smacking it in Jimin hyung head vigorously.

"St.. Stop it. I'm S.. Sorry. I.. I won't do it again." Jimin hyung shuddered laughing like crazy as he was still relentlessly beaten by V hyung.

"Try doing it again. I'll kill you." V hyung stopped, giving him a glare.

Which made Jimin hyung to laugh even harder. I giggled at both of them, the furious V hyung and the laughing and teasing Jimin hyung. Their friendship was indeed the cutest thing right now.

"Let's go Kookie." Suddenly V hyung grabbed my hand, dragging me behind him ignoring Jimin hyung laughter.

"Have a great time. And be careful. And I LOVE YOU BOTH." Jimin hyung yelled behind us now causing both of us to giggle at his words.

After all, he was Jimin. He teased us and at the sametime he cared about us.


"Hyung where are we going?" I asked with content curiosity and excitement as we both sat in the car.

"It's a surprise. I can't tell you right now. Now fasten your seat belt." he replied while fastening his seat belt and giving me the sweetest smile.

"But why? I want to know. I can't wait anymore." I whined while working with my seat belt.

"No.. I'm not telling you." he replied while twisting the key as engine came to life.

"That's not fair." I muttered rolling my eyes and folding my hand over my chest.

"If you won't stop whining. We'll be late and won't be able to enjoy. Do you want this to happen?" he said grabbing my face and turning it towards him.

'Well I don't want to miss anything. So, let's wait Jungkook.'

"Okay, I'll wait." I gave in with a snort causing him to chuckle in response.

"Let's go then." he announced before pulling car out of the parking area and hitting the road.

I went for the radio to lighten up the mood. Changing channel after channel, I finally stopped at one which was playing ALL OF ME by John legend.

~Cause all of me

Loves all of you~

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections

~Give your all to me

I'll give my all to you~

You're my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I'm winning

~Cause I give you all of me

And you give me all of you~

I unknowingly started staring at V hyung who was too immersed in driving. He looked so damn handsome while focused. His eyebrows were knitted together and his lips were pursed in a pout.

My hand involuntarily went to his porcelain face, and I began tracing his jaw line.

"What are you doing?" V hyung voice caught me off guard causing me to jump in shock.

"uhh..I..nothing." I stuttered with a nervous grin, scratching the back of my head.

'Damn Jeon Jungkook. Stay put.' I smacked my self in my mind.

"You know Kookie, you're making me go crazy right now. If I wasn't driving, I would have laid you down right now, right here." he said between chuckles, shaking his head in disappointment.

I suddenly felt heat rushing in my whole body. My heart jumped in my chest and I could feel my cheeks burning.

'Why I'm feeling hot suddenly?'

I went for water bottle resting beside me, gulp it down in one shot.

"Are you alright Kookie?" V hyung called out causing me to gasp and moving my gaze to him.

He looked amused by my condition as he kept smirking at me.

"Hyung stop teasing me. And focus on driving." I complained with a pout.

"I did nothing. Did I?" he replied with a shrug, now looking ahead. A smirk still lingering on his face.

"You're mean hyung. Playing with my feelings." I muttered rolling my eyes acting annoyed.

That was the only way to avoid the embrassment. I knew he did nothing. It was me who was losing it. Damn Jungkook.

"I'm in worst condition than you right now. I don't know how I'm holding back. And if you keep acting all cute and adorable, I'll have to stop the car." he declared giving me a sad pouty face.

And all I did staring at him endlessly like he was the only thing I could see.

'Does love make you that helpless? I have to pull myself together before it gets on my nerves.'

I shook myself back to normal. And reluctantly pulled my gaze away from him to outside of the window.

"How long it's gonna take. It's been 30 minutes already." I asked trying hard to not look in his direction.

I couldn't afford looking at him, I would get hypnotise again.

"Approximately 20 more minutes Kookie and we'll be there." He replied looking at his watch.

'20 more minutes?'

I sighed before looking at the dark night outside the window. It was 8 pm

already. I couldn't wait anymore to see what he had done for our first date.

"Kookie?" V hyung voice caused me to turned my face to him. My eyes were questioning him and waiting for his next words.

"Give me your hand." He stated moving his hand towards me.

His sudden random words made me confuse but still I did what he said.

I instantly put my hand in his and his next action left me flattered.

He intertwined his fingers with mine holding my hand tightly in his. And to be honest, it was the first time that holding his hand felt more than a friendship. It got a strange feeling in my whole body. It felt warmer than before, relaxing to my senses.

It was just a little action that we had done thousands of time, but this time it felt entirely new, giving me butterflies in my stomach. I felt like the happiest man in this world cause V hyung was holding my hand cause..

He loved me...

And I loved him..!!