
Eternal Quest: The Rebirth of a Coward

Um, hi. I’m Leo, and this is my story. I guess. I used to be a gamer, playing a VR game called Eternal Quest. It was a fantasy world full of dungeons, monsters, magic, and quests. I liked it, but I was never good at it. Then, something crazy happened. The game merged with reality, creating a new world called Elysia. Everything in the game became real, and so did the classes. Everyone got to awaken a class from the game and use their skills and abilities in the new world. Sounds awesome, right? Well, not for me. Because I got the worst class possible: Coward. Yes, you heard me right. Coward. A class that has no skills (good skills), no magic, no weapons, no perks. A class that only has one thing: Fear. Fear of everything, especially monsters and enemies. Fear that makes me run away from danger automatically, without any control or choice. I was doomed. I was despised. I was ridiculed. But I didn’t give up. Well, not completely. I became the Ultimate Coward, the final form of the Coward class. That could rival any other classes. Be it the Eternal Knight, Emperor of Death, Speah of Heaven, Dragonborn... Even though, I had to fight in the end... But, this time I'm gonna make a different choice. Or else this world and I will be doomed for eternity. I won't be a coward this time. I will be the one everyone fears this time. I will be the lord of fear! "ROAAAAAR!" (A monster roars near him) "Guess The Merge has already started." (Trembling with fear) "Guess, I'm gonna stick to the old me for a while...." "Run!!!" **** *** ** * This is Eternal Quest: The Rebirth of a Coward [LitRPG]. Do you want to join me on this epic journey? If you do, then let’s go! If you don’t, then that’s okay too. (I don't want it either...) _____ __ _ 100 Power Stones -> 2 Bonus chapters. This work is participating in WPC -> LitRPG. I hope you guys will support the story! Like, vote, comment, and review. I appreciate them all.

Peace_in_Chaos · เกม
17 Chs

Prologue. Part 1: Reborn Coward.

Life is a box of surprises, some pleasant, some not so much, and some that change everything. Today, the world is on the brink of such a surprise.

Eternal Quest, my favorite VR: MMORPG game, is about to merge with reality. A world of dungeons, monsters, magic, and quests, a world I love more than this one, is about to become our reality.

Sounds crazy, right?

Why do I sound so sure?

I know it's true.

Because I've been reborn.

Yes, reborn. Like in those fantasy novels and animes.

Pretty unbelievable, right? I also thought like this at first. But after seeing Eternal Quest really existed in this world, my doubts were gone about being it just a dream. I became fully convinced my rebirth was real.

So I have been eagerly awaiting this day.

I was lost in these thoughts when a harsh voice snapped me back to reality.

"Hey, you! Get up and give me your seat!

A loud and harsh voice interrupted my thoughts, making me flinch in fear. I looked up, wondering who it was. I saw a strange man standing in front of me, looking angry and impatient. He was tall and muscular, with short black hair and brown eyes. He wore a leather jacket, jeans, and boots. He looked like a thug or a gangster.

He also looked like a bully, I don't like that kind of person.

He glared at me, pointing at my seat. He repeated again sounding more aggressive and threatening this time.

"I said, get up and give me your seat! Now!"

I felt dread, making me feel terrified of him. I felt my legs move on their own, trying to stand up and give him my seat. I felt my heart pound in my chest, my blood run cold in my veins, and my sweat drip from my forehead.

I, of course also felt a surge of anger and resentment in my mind, making me feel annoyed by him. I felt my mouth open on its own, trying to say something to him. I felt my voice come out of my throat, sounding weak and timid.

"Um… excuse me… but… why should I?"

Huh? W-what did I just say?

I saw his face change from angry to furious, from impatient to enraged.

He looked at me as if I had signed my death warrant.

I gulped as my mouth went dry from fear.

"Why?! Because I said so."

I meekly nodded.

"Haha, coward."

He spat that word at me, making me flinch again. He emphasized the word, making it sound like an insult or a curse.

He used the word that defined me the most.

He used the word that I hated the most.

He used the word that I was.


I felt a pang of pain and shame in my chest.

I glanced around from the corner of my eye, hoping someone brave would appear and save me.

But, alas...

This is why I dislike this world...

Most of the people were looking at me with those same eyes, the way they look at a coward. I hate those eyes. They were probably happy at my misfortune, laughing inside.

There were also some people who pretended not to see, while some had pity in their eyes. I hate those types of people too.

In fact, they are more cowardly than I am. They aren't doing anything in front of injustice. (Not I can either... just for now.)

But I didn't mean there are no nice people in this world. There are a lot of them. And I have encountered more than a dozen. But it is hard to find people like them among such people.

Then my eyes took a glimpse of the time from my watch.

Heh, perfect timing, let's wait for a little while...

So, being the coward I am, I gave my seat to this bully.

"Hehe, that's what you are, coward."

I said nothing but I felt something clicked inside me.

Didn't I promise to change? If I don't stop being a coward, I, no, the world will perish for eternity. (I'm not kidding you know. I was the last survivor, even the OP Hero died at the end.)

Then I glanced at the time again and a slight smirk appeared on my face.

I'm really gonna go guts!

"Coward? Is that supposed to be an insult or a compliment?" I said.

He blinked at me, tilting his head slightly. But his eyes were terrifying like he wanted to eat me alive.

"What do you mean, trash? What are you talking about?" He asked me back, sounding irritated.

I felt a surge of amusement.

"Have you ever heard of the Coward's Paradox?"

______ ___ _ _

Hello dear readers!

This is the author, Peace_in_Chaos.

This is my entry for the WPC, LitRPG contest.

It is my first time writing a LitRPG, but I did a bit of research. But no one is perfect.

English is not my first language, so pardon some grammar mistakes. If you mention them, I will fix them as soon as I can.

I will offer a good story for you to read. I only hope you will support the story.

Like, Vote, Comment, Share, and Review!

I appreciate all the support.

Let's win this WPC!

This is my entry for the LitRPG contest.

It is my first time writing a LitRPG, but I did my research.

English is not my first language, so pardon some grammar mistakes. If you mention them, I will fix them as soon as I can.

Well, I hope you will support the story.

Let's win this one!

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