
Don't borrow trouble!

After Eva went into the secret room, Ace was closely looking at the fate map with a somewhat worried expression. But the map was only showing golden color, nothing else. 

However, shortly after Eva went inside, the golden color, as well as the compass arrow, vanished without a trace, and a new compass arrow took its place, which was at the edge of the map pointing in the east direction. 

This made Ace frown, but he didn't panic since he could still feel Eva was completely fine. And a few moments later, Ace couldn't help but smile in relief because he could feel Eva was getting closer. 

Thereupon, Eva appeared right in front of him with this proud enthralling smile, but she was also somewhat pale and exhausted. 

Ace quickly approached her and fondly said, "You work hard." 

"Hmph! No, so smug, aren't we?" Eva retorted with fake egotism. The ecstasy in her eyes couldn't be clearer.