
Chapter 14

As we neared the towering walls of Dracula's kingdom, I could feel the tremors beneath my feet, like an earthquake rippling through the earth. The sky above was dark and foreboding, as if the very heavens themselves sensed the impending clash of powers.

I rode alongside King Darius, our horses' hooves pounding in unison, a symphony of determination and purpose. The weight of the impending battle hung heavy on my shoulders, but my thoughts were consumed by one singular focus: Maeve.

The energy radiating from the fortress walls was palpable, and it pulsed with a chaotic fervor that sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't ignore the knowledge that this was the result of Maeve's uncontrollable power, a force she had unleashed in her desperate bid for survival.

I clenched my teeth, my grip on the reins tightening. We had to hurry. Every passing moment meant that Maeve's strength was growing, spiraling into a volatile tempest that threatened to consume her and everything in its path.