
Eternity: God Mechanic

Kraynnor, a genius who appears once every thousand years, was subjected to ridicule due to his obsession with attaining immortality, an obsession that seemed to squander his innate talent. Finally, at the age of eighty, he managed to double his lifespan. However, his desire to share this achievement was thwarted by a devastating alien invasion that wiped out humanity. Aware that there was no turning back, Kraynnor decided to take possession of the genetic information of billions of humans, as well as the corpse of a fallen alien in combat... He took refuge in an undetectable underwater laboratory, where he spent five hundred years perfecting a new body that fused human DNA, alien DNA, and advanced technology. Now, with the genetic information of billions of humans, his new body, and his unparalleled intellect, he was determined to extract the life essence from every invading alien to create a new species, which he called 'Superior Humans'. Of course, he was not willing to forget or forgive anyone involved! He was ready to take revenge, even if it meant erasing all forms of life in the universe!

CosmicArchmage · ไซไฟ
60 Chs

Lucky Chest

Kraynnor developed a deep interest in this saber. At first, he had simply considered it just another weapon, but its ability to exert exceptional control over Biomass energy, condensing a blade capable of increasing temperature, represented a technological miracle that no human could achieve for centuries.

But he was capable of what others couldn't. He fervently desired this advanced control of Biomass energy. He wanted it with all his being!


As he made his way through Sonarix's flesh in an attempt to reach the brain, Kraynnor watched as every inch of the alien's body suddenly began to pulsate with force.

Then, he heard a low, deep roar, making him realize that this damn monster had awakened!

[Pressure levels rapidly decreasing... Surface pressure level reached.]

Cognitron X-12 reported from Kraynnor's grotesque, transformed suit. It had gone from being pristine, like a beautiful deep-sea diving suit, to a chaotic state, with purple bloodstains and chunks of fleshy matter scattered everywhere.


"The pressure is decreasing? The Sonarix must have completely closed its mouth," Kraynnor whispered, realizing in an instant that, thanks to the sturdy protection of its shell, closing its mouth had completely eliminated the terrifying pressure.

Although he wasn't concerned in the slightest, Kraynnor was already inside this bastard, knowing it was only a matter of time until he reached its brain.


As if the will of the world had taken up its challenge and was imparting a lesson, the Sonarix roared with tremendous force, unleashing a sonic blast so powerful that the crystal helmet of the suit began to crack!

Kraynnor, with his beautiful blue pupils reflecting in the crystal, realized that one of the five layers of the crystal was on the verge of breaking.

He calculated that with four more of those roars, he would be screwed.

"How far until we reach the brain?" Kraynnor asked as he continued to cut at lightning speed.

Slash! Tsch!

Each time he made a couple of cuts, he advanced two steps, all thanks to the saber's property of melting Sonarix's flesh and the power of his new body, which was significantly stronger than that of a healthy adult human, at least ten times.

[Using Advanced Lidar to check.]

A small red dot emerged from the chest of the suit, firing a harmless laser that pierced through Sonarix's flesh without causing any damage. The laser continued its path until it reached the brain in a matter of seconds.

[Thirty meters remaining, estimated to take about ten minutes at the current speed.]

Kraynnor furrowed his brow upon hearing this. For a moment, he even felt a pang of panic, as at the rate he was going, the Sonarix could roar dozens of times. Nevertheless, that fear quickly dissipated as his hatred for this alien creature far outweighed any fear he could experience!

"It looks like it's time to try that..." he stopped his cuts and took a deep breath. Then, with determination, he uttered the words: "Initiate Xenogenic Fusion!"

[Initiating Xenogenic Fusion; this state carries a high risk, extreme caution is advised.]


Inside Kraynnor, a series of tiny devices lit up frantically as a whirlwind of alien and human genes forcibly merged. The technological parts of his body optimized the synergy of his DNA to the limit, enhancing the best of both races.

It was an incredibly painful sensation!

His eyes emitted an intense light, and the eyelid of his third eye began to twitch as if it were about to open.


Tsch! Slash! Fwish!

With a fierce roar, Kraynnor effortlessly cut through Sonarix's flesh with astonishing ease and speed. Each of his movements was so powerful that even if ten of him, before activating Xenogenic Fusion, tried to stop one of his attacks, it would be in vain.

His speed immediately increased hundreds of times!



Another thunderous roar echoed throughout Sonarix's interior, finally causing the complete rupture of the outer layer of its helmet.

[Two minutes to reach the brain.]

His strength began to diminish as time passed, as the fused genes gradually separated. Kraynnor was aware of this; he had calculated that the Xenogenic Fusion state would last a maximum of five minutes.


As if it sensed that something was terribly wrong, the Sonarix began to roar more frequently, doing everything in its power to eliminate the parasite inside it.

Seconds seemed to pass agonizingly slowly as Kraynnor cut with frenzied fury. His crystal helmet was two layers away from breaking completely, and if that happened, he would be at the mercy of the sonic blasts that would surely turn his insides into an unrecognizable mass...

[The brain is just one meter away.]

"Finally!" exclaimed Kraynnor as he cut through the last layer of flesh and felt his saber touch a slightly hard surface that was also pierced; he had cut through the skull.

At this point, his Xenogenic Fusion state was about to end, with only a few seconds remaining.

Without any hesitation, he entered the hole he had created!

What he saw was a vast brain chamber filled with bioluminescence, with twisted organic formations that looked like nerve cables and energy nodes.

The Sonarix's brain stretched out before him, pulsating with an unknown light and emitting a strange vibration.


Outside, the colossal alien creature was in a state of absolute panic as it accelerated its swim faster and faster until it finally reached the speed of sound. In less than a second, it emerged with a majestic leap, coming into contact with the warm sunlight and the caress of the fresh wind, accompanied by the sweet sound of birds in the sky.



It was a truly astonishing sight, a spectacle of sublime beauty, though unfortunately, there was no one present to witness it. In the next instant, the Sonarix, a proud creature, crashed into the waters with a resounding thud, exhaling its final breath.

A being that had lived for millennia, trapped and torn from its native world, concluded its existence in an alien world...

Thus, time passed slowly, with the lifeless body of the Sonarix floating in the water, its belly exposed to the sun. Small birds landed on it, exploring for food or simply driven by curiosity.


Suddenly, one of the Sonarix's eyes began to move, startling the birds, causing them to fly rapidly in all directions.

The eye continued its movement until it was finally expelled, releasing large amounts of purple blood and fragments of brain. It was Kraynnor, who had destroyed the brain of this alien creature and, to save time, emerged through one of the eyes.

He swam to the surface and climbed onto its belly, his face showing obvious exhaustion.

Using Xenogenic Fusion even drained a body like his.


He removed his helmet and lay down, gazing at the sky, releasing a sigh that carried five hundred years of nostalgia and longing. For the first time in so long, he was outdoors, under the vast daytime sky in its full splendor. The sun shone brightly, its golden rays bathing the expansive ocean.

Clouds floated gracefully in the blue sky, drawing changing shapes and providing a fascinating contrast.

Birds of all kinds soared through the skies, leaving trails in the air as they performed their acrobatics. Kraynnor marveled at how these creatures flew freely, something he had yearned for centuries.

"If only those damned invaders hadn't shown up..." Kraynnor muttered, his voice thick with bitterness as he kept his gaze locked on the sky. His once serene blue eyes now blazed with the anger simmering within him. It was an anger that stirred an insatiable thirst for blood, a thirst for revenge that he had suppressed for centuries.

For now, he had to settle for having killed one of those damn pets, but when he grew stronger, hell would break loose on those alien bastards!

Unfortunately, upon witnessing the power of the Sonarix, a creature classified as One Star, and recalling the countless creatures he had seen during humanity's invasion, he realized that his strength was truly insufficient.

Although it wounded his pride, he knew he had to amass his power over years, even decades. He didn't mind. His original plan, after all, was to obtain his new body and dedicate decades to enhancing his technology to the point where he could launch a counterattack that would allow him to seize alien technology.

Then, he would spend even more time reverse engineering and advancing by leaps and bounds.

Although it was a long and arduous path, it was the best he could do...

[God Mechanic has achieved a small feat!]

Unexpectedly, the voice of the Universal System resonated, catching Kraynnor's attention, which led him to consider the possibility that this enigmatic system could significantly expedite his plans. However, it remained to be seen how much assistance it could provide.

[Against all expectations, you have used a mortal body of level zero to eliminate a One-Star creature, an achievement that even level ten users would find challenging to accomplish.]

[As a reward, in recognition of your feat, in addition to promoting you to level one and unlocking the experience system, you will be granted five Universal Points, ten Stellar Coins, and a small one-star Lucky Chest. Continue to carry out actions that exceed the system's expectations to earn even greater rewards.]


[You have gained one hundred experience points; however, since you are at level zero, these will be allocated to activate the experience system.]

Notifications after notifications continued to appear incessantly.

[Due to your outstanding achievement in unlocking the experience system with ninety additional experience points, you will be rewarded with a random minor talent.]

Kraynnor watched as a small green roulette suddenly appeared. The roulette displayed dozens of options, although he couldn't read them clearly as it immediately started to spin.

He didn't have high expectations for it, but he couldn't deny that he would love something that would make him stronger!