

Plan. Analyse. Design. Code. Test. Debug. Release and Repeat. A Developer's life revolves around this simple lifecycle. Caught in an unknown accident, Noah, a young alpha tester is reincarnated into the game world he was testing. Moreover, in a world that is soon to meet its end. Blessed by the goddess of infinite possibilities, Noah is granted an ability to live the world with his previous developer's privileges. Open Console. Execute Script: script-0.sh ===== Reader Disclaimer: The first few chapters were written in haste to get my idea on paper. Please add comments if anything turns out too confusing (Some are intended lol, will be explained as the story progresses). Hopefully my language will also get better with time as well. Hope you enjoy the story. ===== Credit to KnightOwl for novel cover background. ===== Discord: TBA Patreon: TBA

k_a_m_u_i · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 30

After Dr. Clara's declaration of coming up with a cure for Prince Noah, the medical team led by Dr. Gablehauser left after a few sarcastic and warning remarks.

Although the Duke and Duchess didn't speak against her, she could feel the heavy burden put on her shoulders from that one statement.

"Dr. Clara, if you need any assistance, let me know," Edwin said, leaving the room with the others," Wilhelmina, will come back soon with some porridge for you, Noah. Eat well."

Left alone with Noah, Dr. Clara finally spoke up, "Prince, have you come up with a cure for your condition already?"

"Cure?," Noah questioned back.

"...yes. Cure for the mana backlash you have."

"Ah, no. What makes you think I know of a cure?"

"Ugh..but then why did you tell me to say that I will cure you within a year?"

"Ah, that. I can't afford to lose my mana. You don't want the Prince of the Wyte house to live as a cripple do you?"


"Dr., we have a year to find a cure. It's going to be alright."

Looking at Noah's smiling face, Clara started replaying everything that happened in her mind.

"Um, Dr.?"

"I have to go. Maybe if I say it was just a moment of pride, they'll accept my apology. Oh god, why did I have to believe the prince, he is just a 10 year old." Dr Clara started to walk towards the door increasing her pace.



"Wait! Please!"

Turning around she could see Noah holding onto her lab coat. But what surprised her was the sudden drop in temperature. Although it was not much, she could feel the room getting slightly cooler.

Looking at Noah, she knew he was the reason for this. The most prominent symptom of the disease was the unnatural and uncontrollable output from spells.

'the prince has more affinity towards ice than fire?'

Although she had many questions to ask, she decided to put them away for now.

Lifting Noah up gently, she put him back on the bed.

"Does it hurt?"

"You have to listen to me. Please. Don't take my mana away."

"Prince calm down. I'll listen to you if you calm down."


"You see these small white dots. They are small ice crytals. Normally, when a person casts a spell, it forms outside the body of the caster but when a person who can't control their mana does it, it starts to form from inside their body. It hurts doesn't it. So calm down. Let me get you a warm towel."


As Clara focused on warming Noah up, he couldn't help but give in and stay silent.

"Why do you think loosing your mana is such a big thing. You are a prince. There's no reason for you to be strong even. What are you so worried about?"

"...I know we just met, but you have to trust me on this."

Sigh. "Six months. If we can't find even a clue about the cure while keeping your mana by then, we drop this. Is that ok?"


Sigh. " I might still lose my job, but atleast both of us to get keep our lives, right." Ruffling Noah's hair, Clara smiled." I hope you are right."

Knock. Knock.

"Oh Wilhelmina, you are here."

"I brought the porridge for the young prince."

"You could've sent a maid… Anyway, it's a good thing you are here. Can we talk in private for a moment?"

After setting down the porridge and cutlery on the bedside table, Wilhelmina led Clara outside the room.

"What's the private matter you wanted to talk about?"

"I want prince Noah's files. I want to know what happened to him and what his abilities are."

"Is this information needed for his treatment?"


"I see. I'll talk to the duchess."

"Thank you"

"The Duke and Duchess trusts you because of your strong and just personality more than your talent. I too hope you dont loose that. Just remember to walk carefully."


In a large study room decorated with books in the Equirrion royal palace, a man with dark red hair and red eyes continued to take notes while attending a holographic conference.

"This year's tribute is still pending, King Equirrion."

As the sharp voice reached his ear, his hand stopped.

"It's almost ready. You can expect it by this monday, Empress"

"Good. It's funny how the Duke still doesnt know. Maybe I should expose your little secret and have him installed as king instead."

"Haha. You jest, your highness."

"Hmm… sure. We'll end our talks here."

As the conference ended, the king got up from his chair cursing.

"That bit*h. Wait until I take over the empire."

Knock. Knock. "Your highness, it's Dr. Gablehauser from the Imperial Medical Institute."

"Tsk." Controlling his emotions, he sat back on his chair. "Let him in."

As the large balding man payed his respect to the king by bowing his hand slightly, the king continued.

"Dr Gablehauser, I wasn't expecting to see you so soon. So tell me, how was your visit to the ducal house?"

"Your highness." Dr Gablehauser raised his head looking towards the knight standing behind him.

"You can speak freely. You don't need to worry."

"We weren't able to get any more information after visiting the Duke's mansion. The young prince is indeed suffering from mana backlash. He probably has around a year until he becomes a vegetable and around two years to live if not treated."


"The treatment was entrusted to the resident Dr. Clara."

"So they didn't buy in to your cure?"

"No. The Dr. There boldly claimed to find a cure within an year."

"This doctor… how good is she?"

"It's just a bold claim. Just another prideful young doctor."

"And the information regarding the actual cure?"

"Its unfortunate but we will publish it only after the young prince's fate is determined. All information regarding that project is tightly under wraps."

"Just call it being unlucky, finally developing a cure for mana backlash right before that kid was found."


"You may leave."

"Yes, your highness."

"I hope for your sake they don't somehow stumble upon the actual cure."



As the doors closed, the king hardend his expression. "That boy should have died that day."

"Shall I send assassins to the Wyte house?" The knight spoke apathetically.

"No. There's no need to cause a mess. The wounded dog will die in some time anyway."

Knock. Knock. "Your highness, Prince Icarus and Princess Astrea are here to see you."

"Let them in."



"Do I have to discipline you both each time? Why have you both come here now?"

"...we just came here to greet you, your highness."

"When does your school start again?"

"Its next month, father, I mean your highness." Astrea slipped.

"Hmm.. you're already 10 years old. Listen well, the imperial school might take students from all backgrounds but always remember you are royals. Act woth dignity and authority. Soon, one of you will be ruling this Kingdom. Understood?"

"Yes, your highness."