
Eternal Thief

A young boy was living peacefully. Although he was poor and alone, he was happy with what he had. Until one day, a girl came into his lonely life, making it worth living. However, this also didn't last long when the girl he considered his only family in the world got afflicted with a mysterious illness! In the end, he sold his parent's house, the last memory he had of them, hoping to save his Lil Sis. He was even willing to live in the slums if he could save her and, for the first time in his life, stop this tragedy from happening! But fate yet played another trick on him when a greedy shop owner sold him fake medicine and tricked all the money he got after selling his parents' house! After being pushed into the corner, he hated those treacherous people; he hated the unfair life, and he even hated Heaven itself! In the moment of hatred and helplessness, he holloed to the sky, "IF I HAVE THE POWER, I'LL STEAL FROM HEAVEN ITSELF, JUST LIKE HOW IT STEALS EVERYONE FROM ME!" However, this boy didn't know that this absurd wish would be granted one day by something called the system, and it would also force him to walk on the path of a THIEF! A path that was despised and loathed by Heaven itself! ______ Discord Server: https://discord.gg/KCqGqN4n

Wahi · แฟนตาซี
1155 Chs

Heaven’s Advocate!

The moment the mysterious Devil's Malediction of Desolation bloodline seal on Ace's bloodline shattered…

"Kekekekeke! It finally happened!" An eerie laughter suddenly reverberated around a dark forest filled with crimson miasma, and multiple beastly eyes suddenly opened and glowed in a vile dark shimmer, "That little nuisance is finally dead! Finally, after resisting my Fiend Purgatory Curse for so many years, he finally died!

"Hmph! I was worried about nothing since the Fiend Purgatory Curse took so many years to claim that little nuisance's life, but I guess it was to be expected since those two should've tried their best to suppress it.

"Kekekeke… you dare to harm me just because of a little bug! I'll make sure to torment you for eternity with the Fiend Spawn made with your own son's era talent and all his resentment and hatred!