
The training begins

I've been training for 3 months now. I have a hell of training. It's so hard that I looked at death right in the eyes. I was training everyday without any day of rest. I was eating well. I had 6 hours of sleeping and that was enough.

My training was composed of 3 days.

The first day, I had to do from 500 laps to 1000 laps in a very big area. You would think I'm joking but I'm not. It's just that my speed increased enough to make me do such activity in less than 15 hours.

In the second day, I had to train my hand to hand combat style and swordsman level. For that, master Kai assigned me two masters for that.

The first one, master Edward, was a fighter so strong that a simple punch of his on the ground could destroy it and make earthquakes.

The second one, master Chain, was a swordsman so fast that the sword swing of his could cut everything and create cutting waves on the air so that distance didn't matter.

The third day was very painful. It was a training to increase my magical abilities. Master Kai and Emma had to use their psychic powers on me in order to force me to awaken my magic.

The first time, nothing happened. The second time, I was able to manifest some of my magic. But the third time, I was definitely able of generating magic by my own will.

Then, the second part of my magic training began. I had to master my Dragon Magic and that was the hardest part.

"Master Kai! What is it?"

"Simon! It's the end of the line for me. I can't do anything for it. Your training is finished. The rest is up to you. In order to become stronger, you'll have to face reality on your own."

"I understand, Master Kai!"

"Well now I will call the members of the Hero Clan."

Soon after, all the members of the village that forms the Hero Clan have reunited in front of the sanctuary.

"What is it, Master Kai?"

One of them asked the master.

"I'm dying soon, so I have chosen the one who will become the new head of the Hero Clan."

"And who will it be?"

Another one asked him.

"The future head of our clan will be Simon Dragonite!"

At those words, everyone was shocked. "How could a non-hero become our chief?" That's what they are thinking but no one dared to say a word.


"I oppose!"

Suddenly, a man appeared from a thunder.

I looked at the sky. There was no cloud! Is this that man's magic

"Theodore! You came back."

Does Master Kai know him? Then that must be a member of the Hero Clan!

"Father! What on earth is going on!?"

"I chose a new chief for the Hero Clan."

"How could a non-hero become our chief!? It doesn't make sense!!"

"It's my decision!"

"I can't let someone who doesn't belong to us command our Clan!"

"Then why don't we solve this problem with a duel against each other!?"

"Simon don't interfere! It's between me and my son!"

"I accept your challenge!"

"Don't ignore me Theodore!!"

"It's actually decided! Let's go to the battle field!"

"If I weren't dying, I would have killed these brats!"

"Now let's get started!"

"Let's do this Theodore!"

At those words, each one of us jumped on the air and hit the other. Then, the real fight began.

Suddenly, Theodore's body became very bright! He was using his thunder as a shield! I had to make a move like that so I used my dragon power and made dark dragon energy appear and cover my hand. Eventually, my left eye became red and shining and my hair became white. Yeah white, just like Arthur's hair. This is what we call the Humanoid Dragon Form.

"I've never faced dragons so it will be my first time crushing one! Hahaha!"

"I won't lose! Not after this hard and intense training!!"

Our speed increased due to our transformation but Theodore took out his sword.

"This is the lightening blade! It can cut everything."

At his words, he attacked me aiming for my head but I was quick enough to stop him by catching his sword.

"How is it possible!? My sword is supposed to cut everything! No matter how hard it is!"

"Maybe but my technique, called Dragon Claws, makes my hand resistant to anything!!"



The fight became a lot more intense! Our movements became faster and faster! But I was clearly dominating him!

"Looks like even with your lightening aura, you're no match for me!"


I was able to dodge his fast attacks and hit him with my Dragon Claws.

After undergoing many painful attacks of my Dragon Claws, he became exhausted.

"It seems that you're losing this match. I thought you would be a lot stronger than this."

"I haven't lost yet!"

Out of nowhere, he raised his hand and said loudly.

"Lord Democles! The power you created! The power I'm meant to master! Give me the power! Give me the power of changing the world! Red Sun Sword!"

Suddenly, I saw something coming from the sky! No, from the Red Sun! It's a large amount of magical power! It was moving so fast that it arrived after less than 2 second. Then it merged with Theodore!

The energy was so shiny that I couldn't see what was happening to him and also steam was covering the area where the energy fell.

Then, he appeared from the steam. He was covered by a red aura and was holding a red sword with a huge amount of power.

"I have to admit it. But the fight is over now!!"

"I think I have to take things seriously from now on!"

"You mean you weren't serious until now!?"

"Yeah! Hahaha!"

Then I yelled


And then, my right eye became red and started shining just like the left one, dark scales appeared all over my body.

It was like the armor Father had but it was a little thinner and a lot weaker. These two armors aren't from the same category.

"The real battle now begins!!"

"That's right!!"

We both attacked each other with all we have. The fight was intense! Looks like his sword shared its power with him.

Each time his sword touched something, it would explode and make earthquakes. But fortunately, I was fast enough to dodge those destructive attacks.

"You're only good at running away aren't you?!"

"I'm not the one who intends to kill his opponent so don't blame me if I don't want to hurt you!"


He was very quick-tempered and that was his greatest weakness. When he tried to hit me with his mad attack, it was easy for me to dodge it and punch him on the stomach with all the power I have.

My hit was so strong that I even propelled him far.


"Let's do our best!"

The battle between me and Theodore was getting more and more epic. But after some exchanges of blows, I felt like he was getting slower and weaker.

His attacks were no more what they were at the beginning. It's like he's out of strength.

"Aaah! Ahhh! I won't lose! I swear!"

"You're no longer able to continue this fight. The sword requires more power than you think. If you don't stop, you'll collapse in no time!!"

"Never! I will fight till the end!!"

After saying those words, he pointed his sword on himself and then yelled

"Red Sun Sword, I need your power in order to win!

I'll pay whatever it takes to be stronger!! Demonic Beast!"

The power of the sword emerged and covered his whole body. Then, the energy became so shiny that everyone was covering their eyes except me because I have Dragon Eyes.


"Don't underestimate m-"

I didn't even finish my sentence and he punched me on the face! There were 50 meters between us and yet he was able to propul himself and punch me before I even ended my sentence! He's so strong!

His puch was so strong that the scales of the armor were completely destroyed! Fortunately, he didn't damage my face.


"I won't let you!"

I attacked him with my all on the face. But instead of hurting him, I hurted myself and my hand melted just like iron in fire.

"What's this!?"


If I don't do a thing, I'll be killed.

"Simon! Don't forget what you were taught during your training!"

"Yeah, that's right! You can make it!!"

These voices! They're master Edward and master Chain!

"You know I won't lose so easily guys! Theodore, I'll beat you now and prove you that I'm strong enough!!"

At my words, Theodore attacked me. He was going to punch me on the face but I was fast enough to dodge him and kick him on his back.


He's crying out like a mindless beast! I think he has began losing his conciousness! He's now just a monster unable to control himself.

I started dodging and punching him over and over but he wouldn't stop attacking! Won't he be exhausted?


My arm, he cut my left arm at a moment of inattention! That damn beast!


This time he punched me on my face! At that moment I fell on the ground and collapsed.


Which power??


Ah, you mean that power!


I know that.


I'll do! I'll destroy everything!

"Supreme Dragon Form!!"