
Ethearal Sage

KAISER_95 · ตะวันออก
4 Chs

Chapter 1:Whispers of destiny


The wind howled through the desolate canyon, carrying with it the scent of ancient earth and forgotten dreams. Li Xian stood at the precipice, his gaze fixed on the horizon, eyes filled with a distant longing.

For as long as he could remember, the Ethereal Codex had been his only companion. Its pages, worn and weathered, held secrets that whispered promises of power beyond mortal ken. It was both his salvation and his curse.

The memory of that fateful night still haunted him. The flames that consumed his village, the anguished cries that echoed in the night—a testament to the mercilessness of fate. He had emerged from the ashes, a solitary figure in a world of shadows.

With the Codex as his guide, Li Xian had ventured into the heart of darkness, seeking to harness the forbidden arts of cultivation. He treaded where others dared not, forging a path through realms untamed.

But power came at a cost. The shadows that danced on the periphery of his vision whispered of sacrifices yet to be made. The Ethereal Codex was a double-edged sword, bestowing might while demanding a toll in return.

As the first rays of dawn painted the sky in hues of gold and amethyst, a decision crystallized within Li Xian. He would embrace his destiny, wield the Codex, and carve his own legend in the annals of time.

The journey would not be without its trials. The world beyond the canyon was a tapestry of dangers and enigmas, a realm where alliances were forged in the crucible of conflict and treachery lurked in the hearts of even the most steadfast.

With the Codex secured at his side, Li Xian descended into the yawning maw of the canyon, each step a declaration of his unwavering resolve. He would unravel the mysteries that bound the world, unveil the forgotten truths, and emerge as an Ethereal Sage.

His path was laid before him, a road of trials and tribulations, of shadows and revelations. And with every heartbeat, he embraced the destiny that beckoned him—a destiny written in the ink of the Ethereal Codex.
