
The Elders, and Arranged Marriage

In a normally quiet compound, the shuffling of feet could constantly be heard. Men and women were discussing or working everywhere one looked. The murmur of the workers was endless, and the shouts of their superiors rang out continuously. The already luxurious halls and courtyards were being decorated for a festival and all residents were doing what they could to make it as grand as possible. All this promotion and preparation was happening because of one simple, but momentous reason; the one thousand year grimoire contracting tradition had ended. 

The Yinbi family heirloom, a small but special grimoire passed down for generations, had finally been contracted. Elders of the clan reacted quickly and called back all family members for a celebration as well as an announcement. At the rate preparation was made, the decoration would take three days and a further two for all clansmen to arrive. 

Yinbi Long, the cause of all this, was currently sleeping peacefully in a big bed, snug as a bug, oblivious of how great a comomotion he caused. He would soon find out though, evident by the stirring of the sheets. As he got up and the covers fell off, his features could be seen clearly. Eyes the color of a raging, uncontrolled inferno, and skin as pale as powder. His hair contrasted this, being the deepest shade of midnight black. If one paid attention they might see stars as if it was just the night sky pretending to be hair. All this would surely label him a sissy if not for his obvious musculature, though some might still call him one if they looked at him from afar. His swimmer's body, odd for a child of only ten, only looked appropriate because he looked fifteen. For all that said, he was only above average beauty-wise in this world, of course, only if one does not look closer. 

This boy, Yinbi Long, finished a stretch and yawn, before standing from the bed. He needed to decide what to do for today, the first day of his new life despite living in this world for the last ten years.

'I'm going to have to reacquaint myself with everyone'

"But how?" Yinbi Long said aloud. He was a bit embarrassed by how he has been acting. He always acted like a madman, or someone high. As he was thinking a knock came from the door.

"Are you awake second young master? The elders are calling you."

"I'm awake, I'll be there in a few minutes!" Yinbi Long yelled back. He donned some clothes and set off to the elders. It would be a good enough start as any. 

As Yinbi Long stood outside the building the servant lead him to he tired his clothes and quickly walked in. Although he maintained the attitude he always had with them, that of a close relative, he made sure to keep tidy. 

Three old men waited in the room. All of them were slightly tense as he walked in. They studied him warily, especially his hands, before relaxing. What these elders were afraid of were explosives. That's right, they were worried he was carrying a bomb. Since a young age, Yinbi Long had made himself known as a demolition expert. A hot-tempered child that would suddenly, and with little provocation, set off dozens of explosions. At first, it wasn't that big a problem, but as he got older and more experienced the bombs got stronger. They had widers areas, even additional effects. Some weren't even conventional bombs anymore. One of his so-called masterpieces when set off put everyone in a five-mile radius in a drunken stupor. Another simply made all in a five-meter radius impotent. Another cured the last within ten meters. One that he considered a failure, but left others terrified, was one that changed sexual orientation. Because he considered it a failure he never bothered to make more, leaving all who were affected either gay or lesbian. In this society, this was a terrible fate. Luckily he made one that changed genders as well that he deemed a success. The gay men and women turned strait again on a technicality. 

As the elders relaxed after checking if he had one of his infamous bombs, the atmosphere turned warm and gentle. The Yinbi family was one of warmth that loved each other. The first elder, the oldest, waived Long over saying 

"Come here boy, we have much to discuss. Sit down with us old folks."

Long sat down on the last available seat. Well, he kneeled. The chairs were just sitting cushions. As he sat down, a maidservant set down some tea before retreating. As the tea wafted, the second elder, the second oldest, spoke. 

"Now that you have contacted the family heirloom some things are going to change. Our clan records are clear on what to do if and when this happens. The biggest change will be that of your new position."

Yinbi Long knew something of this sort would happen, he just didn't think it would happen so fast. He still had not had the time to think of pick up lines, he was called as soon as he woke up. The first elder spoke after the second.

"As you know, unlike other families, we do not have a patriarch. It is written that once one contracts our grimoire they are to be instated as the patriarch of the family. This is a big responsibility and one you must be trained for. Thankfully unlike other clans, again, we properly train all our family to a high standard. You'll only need some additional training and you will be ready for the responsibility the position holds."

The third elder nodded along with a sagely look. He seemed to be out of it. Long was a little worried about him. Whenever he sees him he always looks high. The second elder again spoke.

"The celebration being prepared now will also be when you are to be assigned the position. Till then, we are going to need you to get acquainted with the inner working of the clan."

As Long listened he could not help but think of whether he should truly try pickup lines on his waifu. They were not standard practice in this ancient Chinese society and might make her uncomfortable. She was after all raised in an ancient Chinese society. Or maybe it was just rare? He had never seen someone speak a pickup line here, so he was not sure. Could he ask the elders for advice? All of them were married, and from what he saw their wives were happy.

"How should I pursue my first love?"


All three were dumbfounded. Even the third elder was snapped out of his sagely look to gawk. There was no connection to the current topic and what he asked, was there?

"Long, what did you say?"

Asked the first elder

"I'm not sure how to approach the topic of marriage with the woman I love, what should I do? You all are happily married, I need your advice. I'm thinking if I could just have an arranged marriage..." Said before he was cut off.

"That's not how that works… it's an arranged marriage when someone arranges it for you." 

Responded the second elder. He wasn't quite sure, but he assumed this was brought up because of his newly attained authority.

"Can you arrange it then? Her name is Yinbi Yu, and I'm not sure how to go about wooing her. I've thought about it and I've decided this is the only way."

The elders were again stunned. Did he just decide that now? This time it was a bit too much, they were petrified. The third elder was still sitting but was passed out. The second was fairing better, despite frothing at the mouth a bit. The first twitched his eye a bit but managed to speak.

"That, boyo, isn't Yu'er your…"

As the first elder managed some words before being interrupted. The two elders awake saw a glint in Yinbi Long's eyes before he reached behind his back and pulled out two oddly shaped balls. As they started freaking out, Long spoke.

"The left makes you impotent, the right one changes your gender. Please choose."

The second elder finally passed out, while the third, now awake, just lit some weed with a distant look in his eyes. The first elder choked a bit but ultimately promised to arrange the marriage.