
Eternal yearning : Shadows of Desire

In the realm of supernatural beings, young vampire Kwan seizes a rare opportunity to escape his secluded life and attend ‘all souls academy’ that welcomes witches, werewolves, and vampires. Eager to make friends after years of isolation, Kwan finds himself drawn to Gwanheok, the enigmatic alpha of the werewolf pack. Their connection deepens, defying societal expectations, but their forbidden desire is threatened by hidden secrets and prejudice. "Shadows of Desire" is a captivating tale of friendship, love, and the mysteries and conspiracies that might want to tear things apart.

S_Alii · LGBT+
9 Chs

Chapter 8(Half-Breed)

As he saw Kwan sleeping, Jeon decided to sneak out of the room. He moved slowly, carefully closing the door behind him. Soon after, Kwan woke up and realized he had an immense thirst for blood that only grew with each passing second. It became so intense that Kwan felt like his throat could turn to stone if he didn't get some blood. He decided to leave the room, covering his bed with a blanket and putting a pillow underneath it.

He quickly went to the fridge, only to find that there was no blood left. Worried, he knew he had to go all the way to the demon wing where the blood bank was located(Vampire blood bank was close for some reason). The blood bank was built on top of the demon wing, requiring the use of a lift or stairs to reach it.

Kwan couldn't fall back to sleep due to his intense thirst, so he decided to sneak out of the dorm and make his way to the demon wing to get some blood.

As Kwan walked out of the dormitory, he noticed that there were about five circular buildings resembling the Pantheon in Italy. Unlike the Pantheon, these buildings were highly functional, equipped with modern technologies like lifts. The grass ground was in the middle, with no covering, allowing moonlight and sunlight to fall right at the center of the circular arrangement. The halls, dorms, and classes climbed up to twelve floors, while the middle of the building was an open area with chill grass, surrounded by other classes and dorms built around the circumference. All 5 buildings had this same structure each dedicated to a certain wing of species at the academy, yet the 5th building was not dedicated to any wing and no one knows what is in there.

Most of the halls on the ground floor had glass ceilings, creating a magical atmosphere with the moonlight reflecting at night, both inside and outside.

The dormitory had both eleven and twelve floors, with the rest of the ten floors filled with rooms containing classes, staff rooms, and directories.

This was just the Vampire wing, but all wings shared a similar infrastructure. Kwan, being a vampire, could reach the ground floor faster than expected using his powers. He didn't usually use his speed unless necessary, as normal speed would subject him to extreme thirst and eventual death.

The halls outside the rooms were like balconies, except on the ground floor. The walls of the halls were adorned with creepy symbols and patterns, representing the history of vampires, witches, demons, and werewolves.

Since his first day, Kwan despised these patterns, especially at night when they appeared creepier. So, he decided to move faster with his speed, avoiding them altogether. When he reached the last floor, he noticed the intense moonlight of the full moon, casting bluish hues all around the vampire wing.

Vampires didn't use the lift due to their powers, but any other being visiting the vampire wing would typically use it instead of the stairs.

As Kwan was ready to leave the wing, he paused for a moment in the middle of the round building to appreciate the beauty of the moonlight.

He noticed that the vampire wing was already open, and someone had knocked out the vampire guard. Kwan couldn't stay there or help the guard; he had to move faster.

He moved out of the wing, making his way all the way to the demon wing. Between all the wings, there were woods, not too deep, more like parks for students to sit on benches or for wolves to use for training, or vampires to play. The temperature was very cold at night, but it didn't bother vampires as it did other beings.

As he traveled fast through the woods, the moonlight illuminated his path, guiding him forward.

Upon reaching the Demon wing, he noticed it was similar in structure to the Vampire wing, also having a circular design. The guard for the wing was absent, making Kwan suspicious, but his thirst urged him forward. He realized he hadn't even changed out of his night attire.

He went straight inside, he had to do all that because the blood bank of the vampire wing had been closed for two days for some unknown reason.

As he climbed the stairs to the fifth floor, he felt that something was wrong; he still had a long way to go, as the blood bank was on the twelfth floor. Suddenly, he couldn't move and went numb. A melancholic piano music filled the air, sending shivers down his spine.

The music continued as Kwan tried to move his numb hand. He wanted to be faster, but it seemed impossible. The whispers returned, clearer this time, and he could interpret the word "five" repeated again and again. Before he could decipher further, he felt extreme pain in his head.

Knowing he had to keep going, he forced himself to run faster than ever, though his eyes were teary. The tears on his pale cheeks quickly dried due to his extreme speed, leaving an expression of agony on his face.

Finally, he reached the twelfth floor and quickly went to the large room at the end of the hall with "Blood Bank" written on its door.

The whispers suddenly stopped, and he stumbled inside. The blood bank room was vast, with large pillars holding up a ceiling much higher than he had ever seen. Large container-like drawers were arranged like shelves in a kitchen, and Kwan assumed there would be blood in all these drawers.

Struggling to walk properly, he tried to reach the containers. The room was mostly dark, except for the bluish moonlight, creating an eerie atmosphere in the blood bank. After a few minutes, he reached one of the containers.

As he was about to open the container, his body became numb, and he heard someone crying, almost begging, and making weird noises. It was as if someone was pleading for mercy and asking someone else to stop. He turned around and saw the large pillars with containers aligned everywhere. However, he noticed something else that caught his attention, so he stumbled and walked toward the voice.

At the end of the row, he saw a boy with black hair, brown skin, and a slim body. The boy appeared malnourished, and Kwan noticed that he had one ear that looked like a demon's ear while the other was normal. Realizing that the boy might be a half-demon.

"You are half-breed and deserve to die, you are not like us and will never be like us, no matter how much you beg for mercy it's important that you die today."

The other boy spoke,

He was a little older, wore a dark small coat and a white shirt underneath, along with long slim dark pants, resembling a three-piece suit. he had both triangle-shaped and larger-than-usual ears, a common trait among demons.

Demons were ruthless and lived since before time, they are powerful and would clearly kill someone that's a threat to them.

"Say your last rites if you have any, half-breed," the boy in black said, unaware of Kwan's presence. The boy on the floor put both hands to cover his eyes in response.

Kwan felt compelled to intervene, knowing that the boy on the floor was in danger. He slowly stepped out from behind the pillar, witnessing the heartbreaking scene before him.

"Stop! What are you doing?" Kwan demanded, his voice filled with urgency.

The boy on the floor looked up, startled to see someone else there. His eyes widened as he took in Kwan's vampire features.

"You shouldn't be here," the demon boy said, his voice tinged with both fear and defiance. "This doesn't concern you."

"It does now. You can't just hurt him because of what he is," Kwan retorted, stepping closer to the demon.

The demon boy sneered, his lips curling into a cruel smile. "Why do you care? He's just a half-breed, a disgrace to our kind."

Kwan's eyes flashed with anger. "He's still a person, and he deserves to be treated with respect. You have no right to judge him based on his heritage."

The half-demon boy, still sitting on the floor, spoke up in a trembling voice. "Please, just let me go. I won't bother anyone; I promise."

The demon boy shook his head, his expression hardening. "It's too late for promises. You should've thought about that before coming here, before trying to be something you're not."

Kwan could sense the fear and desperation in the half-demon boy's voice, and it only fueled his determination to protect him. "You don't have to do this," he implored the demon boy. "Let him go, and we can find another way to resolve this."

The demon boy laughed coldly. "There's no other way. Half-breeds like him are a threat to our existence. I'm doing what's necessary to protect our kind."

"But this isn't the way!" Kwan argued passionately. "There's no need for violence and cruelty. We can coexist peacefully; we've done it before."