
Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

The Venerable One, Reincarnator Extraordinaire, has lived through all. Nine lives showed him many shades of life; he was a Hero once and Demon Lord in another; again a Heavenly Beast and a Time Manipulating Vampire in another. Finally, a Cultivator in his latest. He was a little insane in his head by now, but hey maybe that's the perk of living too many lives. He finds himself in incredible joy as roots die hard, and he is reincarnated in a Modern World as a mere human in his 10th (?) life. But… “Why is my mother an Idol? Huh- wait, Devils?” It just so happened to be an anime amalgamation world, filled with character he was familiar with. -—- Worlds: Oshi No Ko, High School DxD, Noragami. There are also some certain characters from other anime. Some Additional Tags: #Incest, #Magic, #Cultivation, #MultipleLives, #CrazyMC, -—- Patreon Link: Patreon.com/Master4thWall Discord Link: Discord.gg/GKWjj3ywZd

Master4thWall · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
232 Chs

[36] Mt. Fuji

Chapter 36: Mt. Fuji

We reached Fujinomiya City a bit after the clock hit 6 PM. It was a long three hours of journey, that would have been shorter if not for the traffic.

Fujinomiya is the closest city to Mount Fuji. From it, the entire mountain is visible like a proud titan looming over the world. We were not in the center of the city, of course, we were on the very outskirts of it. 

Here, while we were still on the bus, we got to see the sun setting in the west while the moon was behind the mountain, casting a hungry shadow over the world.

Finally, the bus stopped and we got off. It was indeed a resort on top of a hill area, a classic Japanese house with hot springs and stuff. This place had the best view of the mountain that was a bit far away from us.

"Whooh!" We got off the bus as the girls whistled and the guys stretched. We were at the gate of the resort, and only now did we realize that it truly was an onsen. It was then that we saw the production director running toward us.

"You kids finally made it," he stopped and said. "Take some rest, get comfortable in your rooms. All the guys are in one room, and the girls in another. We'll gather in the girls' room in two hours, then we'll do some quick shooting. We need the footage for tomorrow."

So the shooting was going to begin at 8. I turned my head around to take a look at my surroundings and then was led inside along with everyone.

A small and tranquil garden surrounded the onsen bathhouse. It was then surrounded by tall granite walls, the front yard we stepped into was an oasis of peace and tranquility far from the bustle of the city. The sound of water running in the hot spring somewhere around us, that we couldn't see yet, caused a trickling stream to run through the garden, its sweet melody filling the ears of the visitors. Tall trees provided shade and a place to rest under the soft light of the moon. 

Surprisingly, I didn't sense any other guests here, which was odd. Was the show going so well that the production could afford to rent out the entire onsen for us? Keeping my mind busy with thoughts like that, we reached our room as we stepped in.


Since I came right from my school, there was no luggage to worry about, I only had my school bag. I didn't care to pack bags for this since I was notified that the production would be providing us luggage filled with clothes; it was the things we bought back in the shopping mall episode. 

From my luggage, I chose a casual soft but tight black shirt and loose white sweatpants, making my chest muscles pop pretty nicely.

"Damn bro, nice pecs."


After exchanging words with the guys, I decided to look around the place myself. I got out of my room and into the backyard. I needed to make sure about something.

Multiple small, knee-deep ponds stretched across the backyard, their dark waters were dotted with pale pink flowers that bloomed on the trees surrounding it. Stone platforms rise around the water of the lake, working as stepping stones for guests. 

A simple tea house, with its moss-covered walls curving as if they were grown from the earth, sat on the edge of a particularly deeper pond. Its wooden benches and tables provide a comfortable, relaxing place to sit and enjoy the beautiful views while sipping on a hot cup of tea. The tea house emitted a soothing aroma of flowering herbs and warm, earthy scents.

"Beautiful place."

I did a quick scan with my Jade Perception to see if anyone was looking at me. 

I had to be careful, I wasn't feeling goofy at that moment, unlike when I was messing with Mem-Cho. I had an interesting feeling about this place. Not exactly this onsen, but that thing on the east. 

When I sensed nobody, I circulated Qi within my energy channels in an intricate manner, pushing it into my feet, and then jumping on empty air. [Nimbus Stride] took me on top of a tall tree in a second, as I landed in a thin branch and looked to the east.

"Not bad."

Atop this perch, any normal man would have experienced a sense of serene awe if they took in the breathtaking beauty of the majestic Mount Fuji in the distance. More so with my [Copper Sight] that filled the world with so many colors of mana that it was almost nauseating.

The mountain's towering peak seemed to touch the heavens, its mystical presence radiating a supernatural and ominous air about it. The gentle moonlight gleaming off its snow-capped slopes was further augmented by the hazy shadow cast across the rolling hills and valleys. The sight of this sublime landscape evoked a sense of humility and reverence, and I was reminded of the immense power of nature and the smallness of human existence within it.

I would have been charmed if I hadn't seen peaks that really did touch heaven. This thing was just three kilometers tall, while I have been to worlds a thousand times the size of Earth, where there were peaks that were a thousand kilometers long.

Still, this one's not bad. Moreover, places like this were rare, as it is a volcano with snow covering it. There were a thousand types of natural aura around it; its peak is a very good place to cultivate a Storm Path.

"I have three days here," I muttered. "Let's see… I need to somehow get on top of it. Then again, even if I get there, I don't think I can spend much time there… Haah."

What can three days even do? A local teleportation portal on top of the mountain would have been much better. This world is so trash, unsuitable for cultivators.

"Oh well." I shrugged, leaping into the air, towards the mountain. "I have two hours on hand. Can't waste that." I shot through the air like a rocket, and into the mountain.

My feet kicked the branch and I closed my eyes to recall and use a new technique. Now that I had learned all of my available Cloud techniques, it was time to choose a new one. I chose one from my Lightning set.

[Thunderstep: The user strikes the ground with a burst of Lightning Qi, creating shockwaves that propel him into the air. He can chain multiple Thundersteps together to perform mid-air maneuvers or reach elevated positions.]

This isn't optimal for flying, but rather for short bursts of speed. I used Thunderstep to kick the tree and leap hundreds of meters ahead, and then switched to Nimbus Stride to reach the mountaintop.

* * *

It took me a few minutes, but I was soon three kilometers up from the surface. My eyes wandered as I looked around the snow-covered volcano, with clouds right outside of it. This place was so rich in nature. For once on this poor planet, my Copper Sight was brimming with colors.

I strode through the air and around the place. I paused when I reached the hole, the mouth of the volcano. Deep red magma was boiling on it; it was the size of a small room though. Mount Fuji has been dormant since 1707, more than three hundred years, but it might erupt anytime.

I doubt it will, though.

Given what my eyes were seeing.

"Such intricate rune sealing," I whistled as I saw the magical sealing around the mouth. More than that, my eyes were drawn into the purple mortal that existed a few meters above the lava. "Huh, what's this? I wonder where that leads."

I wanted to check it out right now, but who knows how long I'll spend inside if I went in now? I had to hold back the urge because I had shooting in two hours.

"I'm here to cultivate," I muttered as I flew to the hard surface and dropped to my feet. "Let's get into it asap."

I dropped down on a lotus position, putting my phone in an alarm clock, and then closed my eyes.

With a deep breath, I started to take in the atmosphere, feeling the cold air bite into my skin and the humidity of the water in every breath. The blaze of the fire Qi gave life to the scenery, as if the light from the sun were a living being, but I didn't absorb it, I didn't need fire. The area trembled with the power of the earth Qi, but I didn't take it either. 

No, instead, I breathed in, I focused on the Water Qi from the melted snow, the sharp Wind Qi from the atmosphere, Cloud Qi from the skies around me, and Lightning Qi from the dark clouds created thanks to the volcano. Four kinds of Qi filled my veins, giving me a surge of energy along with a sharp tingle in my bones.

My body was one with the elements, my breath blending in a symbiotic relationship with them. I felt at peace.

The Heaven and Earth Purification didn't let me enjoy the peace though, I had to focus as I grinded all the Qi inside my body, into a deeper form than that existed in the atmosphere.

Like that, the two hours passed in no time.

* * *

[Third Person Point of View]

Her face was like a piece of the moon, her eyes like two stars, while her long pink-red hair represented the heat of the earth's depth, yet at the same time, the joy of cherry blossoms. The Shinto Goddess of All Volcanoes, her hand resting on top of her large round chest, found herself curious as she frowned.

Konohanasakuya-hime looked down at her water bowl with a thoughtful expression on her face.

[Image Here]

"Hmmm," the Magma Goddess hummed as she observed the scene that was being presented on the water. "Is that one of the Phenex Devils?" She wondered.

"He has blonde hair, and blue eyes, though his face doesn't look like that Ruval Phenex fellow who visited a few days ago." She had genuine reasons to ponder this, even though she felt no devilish energy from him.

Devil House Phenex was one of the more prominent houses of the 72 Pillars. Of that house, Ruval Phenex was the heir of the clan, and a few days ago he had made a visit to her.

Konohanasakuya-hime was the Goddess of Volcanoes, and Mount Fuji was her home. The Phenex House, knowing that, came to her and proposed that they wanted to buy this mountain off her. It was outrageous for filthy devils to negotiate with a Goddess, but she entertained them because Ruval was a very respectful young devil. However, she ultimately turned them down, and in turn, she received a threat from the current Lord of the House Phenex, which she didn't pay any attention to.

Konohanasakuya-hime could understand why they would be interested in Mount Fuji. It was one of the richest places on earth with fire energy filling the air, and that's just on the surface world. In the pocket dimension inside it, the fire essence was just so much stronger. However, why would she make deals with the devils?

Oh well, the problem was dealt with. So it was fine, they wouldn't return if they feared for their lives.

"Hmm, I don't think this boy's a Devil." She finally decided that this boy didn't seem like one. She was pretty sure he was a human, and he even seemed to have a Divine blessing. "What's he doing though? Looks like some kind of Senjutsu training?"

Should she go meet him?

"Mhm, maybe later. I'm feeling lazy."

Konohanasakuya-hime yawned and decided to take a nap. When she woke up, the boy wasn't there anymore. She wondered if he would come back again.

* * *

[First Person Point of View]

Something or someone was looking at me while I was cultivating. I pretended not to notice since the entity didn't seem harmless and stopped observing not long into it. I stayed until my alarm rang, which was set to ring 5 minutes before shooting would begin, and then I took off to the air for the resort.

"There you are, phew." The director sounded exasperated when I returned, he gave me an annoyed look. "I almost thought you went missing; I heard it happens sometimes in this place. No wonder there are no other people staying here. Make sure to not wander off alone, kid—I am telling that to everyone."

Blud, why did you bring us here if people go missing? What the hell?

Soon, the shoot began. I kept my guard up just in case the missing situation was related to something supernatural, but I didn't notice anything during the few hours the filming happened. I decided to lay back a little and let Yuki Sumi take the spotlight, instead using the time to enjoy myself, and soon the shooting ended without any issue.




Author's Note: Only 305 out of 400 this time, very sad. No goal today sadly, my schedule is busy tomorrow. Don't mind voting anyway, though. Enjoy.

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